January 29, 2011
weighted puppies
Elly 1050 gr - 1,050 kg. He begins to open his eyes, I notice that the breath stinks I can not tell if the smell of garlic or milk. If garlic means you may have contracted the worms and the fact that the ascardi giving odor of garlic in the mouth.
Wall-g and 1100 - 1,100 kg. He also begins to open his eyes, a small glimmer nell'angolino inside of the eye, his breath does not stink. Baloo
1100 gr - 1.100 kg. He too is preparing to open his eyes. The breath does not stink. Little Manny
800 gr.
He has not mentioned to open their eyes. The breath does not stink.
Today we are on the fourth day of the manipulation, we fell in love to keep them in hand.
Without even the T-Touch on the puppies relax and fall asleep immediately. Luna has urinated and defecated
regularly. He soiled drapes that I remain available during the night. Last night was unwilling to leave, and this morning I did find the gifts. Found the amount of urine, it means that he started to drink a lot, I have not found traces of blood.
Moon as a whole is good, it's still a bit 'anxious. When I approach always tries to protect the puppies with the body, but when he realizes that carried it off, let me work on keeping me under control.
Wall-e he whines, he cries. I notice that if he pushes as abdominal colic.
Breathing is abdominal and tired as if he had air hunger.
20:15 PM
call the veterinarian tells me that it could be colic, as often happens in puppies. Since
does not pass, do I recommend 0.2 ml Buscopan under the skin.
AT 20.30 at 22.45
Wall-e has had 4 episodes of vomiting.
when administered at 21.15 and at 22.45 under the skin 10ml 5% glucose at 23.30
Little seems to Chieti.
breath, the phases of acute pain seem to move away. I do not understand if the crisis is moving or begins to be exhausted.
I begin to hope with all my might that this is a common abdominal colic.
now next to his mother, I put on it in a hot water bottle, if you could fall asleep to be able to recover some strength. Buscopan
when administered 0.1 ml diluted in 10ml of 5% glucose.
01:00 on January 30, 2011
10 days of life has begun to be visibly ill at this point Buscopan should have no effect if it were abdominal pain, I begin to think of other causes. He also
respiratory crisis with loss of consciousness.
I feel helpless, but I know that I can not do anything for him and then expect that, with him.
2:30 PM
Luna has stopped looking for him, something that all the time tried to take it away. She
in acute pain Luna came in panic, crying and looking like a worried mother usually does. Covered him with the body, and turned it on himself licking her mouth when she cried every time i tried to take it in your mouth to move it.
But for security and other small, I took him away, wrapping of batteries in a blanket, heated by a hot water bag, the kind that are used for small children.
At one point he stopped looking for him, leaving me to be there ... I understand.
3:00 PM Wall-e died wrapped in its green cover.
I feel tired I feel helpless and I really want to cry to download my huge frustration but I can not.
There I put it all really.
Perhaps another in my place would not have even noticed if not counting the morning.
I'm sorry ... and to think that this morning when I weighed I was happy with his 1100gr.
But Mother Nature can not control.
hypothetical Cause:
When they are young (10 days of life) anything can happen. Their body is not yet fully formed, their functions are not yet at the top, or a bowel perforation, peritonitis, or whatever, who can say with certainty.
also difficult to do something, because their bodies are still under development you can not administer medicines, is always a big risk. Now there are 3
.. and I say no more ...
AT 19.30
At 07:30, the small Manny began presenting the same symptoms, less acute than those of
He did not have administered Buscopan but we hydrated with dextrose 5% and Ringer
40ml The first administration of glucose, and 5 ml of Ringer (Ringer's salt and water is a substance need to be careful to administer, because it works on metabolism of the dog and the puppy still being so delicate, it might be a detriment than a help.)
He vomited twice.
He presented the same symptoms.
It 'really heartbreaking to see him suffer like that, a persistent crying, a shortness of breath, a single complaint.
of January 31, 2011 3:00 PM
Little Manny leaves me. An ordeal for
that little be lasting 7.30 hours.
Now we'll do an autopsy to small, even if I do not like the idea, I have to figure out what happened to be of help to others, the mother, and for the next litters.
The assumptions are so many.
We do not understand because if it were a bacterial infection has not developed at all at the same time or nearly so, but only after 24 h of each other with a course of 7 hours.
I wonder if the type of question could be: organic - physiological - bacterial - viral - toxic.
I could but I can not give a damn.
hear their last breaths while you indulge in them and death is really distressing me realize how I am useless in comparison with Mother Nature, a small man with no power.
Consideration: the man when he wants to take the life of a creature is a snap, we can fine, but when he wants preservagliela is facing a number of really big problems and most times can not. Give
that famous hand to help is impossible.
Elly and Baloo are eating
HOURS 08.20
are still attached to suck milk.
I'm glad, at least if you eat beef, and help to dispose of the Moon milk now in excess.
Hopefully now with the lack of mouths to feed does not arise mastitis.
Spero tanto di no.
ORE 08.30
Dopo una breve paura riprendono a mangiare.
Sto osservando la loro nutrizione, se mangiano è un buon segno.
ORE 08.45
I Cuccioli dormono i loro respiri appaiono normali.
I piccoli in questo periodo iniziano a sognare, anche se alcune osservazioni dicono che loro sognano già nella pancia della madre, ma ora si vede visibilmente quando lo fanno, si muovono durante il sonno, muovono le loro gambette e a volte si vedono smorfie buffissime.
Iniziano anche a reggersi sulle gambe, con fare tremolante si spostano all’interno della cassa.
Guardandoli sto sperando di non vivere un altro decesso. Ma dentro di me la paura makes me feel strange sensations like a shadow over them.
Maybe fatigue takes me away from objective considerations, although at the moment I have not yet figured out as the cause may be. I just guesses.
I measure body temperature. Elly
37.3 37.4
In measuring the temperature stimulus evacuation seems to me to see the presence of worms.
collect a sample.
The worms are normal in puppies, but so little is really strange. Please note that the Moon is that all of the other Branco 15 g before the birth were all svermati (however this was a mistake, because svermando 15 g before the birth, I've favored the elimination breast larvae through the channel. Speaking to the Vet would be ideal svermare during the heat and then repeat for 2 times within 20 g so as to arrive at the birth, sure.)
Now I think I have a possible cause, the Moon could have them removed because of deworming, or if the Treaty of external contamination.
when administered Drontal Drontal XL Moon and puppies, the dosage is 1ml per 1kg puppy, but usually you do the treatment from 20 days up and saw that the puppies are not yet as strong with their bodies is is the replacement of the risk of sensitization in the gut causing diarrhea. So I decided to administer 0.4 ml drug, and I repeat between 7 g instead of 15 - 20g.
AT 14.30
Porto Piccolo Manny in the laboratory. The
carefully wrap in paper towels inside and closes it in a bag for food.
His little body was kept in the refrigerator (NO frizzer.)
I feel a big lump in my throat, and I realize even more dogs than we can touch the soul.
As an educator I am the first to say that the dog should not be considered as a person, but maybe not so for me either. I see children in my puppies that I have not, through the birth of the moon I live an experience that I have not had the chance to live and die like vedermeli hands, I felt really lost.
In the laboratory told me about a virus that affects during pregnancy HERPESVIRUS.
I'm missing the earth under your feet when you get home, I search on internet and I read that it takes very little to save them. A vaccination has preserved the litter from death. In this regard
follow detailed article on how to develop the disease and what needs to be done.
At this point I do not know what to think, maybe if I had been warned before, maybe if the many forums where we talk about everything, including sex of the angels had spent a few more words on the subject by making information, maybe just maybe I would have saved or at least I would have a chance to do it.
I do not feel guilty, I have always worked on the basis of my experiences, and what my vets have always recommended and this event reinforces my experience, although I would have honestly done without.
await the outcome of the autopsy to have, with certainty, while care not to drop the temperature below 22 degrees and constantly measure the body temperature of children, because a decrease in temperature below 37 degrees causes trigger the virus.
Virus will not develop but at higher temperatures. Measures taken
: light always on, constantly on heating, hot water bottles on the edge delivery of cash so if the pups are moved by the warmth of the lamp are anyway.
February 1, 2011 12 DAYS OF LIFE
Body temperature detected
Elly 37.8 37.8
eat regularly. Quiet sleep. Begin to move into cash
AT 15.00
temperature detected
Elly 37.8 37.7
Baloo and enjoyed herself, responsive to the touch.
temperature detected
Elly 37.8
Baloo 38
Quiet night, eat regularly.
constant temperature between 20 ° - 22 °.
Il periodo che stanno vivendo i cuccioli si chiama:
PERIODO NEONATALE: dalla nascita al 14° di vita ( fino a 2 settimane)
In questo periodo i cuccioli hanno ancora gli occhi chiusi. Il loro comportamento è innato ed è finalizzato nella ricerca del Capezzolo per alimentarsi. Grazie a questo grande sforzo riescono a comprendere che da un’azione si può ottenere un risultato.
Nelle prime fasi di vita dipendono totalmente dalla madre.
Nonostante abbiano le orecchie ancora chiuse riescono ad emettere dei sonori guaiti, quando hanno fame e freddo per attirare l’attenzione della mamma.
In queste due prime settimane di vita il piccolo incomincia to develop the nervous system and senses.
will soon forever if things are going well in the period:
PERIOD OF SETTLEMENT: 14 to 21 days (from 2 weeks of life, following the prenatal period)
The Cub moves better, holding perfectly on the 4 legs.
Phase awake now occupies 35% of his day.
The Puppy begins to explore his bed, goes in search of her younger siblings and start playing.
In this period the mother have full control of the litter.
Socialization intraspecific allows the puppy to communicate with others, recognizes that through his mother and his siblings. Right now
the little time it takes self-awareness, understands that to be a dog, which for him is not an innate concept.
learn through play social roles, hierarchy, dominance and submission, all things that will form his behavior as an adult.
During the Period of Attraction (up to 3 weeks) Curiosity led him to the puppy to get acquainted with everyone.
This is the perfect time to put him in contact with those species which live on large, especially the men.
E 'at this stage that DOG and CAT can bind in friendship.
The influence of a positive environment is critical in this phase.
Once this sensitive time, the reports were not acquired it becomes difficult to establish.
a puppy that has not had contact with other pets or animals or man himself will
Timor and will be refractory to the Communication and Education Listening. Taken
Article sensitive periods
February 2, 2011 13 DAYS OF LIFE
Quiet night, they moved into the chest, in an increasingly autonomous, with the shaky gait, now we can see precisely the act of sniffing, you can not find each other.
With the lack of Manny and Small Wall-e Very few.
slumber neighbors, and when someone leaves the other looks for him.
Moon is indeed a caring mother, sometimes seems to find the others, and whines a lot.
I try to give her more peace of mind as possible and avoid stress that could Lederle even more than those who suffered. Small
eat voraciously.
temperature detected: Elly
Baloo 37.8
These days I warned Luca Lucia and the two boys who are awaiting the arrival of children at home, recent events, they are doing a type of stage for them.
weighted puppies
Elly 1050 gr - 1,050 kg. He begins to open his eyes, I notice that the breath stinks I can not tell if the smell of garlic or milk. If garlic means you may have contracted the worms and the fact that the ascardi giving odor of garlic in the mouth.
Wall-g and 1100 - 1,100 kg. He also begins to open his eyes, a small glimmer nell'angolino inside of the eye, his breath does not stink. Baloo
1100 gr - 1.100 kg. He too is preparing to open his eyes. The breath does not stink. Little Manny
800 gr.
He has not mentioned to open their eyes. The breath does not stink.
Today we are on the fourth day of the manipulation, we fell in love to keep them in hand.
Without even the T-Touch on the puppies relax and fall asleep immediately. Luna has urinated and defecated
regularly. He soiled drapes that I remain available during the night. Last night was unwilling to leave, and this morning I did find the gifts. Found the amount of urine, it means that he started to drink a lot, I have not found traces of blood.
Moon as a whole is good, it's still a bit 'anxious. When I approach always tries to protect the puppies with the body, but when he realizes that carried it off, let me work on keeping me under control.
Wall-e he whines, he cries. I notice that if he pushes as abdominal colic.
Breathing is abdominal and tired as if he had air hunger.
20:15 PM
call the veterinarian tells me that it could be colic, as often happens in puppies. Since
does not pass, do I recommend 0.2 ml Buscopan under the skin.
AT 20.30 at 22.45
Wall-e has had 4 episodes of vomiting.
when administered at 21.15 and at 22.45 under the skin 10ml 5% glucose at 23.30
Little seems to Chieti.
breath, the phases of acute pain seem to move away. I do not understand if the crisis is moving or begins to be exhausted.
I begin to hope with all my might that this is a common abdominal colic.
now next to his mother, I put on it in a hot water bottle, if you could fall asleep to be able to recover some strength. Buscopan
when administered 0.1 ml diluted in 10ml of 5% glucose.
01:00 on January 30, 2011
10 days of life has begun to be visibly ill at this point Buscopan should have no effect if it were abdominal pain, I begin to think of other causes. He also
respiratory crisis with loss of consciousness.
I feel helpless, but I know that I can not do anything for him and then expect that, with him.
2:30 PM
Luna has stopped looking for him, something that all the time tried to take it away. She
in acute pain Luna came in panic, crying and looking like a worried mother usually does. Covered him with the body, and turned it on himself licking her mouth when she cried every time i tried to take it in your mouth to move it.
But for security and other small, I took him away, wrapping of batteries in a blanket, heated by a hot water bag, the kind that are used for small children.
At one point he stopped looking for him, leaving me to be there ... I understand.
3:00 PM Wall-e died wrapped in its green cover.
I feel tired I feel helpless and I really want to cry to download my huge frustration but I can not.
There I put it all really.
Perhaps another in my place would not have even noticed if not counting the morning.
I'm sorry ... and to think that this morning when I weighed I was happy with his 1100gr.
But Mother Nature can not control.
hypothetical Cause:
When they are young (10 days of life) anything can happen. Their body is not yet fully formed, their functions are not yet at the top, or a bowel perforation, peritonitis, or whatever, who can say with certainty.
also difficult to do something, because their bodies are still under development you can not administer medicines, is always a big risk. Now there are 3
.. and I say no more ...
AT 19.30
At 07:30, the small Manny began presenting the same symptoms, less acute than those of
He did not have administered Buscopan but we hydrated with dextrose 5% and Ringer
40ml The first administration of glucose, and 5 ml of Ringer (Ringer's salt and water is a substance need to be careful to administer, because it works on metabolism of the dog and the puppy still being so delicate, it might be a detriment than a help.)
He vomited twice.
He presented the same symptoms.
It 'really heartbreaking to see him suffer like that, a persistent crying, a shortness of breath, a single complaint.
of January 31, 2011 3:00 PM
Little Manny leaves me. An ordeal for
that little be lasting 7.30 hours.
Now we'll do an autopsy to small, even if I do not like the idea, I have to figure out what happened to be of help to others, the mother, and for the next litters.
The assumptions are so many.
We do not understand because if it were a bacterial infection has not developed at all at the same time or nearly so, but only after 24 h of each other with a course of 7 hours.
I wonder if the type of question could be: organic - physiological - bacterial - viral - toxic.
I could but I can not give a damn.
hear their last breaths while you indulge in them and death is really distressing me realize how I am useless in comparison with Mother Nature, a small man with no power.
Consideration: the man when he wants to take the life of a creature is a snap, we can fine, but when he wants preservagliela is facing a number of really big problems and most times can not. Give
that famous hand to help is impossible.
Elly and Baloo are eating
HOURS 08.20
are still attached to suck milk.
I'm glad, at least if you eat beef, and help to dispose of the Moon milk now in excess.
Hopefully now with the lack of mouths to feed does not arise mastitis.
Spero tanto di no.
ORE 08.30
Dopo una breve paura riprendono a mangiare.
Sto osservando la loro nutrizione, se mangiano è un buon segno.
ORE 08.45
I Cuccioli dormono i loro respiri appaiono normali.
I piccoli in questo periodo iniziano a sognare, anche se alcune osservazioni dicono che loro sognano già nella pancia della madre, ma ora si vede visibilmente quando lo fanno, si muovono durante il sonno, muovono le loro gambette e a volte si vedono smorfie buffissime.
Iniziano anche a reggersi sulle gambe, con fare tremolante si spostano all’interno della cassa.
Guardandoli sto sperando di non vivere un altro decesso. Ma dentro di me la paura makes me feel strange sensations like a shadow over them.
Maybe fatigue takes me away from objective considerations, although at the moment I have not yet figured out as the cause may be. I just guesses.
I measure body temperature. Elly
37.3 37.4
In measuring the temperature stimulus evacuation seems to me to see the presence of worms.
collect a sample.
The worms are normal in puppies, but so little is really strange. Please note that the Moon is that all of the other Branco 15 g before the birth were all svermati (however this was a mistake, because svermando 15 g before the birth, I've favored the elimination breast larvae through the channel. Speaking to the Vet would be ideal svermare during the heat and then repeat for 2 times within 20 g so as to arrive at the birth, sure.)
Now I think I have a possible cause, the Moon could have them removed because of deworming, or if the Treaty of external contamination.
when administered Drontal Drontal XL Moon and puppies, the dosage is 1ml per 1kg puppy, but usually you do the treatment from 20 days up and saw that the puppies are not yet as strong with their bodies is is the replacement of the risk of sensitization in the gut causing diarrhea. So I decided to administer 0.4 ml drug, and I repeat between 7 g instead of 15 - 20g.
AT 14.30
Porto Piccolo Manny in the laboratory. The
carefully wrap in paper towels inside and closes it in a bag for food.
His little body was kept in the refrigerator (NO frizzer.)
I feel a big lump in my throat, and I realize even more dogs than we can touch the soul.
As an educator I am the first to say that the dog should not be considered as a person, but maybe not so for me either. I see children in my puppies that I have not, through the birth of the moon I live an experience that I have not had the chance to live and die like vedermeli hands, I felt really lost.
In the laboratory told me about a virus that affects during pregnancy HERPESVIRUS.
I'm missing the earth under your feet when you get home, I search on internet and I read that it takes very little to save them. A vaccination has preserved the litter from death. In this regard
follow detailed article on how to develop the disease and what needs to be done.
At this point I do not know what to think, maybe if I had been warned before, maybe if the many forums where we talk about everything, including sex of the angels had spent a few more words on the subject by making information, maybe just maybe I would have saved or at least I would have a chance to do it.
I do not feel guilty, I have always worked on the basis of my experiences, and what my vets have always recommended and this event reinforces my experience, although I would have honestly done without.
await the outcome of the autopsy to have, with certainty, while care not to drop the temperature below 22 degrees and constantly measure the body temperature of children, because a decrease in temperature below 37 degrees causes trigger the virus.
Virus will not develop but at higher temperatures. Measures taken
: light always on, constantly on heating, hot water bottles on the edge delivery of cash so if the pups are moved by the warmth of the lamp are anyway.
February 1, 2011 12 DAYS OF LIFE
Body temperature detected
Elly 37.8 37.8
eat regularly. Quiet sleep. Begin to move into cash
AT 15.00
temperature detected
Elly 37.8 37.7
Baloo and enjoyed herself, responsive to the touch.
temperature detected
Elly 37.8
Baloo 38
Quiet night, eat regularly.
constant temperature between 20 ° - 22 °.
Il periodo che stanno vivendo i cuccioli si chiama:
PERIODO NEONATALE: dalla nascita al 14° di vita ( fino a 2 settimane)
In questo periodo i cuccioli hanno ancora gli occhi chiusi. Il loro comportamento è innato ed è finalizzato nella ricerca del Capezzolo per alimentarsi. Grazie a questo grande sforzo riescono a comprendere che da un’azione si può ottenere un risultato.
Nelle prime fasi di vita dipendono totalmente dalla madre.
Nonostante abbiano le orecchie ancora chiuse riescono ad emettere dei sonori guaiti, quando hanno fame e freddo per attirare l’attenzione della mamma.
In queste due prime settimane di vita il piccolo incomincia to develop the nervous system and senses.
will soon forever if things are going well in the period:
PERIOD OF SETTLEMENT: 14 to 21 days (from 2 weeks of life, following the prenatal period)
The Cub moves better, holding perfectly on the 4 legs.
Phase awake now occupies 35% of his day.
The Puppy begins to explore his bed, goes in search of her younger siblings and start playing.
In this period the mother have full control of the litter.
Socialization intraspecific allows the puppy to communicate with others, recognizes that through his mother and his siblings. Right now
the little time it takes self-awareness, understands that to be a dog, which for him is not an innate concept.
learn through play social roles, hierarchy, dominance and submission, all things that will form his behavior as an adult.
During the Period of Attraction (up to 3 weeks) Curiosity led him to the puppy to get acquainted with everyone.
This is the perfect time to put him in contact with those species which live on large, especially the men.
E 'at this stage that DOG and CAT can bind in friendship.
The influence of a positive environment is critical in this phase.
Once this sensitive time, the reports were not acquired it becomes difficult to establish.
a puppy that has not had contact with other pets or animals or man himself will
Timor and will be refractory to the Communication and Education Listening. Taken
Article sensitive periods
February 2, 2011 13 DAYS OF LIFE
Quiet night, they moved into the chest, in an increasingly autonomous, with the shaky gait, now we can see precisely the act of sniffing, you can not find each other.
With the lack of Manny and Small Wall-e Very few.
slumber neighbors, and when someone leaves the other looks for him.
Moon is indeed a caring mother, sometimes seems to find the others, and whines a lot.
I try to give her more peace of mind as possible and avoid stress that could Lederle even more than those who suffered. Small
eat voraciously.
temperature detected: Elly
Baloo 37.8
These days I warned Luca Lucia and the two boys who are awaiting the arrival of children at home, recent events, they are doing a type of stage for them.
Luca yesterday sent me this text message:
When last night I told my mom that there were two more puppies was immediately worried about Baloo .. Just
those names, 10g ago, Baloo had already become the most likeable: "Bastan few crumbs, the minimum required, and you can forget your ills!" makes us stand it ....
thank Luke for this message, thank you Lucy, that supported me not only at the vet, but also human. I have both been close.
To you I say thank you, I appreciated your help, I served as abbot for not more than I have already, and it gave me the strength to hope and work to better ... more than before. With your sincere affection
To you I say thank you, I appreciated your help, I served as abbot for not more than I have already, and it gave me the strength to hope and work to better ... more than before. With your sincere affection
Elly Baloo is the one above
All material is copyrighted
Author: Katia Verza
Any reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the author and the citation of the same.
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