1979, Lucio Fulci.
I continue this review with two reviews that I have in progress: that of the great Lucio Fulci and the gender zombesco. I state now that this is a movie for different aspects of the history, the page dedicated wiki has lots of facts, anecdotes, trivia, and he dutifully draw.
I take from the page just above the opening words, to reinforce the concept: " is the first horror film directed by Fulci, author hitherto mostly comedies and thrillers. The great success all over the world from the film convinced the director to continue on the path of horror, which is considered a master. The French film critics coined for him, thanks to this film, the term "poet of the macabre." On his release he was accused of being a copy of Zombie directed by George Romero. In fact, the similarities stop with the title Zombi, since Fulci eliminates the social commentary in this film to focus on the Romero zombies of Haitian descent. Zombi 2 is now considered a cult movie lovers of splatter. The makeup and special effects were nominated for Saturn Award in 1981 .
Fulci was an educated man and sure of its value, not a Cazzaro any. It deserves the right picture. Also from wiki: " exiting the movie received a letter from Fulci Dario Argento and George Romero, che lo accusavano di aver cavalcato l'onda del successo del film di Romero, e di aver impedito la realizzazione de Il giorno degli zombi (che Romero dirigerà nel 1985) [...] Fulci replicò alla lettera di Argento, con un'altra lettera nella quale elencò tutti i film di zombi della storia del cinema, precedenti a quello di Romero, aggiungendo un sarcastico e polemico: «Se ho copiato da voi, allora ho copiato anche da loro. Statevene zitti» ".
Finito il copia-incolla, che spero sia stato sufficiente a rendere l'idea del valore del film e del regista. Preciso anche che ho visto la versione come da locandina, del dvd rimasterizzato e comprensivo delle scene tagliate all'uscita del film, cosa che per Fulci era abituale: ogni suo film per un motivo o per un altro, da quando aveva cominciato coi thriller e horror, fu sempre accompagnato da polemiche, censure, tagli, divieti ai minori, anche processi.
Qua Fulci esordisce nell'horror puro anche se, va detto, un po' di gore nei precedenti non è quasi mai mancato. Dice benissimo wiki: questo film è ispirato anzitutto ai 2 capostipiti del genere, " White Zombie " e " I Walked with a Zombie ". Una barca naviga senza equipaggio di fronte a Manhattan. Un essere mostruoso assale, mordendolo, uno della guardia costiera salito per controllare, poi cade in mare. Da lì, per l'interessamento della figlia del proprietario della barca e di un journalist, you will end up on a Caribbean island where ongoing epidemic that leads to death early residents, such as "reborn" as a zombie soon. Is there a doctor on the island with an assistant who tries to combat the problem, without success. When you can shoot in the head to the dead, to avoid becoming zombie, until the situation will escape the hand. Zombies continue to grow in number and soon will no longer be a phenomenon confined to the island.
thus refers to voodoo but latent, not a ceremony will be shown, not witchcraft. The film heads straight to terrorize and horrify. These zombies are monstrous, horrible, full of worms, barely recognizable as humans. Slow but no less relentless, biting voraciously. Surely, between the films on gender, the most violent and bloody present in my carnet. Very high in my opinion the level of trick photography and who has married to find some great original and highly spectacular of which I speak in the frames.
Cult Supercult or as he says "one" whom I respect greatly, Stracult!
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so be it! |
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great scene with a shark that threatens a woman first, then fight with a zombie! turn with a trainer as I understand it, downright dangerous: it is a real shark, not a puppet. |
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I hit the art scene in this course, with that triptych of mirrors ... |
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justly famous scene milling of an eye, I made 2 more frames to complete the sequence, which is clearly visible, clear to enjoy speed zombesca. |
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bon appetit! this scene because it affects anthropophagous long, relatively very hard, even Fulci lingers ... and good! |
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worms ... it seems that the director held stock in even a pocket to add a little 'here and there when needed. |
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but what a fine nose funny! cute as a cherub garden. |
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