1975, Robert Altman.
If you ask someone with a minimum geopolitics of knowledge of the United States - What is the most famous resort in Tennessee? - will respond without delay - Memphis, the city of Elvis "the pelvis"! - It 's understandable, with a myth of this magnitude. But the state capital is Nashville, with another record: it is considered the birthplace of country music.
Tennessee once a year it hosts a festival that lasts almost a week devoted to country music. In this context, the film is Robert Altman, which is itself in the nicest features of the great film director, a concert of many voices (counted as many as 24 main-character!). Di I mentioned this feature at this another masterpiece: America today. Nashville is also long, but quiet, fly away! I read that was the result of an important installation, built from more than 70 hours of film to be used so that all good hypothesized to create a series. Unlike America Today, however, which is 18 years more recently, the stories here have no particular games plot and became less demanding and also, not infrequently, fun on the edge of comedy.
masterpiece from Olympus! It exists only in subtitled version, not dubbed seek him, fortunately no one has the feel like it. Seemed to me appropriate to request availability friend to talk about "Americanism" Mauro - unwise. He chose the interview form, I will carry:
robydick :
Just to contextualize the best film, we begin by describing the city of Nashville itself and the state that hosts it, which the Tennessee, to name but one, is still today one of the few to consider and apply the death penalty (lethal injection or electric chair). It 'a state that also has a reputation as "provider of troops." That place was, presumably, in 1975?
unwise :
Tennessee for Altman is not a random ... This is emblematic of a state where many, if not Americans all the elements (for better or for worse) are found. the name Tennessee, for starters, is a legacy of Native Americans (probably Cherokee.) It is the birthplace of Davy Crockett, and during the Civil War (1861-65) he played a role of prime importance: not only was the one who provided the largest number of soldiers before and after exiting the union to embrace the Southern Confederacy and was also the scene of the bloodiest battles (like the famous Shiloh, who many know from the TV series "in the West Was Won"). the nickname of "volunteer state", which is still standing out on license plates, dates back to the war of 1812 against England, but has repeatedly justified at every U.S. military confrontation. is a rural state with a strong drive, well away, ideally, from the cosmopolitan, and deeply rooted traditional values \u200b\u200b(home, family, flag ...). racial tensions here have done a lot of feeling: the founding of the Ku Klux Klan (at General Nathan Bedford Forrest, as correctly reported in Forrest Gump), the assassination of Martin Luther King in Memphis in 1968. Tennessee was the seat of the facilities to enrich uranium for the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer (the one who developed the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). on the other hand, it is here that not only the country but also the blues, from the first 900, and rock'n'roll have taken the first steps (Elvis Presley recorded his first hits for Sun Records in Memphis, along with other pieces from 90 as Roy Orbison and Johnny Cash). 1975 is not even any one year: for one thing, is the year of termination of the conflict in Vietnam, the year of the most complete disillusionment. the hippie dream had already broken a few years ago with the deaths of Altamont, were gone Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, and even the White House is not doing well for the Watergate. but America tightens (a cohort, we would say) to their values \u200b\u200band traditions, as it is near the anniversary celebrations of the bicentenary of declaration of independence that will come the following year. Tennessee becomes, like few other states, a place to return after the storm, and find that America is still the same as before, with strengths and weaknesses, but very solid (the situation is perfectly exemplified in the opening song, sung by Henry Gibson (most will remember him as head of the "Illinois Nazis" in The Blues Brothers), where the text is a kind of list of national vicissitudes, natural and otherwise, and concludes with a patriotic we must be doing something right to last 200 years). There are, in the movie, two "returns" specimens, but different from each other: that of the Vietnam veteran, Glen Kelly (Scott Glenn) che focalizza il suo desiderio di casa nel fanatismo per la cantante Barbara Jean (Ronee Blakley), e quello di Marthe (Shelley Duvall), che era "scappata" in California e si faceva chiamare LA Joan (un omaggio alla Baez, probabilmente), richiamata dallo zio al capezzale della moglie gravemente malata, che invece è il perfetto esempio di rincoglionimento post-hippy. in testa non ha più ideali, ma solo una serie di parrucche, e probabilmente ancora qualche residuo di LSD... forse questi due saranno i nuovi adamo ed eva: reduci dalla disillusione, dalla sconfitta, ma finalmente a casa
robydick :
Il country pare affondare le sue radici nella musica folk-western ma quali sono more precisely? I've always interpreted as a music of the film appears in white and African-American singer, was a real figure or fiction? The lyrics, at least those that appear in the film, have a strong moral and patriotic, with hymns to the old family values, traditions, love of country, honor ... this is just the country or is there?
unwise :
in fact the country has more ancient origins. derives from the Celtic music of the British Isles, arrived in America with the colonists and then other contaminatasi expressive styles, diversified style and sometimes taking on issues typically American. se in Scozia e in Irlanda si è un po' cristallizzata, pur mantenendo un discreto successo a livello popolare (se passate per Ballycastle, a nord di Belfast, all'inizio di settembre, ne avrete una viva testimonianza), pur lontana dalle classifiche e dal mainstream (un po' come il "lissio" da noi), negli USA ha, pur senza perdere uno zoccolo duro di tradizionalisti, interessato parecchi generi diversi. se da una parte le canzoni tradizionali di Hank Williams e Johnny Cash continuano ad essere parte del patrimonio repertoriale di ogni country singer, elementi del country hanno toccato le composizioni degli artisti stilisticamente più disparati: dal prog-hard-rock dei Kansas, alla West Coast di Eagles e Doobie Brothers, al blues acido degli Allman Brothers, fino al mainstream di Shania Twain e Miley Cyrus\Hannah Montana (per lei si parla di DNA, visto che è la figlia di Billy Ray Cyrus, cantante country fra i più noti), visto che poi, strutturalmente (un po' come blues e jazz), permette, anzi incoraggia un certo virtuosismo strumentale, arriva anche a far parte integrante del patrimonio tecnico-espressivo di musicisti supertecnici come Steve Morse (e di tutti i suoi Dixie Dregs, autori di un jazz rock funambolico e stilisticamente trasversale). esiste anche il country "alternative", che sembra un po' prender le mosse dal modus operandi di Neil Young, carattterizzato invece da una struttura generalmente più scarna, focalizzata più che altro sui testi "impegnati", without great wealth of arrangements and even less room for vocal and instrumental virtuosity. But perhaps the most solid and profitable subsidiary is known as Southern rock, bread and butter of groups such as Foghat, Molly Hatchet and especially the great (in my opinion) Lynyrd Skynyrd: in short, rock "shit", at times harsh and at times melodic, with a more than adequate instrumental equipment. thematically there is less variety: If you are talking about the western genre can not be considered only John Wayne, speaking of country would be simplistic to put it all under the banner of patriotism, tradition-family. there are ballatone wrenching, there are stories of women and booze, jail, work hard, and even drug e violenza (va detto anche che parecchio di quello che viene cantato è autobiografico).
come giustamente suggerisci, il country (e varie filiazioni) ha una connotazione etnica assolutamente "bianca", anzi bisognerebbe dire "redneck" (non è una notazione politica, ma cutanea: è il colore che il pallore anglosassone assume esposto al sole.lavorando nei campi e piegando la schiena, il collo resta esposto agli inclementi fotoni). cionondimeno ha avuto anche rappresentanti afroamericani come Charley Pride, su cui è basato il personaggio di Tommy Brown (tutti o quasi i personaggi canterini del film hanno un corrispettivo nella realtà, abbastanza facilmente riconoscibili per il pubblico americano). anche la star Perhaps the most internationally known African-American, Tina Turner has recorded country music. sporadic cases are still quite a bit 'as it happens, in roles reversed, the hip-hop, but is not necessarily a phenomenon attributed to racism ...
robydick :
Altman's films like this that make us think about America and on Americans. In this film, I saw a people determined, still dreaming, believing that everything is possible and yet acutely fatalistic, but always dictated by a certain fatalism that the great country offers everyone at least a chance to emerge. I think it's essential to keep in mind, I say again, that we are in 1975 and now America post September 11 is very different. How about you? How would you describe briefly the "American spirit" of those days and today?
unwise :
then America came out of the tragedy of Vietnam, who had 20 to 30 years had every reason not to be too optimistic, but you could still try to draw a line on the past, internal and external and start again. certainly the occasion of the bicentennial was a great factor recompacting: we rediscover the traditional values \u200b\u200bthat had inspired the founding fathers, and there was an enormous desire to go back to being the land of the free , to get back on a decade abundant had seen the murders of Kennedy, the war, Watergate, and you could not settle for being the first to arrive at the moon. it was better to go back to being the America of Hollywood, baseball, finance peanuts (although I do not think this is due to the election of Carter in '77). begins a period of relative calm and reconstruction of national consciousness, and even some all-American ingenuity, which will lead, not without some excess, in the grandeur Reagan (imitated by us dramatically in the period craxi ...). for example film, several major operation is to face the dark wartime past and, in a sense, to exorcise it. Today the situation is certainly different. first globalization prevents any country to consider any issue as something that you can solve on their own. September 11, 2001 has definitely changed the cards on the table, especially in the U.S. ... not that Americans are less attached to the first of their nation, which continues to be the primary point of reference, but now there is the uncomfortable awareness that it is not even safe at home. American, as is his nature, continues to look ahead, but he can not help but look around the corner of the eye. Internally speaking, however, we can say that for the average American state is always a bit 'like Mom, maybe you pull up to slaps, but you turn it up, and yet often listen to your proposals. even if I do not think Obama can or even should, work things out, your election is symptomatic of the Americans. it was still in some way responds: unmasking the financial scams of recent years, especially condemning the guilty without too many discounts, is one example. the U.S. will also be the land of opportunity, but it's better than when they are caught within the law (on this, the comparison with our reality is not even feasible). Then, of course, nobody is perfect, so there's always someone who can get away, but the specter of three life terms in series can inspire a certain fear ...
robydick :
Per concludere, qualche considerazione sul film. M'ha incuriosito la figura di Geraldine Chaplin, che fa una bizzarra giornalista della BBC. Vista la forte vena comico-ironica del film, che rapporto vuole rappresentare, forse l'incomprensione che avevano gli inglesi dell'America stessa? C'era anche in corso una sana competizione fra i 2 paesi, leader mondiali nella musica. Sempre riguardo alla vena comico-ironica, come interpretare il tormentone del furgone di propaganda elettorale col megafono e la caccia ai testimonial sempre per le elezioni? Curiosa, e per i tempi inconcepibile da noi, la sponsorizzazione privata di un evento del festival, col nome dell'azienda ripetuto a più riprese e presente sul palco con manifesti pubblicitari. What is your opinion? Seen in this all seems a caricature, but Altman seemed to me I want to smile but also look over his countrymen.
unwise :
Opal is a kind of "healthy carrier of stereotypes," and exemplifies a typical attitude among journalists and opinion makers on this side of the ocean. being English, and then have even more attitude from black African explorer, faced the classic primitive tribes, of which he only heard about but did not direct experience. She is first to bring up the racial issue (when interviewing the lead singer of color), which is also minimized by those concerned. She is comparing the gospel choir in an African tribe dancing, and hearing handicap in front of horrified children in the singer that interview (which does not seem to make it a tragedy. in practice, he thought, at best, of finding un'accolita front of backward peasants, and instead she has to make the figure of 800 silly lady. I think Altman, while not offering an idyllic view of the U.S., should above all seek to make out the opinions of viewers from non-US 'Shadow of bias and stereotype (and in this I find absolutely agree ...). The same country music, which here serves as a unifying element, is perhaps the most despised American musical expression dagli stereotipi "esteri".
Il furgone è un espediente narrativo di Altman, che unisce con una specie di filo tutte le vicende dei protagonisti, senza influenzarle, ma semplicemente passando nelle loro vicinanze. è senza dubbio un elemento sarcastico, a partire dal nome del partito che propaganda ("replacement party" è un gioco di parole che combina replacement part - pezzo di ricambio - e party - partito politico). si sente una voce ma non si vede chi parla (direi una velata critica ai politici, la cui vera faccia non si vede molto facilmente...). al contempo chi parla non sa a chi sta parlando, continua solo a proporre una serie di fantasiose, e un po' farneticanti, critiche allo stato e alle sue istituzioni, inno including national. to act as a counterbalance to the van speaker is the figure of the rider (actually tricycles) mute, played by the great Jeff Goldblum. you see all these, dispenses smiles and tricks, and then disappears aboard his vehicle. I am a little 'yin and yang, reason and feeling, spirit and matter (the latter interpretation comes to mind thinking of the scene engorgement, in which the truck stop with all the other cars, while Jeff goes beyond the good' obstacle while walking on the incident (finding a little 'magic, his bike tricyclic beyond the pile of sheets stuck ...). Altman used two contrasting elements as a link at least once, in memory Me (in Shortcuts - in Italian retitration left "America today").
in the land of the free private initiative, the sponsor is an absolute must. is a presence that can sometimes seem a bit 'bulky, but allows those who organize events of the scope of the Grand Ole Opry (the country central to the film festival) not to skimp, especially with regard to logistics, which is the true distinctive feature of the American musical world. plus can not load the cachet of the artists, often very high, only on the viewers (better to say "allowed", as ticket prices have increased not just recently, globally). the phrase Brought to you by ... (is brought to you by ...) has now entered a long time in newspaper jargon, so that even the episodes of the muppet show, use this formula to learn the letters of the alphabet to young viewers (Brought to you by the letter ABC, etc ...). But it seems to me that Altman distinguish the commercial sponsor, which also offers nicely to the public (becoming part of the show, in a sense, or at least adapting to this form), with a classic game of rhyming words, and politically, this but no funny jokes, but with a cumbersome and intrusive banner, it dominates and crushes the stage on which the artists perform. however, the manager-husband of singer Barbara Jean, star of the event, angry as a snake for that, and even physically threatened the manager. if I played well, think like me for interference of politics in art, and especially in music. however, even in the U.S. election campaigns are paid for privately ... There is always an attitude was contrary to private initiative in this regard (I remember the reporters who criticized every 2x3 rai of the organization of the Olympic Games in Atlanta, totally paid for by sponsor), also because our policy is that is the host: it is easier to dispose at will of public funds, which seek a sponsor who then rightly takes a response (which, unlike the cases of crib state, it would be if the results were not satisfactory), and then away with a whirlwind of celebrations of this and that, contributions to the film "cultural interest" on duty, in spite of the taxpayer. In my humble opinion, the best banners of coca cola ...
I agree with you, but I think Altman has a great respect of his countrymen: he sees them with all the limitations, and the system where they are inserted, but no less than appreciate the gifts. seems to understand well the qualities and weaknesses, with an eye certainly kind to the simplicity that is always one of their characteristics clear. Nashville is no humanity in its long range under all points of view, well exemplified in the artistic attitudes of the characters: some institution and proud of it (Haven Hamilton - Henry Gibson), who came to the success but struggling to manage it (Barbara Jean - Ronee Blakey), who has no talent but stubbornly persists (Sueleen Gay - Gwen Welles), and those who seem to almost care (Tom Frank - Keith Carradine), who has a character strong enough to go over problems is not insignificant (Linnea Reese - Lily Tomlin). Altman does not seem to hang on the part of anyone, as if he meant "take your pick" (you choose), here is everything and its opposite (which is always better than having only one choice, and perhaps come to think it's the right thing), it's a free country!
I had said or not that is a very unwise, United States and abroad? He wrote a "response to rece" truly exceptional! We already agree that we will do other rece together, always and strictly film about America. I am very happy.
robydick :
Il country pare affondare le sue radici nella musica folk-western ma quali sono more precisely? I've always interpreted as a music of the film appears in white and African-American singer, was a real figure or fiction? The lyrics, at least those that appear in the film, have a strong moral and patriotic, with hymns to the old family values, traditions, love of country, honor ... this is just the country or is there?
unwise :
in fact the country has more ancient origins. derives from the Celtic music of the British Isles, arrived in America with the colonists and then other contaminatasi expressive styles, diversified style and sometimes taking on issues typically American. se in Scozia e in Irlanda si è un po' cristallizzata, pur mantenendo un discreto successo a livello popolare (se passate per Ballycastle, a nord di Belfast, all'inizio di settembre, ne avrete una viva testimonianza), pur lontana dalle classifiche e dal mainstream (un po' come il "lissio" da noi), negli USA ha, pur senza perdere uno zoccolo duro di tradizionalisti, interessato parecchi generi diversi. se da una parte le canzoni tradizionali di Hank Williams e Johnny Cash continuano ad essere parte del patrimonio repertoriale di ogni country singer, elementi del country hanno toccato le composizioni degli artisti stilisticamente più disparati: dal prog-hard-rock dei Kansas, alla West Coast di Eagles e Doobie Brothers, al blues acido degli Allman Brothers, fino al mainstream di Shania Twain e Miley Cyrus\Hannah Montana (per lei si parla di DNA, visto che è la figlia di Billy Ray Cyrus, cantante country fra i più noti), visto che poi, strutturalmente (un po' come blues e jazz), permette, anzi incoraggia un certo virtuosismo strumentale, arriva anche a far parte integrante del patrimonio tecnico-espressivo di musicisti supertecnici come Steve Morse (e di tutti i suoi Dixie Dregs, autori di un jazz rock funambolico e stilisticamente trasversale). esiste anche il country "alternative", che sembra un po' prender le mosse dal modus operandi di Neil Young, carattterizzato invece da una struttura generalmente più scarna, focalizzata più che altro sui testi "impegnati", without great wealth of arrangements and even less room for vocal and instrumental virtuosity. But perhaps the most solid and profitable subsidiary is known as Southern rock, bread and butter of groups such as Foghat, Molly Hatchet and especially the great (in my opinion) Lynyrd Skynyrd: in short, rock "shit", at times harsh and at times melodic, with a more than adequate instrumental equipment. thematically there is less variety: If you are talking about the western genre can not be considered only John Wayne, speaking of country would be simplistic to put it all under the banner of patriotism, tradition-family. there are ballatone wrenching, there are stories of women and booze, jail, work hard, and even drug e violenza (va detto anche che parecchio di quello che viene cantato è autobiografico).
come giustamente suggerisci, il country (e varie filiazioni) ha una connotazione etnica assolutamente "bianca", anzi bisognerebbe dire "redneck" (non è una notazione politica, ma cutanea: è il colore che il pallore anglosassone assume esposto al sole.lavorando nei campi e piegando la schiena, il collo resta esposto agli inclementi fotoni). cionondimeno ha avuto anche rappresentanti afroamericani come Charley Pride, su cui è basato il personaggio di Tommy Brown (tutti o quasi i personaggi canterini del film hanno un corrispettivo nella realtà, abbastanza facilmente riconoscibili per il pubblico americano). anche la star Perhaps the most internationally known African-American, Tina Turner has recorded country music. sporadic cases are still quite a bit 'as it happens, in roles reversed, the hip-hop, but is not necessarily a phenomenon attributed to racism ...
robydick :
Altman's films like this that make us think about America and on Americans. In this film, I saw a people determined, still dreaming, believing that everything is possible and yet acutely fatalistic, but always dictated by a certain fatalism that the great country offers everyone at least a chance to emerge. I think it's essential to keep in mind, I say again, that we are in 1975 and now America post September 11 is very different. How about you? How would you describe briefly the "American spirit" of those days and today?
unwise :
then America came out of the tragedy of Vietnam, who had 20 to 30 years had every reason not to be too optimistic, but you could still try to draw a line on the past, internal and external and start again. certainly the occasion of the bicentennial was a great factor recompacting: we rediscover the traditional values \u200b\u200bthat had inspired the founding fathers, and there was an enormous desire to go back to being the land of the free , to get back on a decade abundant had seen the murders of Kennedy, the war, Watergate, and you could not settle for being the first to arrive at the moon. it was better to go back to being the America of Hollywood, baseball, finance peanuts (although I do not think this is due to the election of Carter in '77). begins a period of relative calm and reconstruction of national consciousness, and even some all-American ingenuity, which will lead, not without some excess, in the grandeur Reagan (imitated by us dramatically in the period craxi ...). for example film, several major operation is to face the dark wartime past and, in a sense, to exorcise it. Today the situation is certainly different. first globalization prevents any country to consider any issue as something that you can solve on their own. September 11, 2001 has definitely changed the cards on the table, especially in the U.S. ... not that Americans are less attached to the first of their nation, which continues to be the primary point of reference, but now there is the uncomfortable awareness that it is not even safe at home. American, as is his nature, continues to look ahead, but he can not help but look around the corner of the eye. Internally speaking, however, we can say that for the average American state is always a bit 'like Mom, maybe you pull up to slaps, but you turn it up, and yet often listen to your proposals. even if I do not think Obama can or even should, work things out, your election is symptomatic of the Americans. it was still in some way responds: unmasking the financial scams of recent years, especially condemning the guilty without too many discounts, is one example. the U.S. will also be the land of opportunity, but it's better than when they are caught within the law (on this, the comparison with our reality is not even feasible). Then, of course, nobody is perfect, so there's always someone who can get away, but the specter of three life terms in series can inspire a certain fear ...
robydick :
Per concludere, qualche considerazione sul film. M'ha incuriosito la figura di Geraldine Chaplin, che fa una bizzarra giornalista della BBC. Vista la forte vena comico-ironica del film, che rapporto vuole rappresentare, forse l'incomprensione che avevano gli inglesi dell'America stessa? C'era anche in corso una sana competizione fra i 2 paesi, leader mondiali nella musica. Sempre riguardo alla vena comico-ironica, come interpretare il tormentone del furgone di propaganda elettorale col megafono e la caccia ai testimonial sempre per le elezioni? Curiosa, e per i tempi inconcepibile da noi, la sponsorizzazione privata di un evento del festival, col nome dell'azienda ripetuto a più riprese e presente sul palco con manifesti pubblicitari. What is your opinion? Seen in this all seems a caricature, but Altman seemed to me I want to smile but also look over his countrymen.
unwise :
Opal is a kind of "healthy carrier of stereotypes," and exemplifies a typical attitude among journalists and opinion makers on this side of the ocean. being English, and then have even more attitude from black African explorer, faced the classic primitive tribes, of which he only heard about but did not direct experience. She is first to bring up the racial issue (when interviewing the lead singer of color), which is also minimized by those concerned. She is comparing the gospel choir in an African tribe dancing, and hearing handicap in front of horrified children in the singer that interview (which does not seem to make it a tragedy. in practice, he thought, at best, of finding un'accolita front of backward peasants, and instead she has to make the figure of 800 silly lady. I think Altman, while not offering an idyllic view of the U.S., should above all seek to make out the opinions of viewers from non-US 'Shadow of bias and stereotype (and in this I find absolutely agree ...). The same country music, which here serves as a unifying element, is perhaps the most despised American musical expression dagli stereotipi "esteri".
Il furgone è un espediente narrativo di Altman, che unisce con una specie di filo tutte le vicende dei protagonisti, senza influenzarle, ma semplicemente passando nelle loro vicinanze. è senza dubbio un elemento sarcastico, a partire dal nome del partito che propaganda ("replacement party" è un gioco di parole che combina replacement part - pezzo di ricambio - e party - partito politico). si sente una voce ma non si vede chi parla (direi una velata critica ai politici, la cui vera faccia non si vede molto facilmente...). al contempo chi parla non sa a chi sta parlando, continua solo a proporre una serie di fantasiose, e un po' farneticanti, critiche allo stato e alle sue istituzioni, inno including national. to act as a counterbalance to the van speaker is the figure of the rider (actually tricycles) mute, played by the great Jeff Goldblum. you see all these, dispenses smiles and tricks, and then disappears aboard his vehicle. I am a little 'yin and yang, reason and feeling, spirit and matter (the latter interpretation comes to mind thinking of the scene engorgement, in which the truck stop with all the other cars, while Jeff goes beyond the good' obstacle while walking on the incident (finding a little 'magic, his bike tricyclic beyond the pile of sheets stuck ...). Altman used two contrasting elements as a link at least once, in memory Me (in Shortcuts - in Italian retitration left "America today").
in the land of the free private initiative, the sponsor is an absolute must. is a presence that can sometimes seem a bit 'bulky, but allows those who organize events of the scope of the Grand Ole Opry (the country central to the film festival) not to skimp, especially with regard to logistics, which is the true distinctive feature of the American musical world. plus can not load the cachet of the artists, often very high, only on the viewers (better to say "allowed", as ticket prices have increased not just recently, globally). the phrase Brought to you by ... (is brought to you by ...) has now entered a long time in newspaper jargon, so that even the episodes of the muppet show, use this formula to learn the letters of the alphabet to young viewers (Brought to you by the letter ABC, etc ...). But it seems to me that Altman distinguish the commercial sponsor, which also offers nicely to the public (becoming part of the show, in a sense, or at least adapting to this form), with a classic game of rhyming words, and politically, this but no funny jokes, but with a cumbersome and intrusive banner, it dominates and crushes the stage on which the artists perform. however, the manager-husband of singer Barbara Jean, star of the event, angry as a snake for that, and even physically threatened the manager. if I played well, think like me for interference of politics in art, and especially in music. however, even in the U.S. election campaigns are paid for privately ... There is always an attitude was contrary to private initiative in this regard (I remember the reporters who criticized every 2x3 rai of the organization of the Olympic Games in Atlanta, totally paid for by sponsor), also because our policy is that is the host: it is easier to dispose at will of public funds, which seek a sponsor who then rightly takes a response (which, unlike the cases of crib state, it would be if the results were not satisfactory), and then away with a whirlwind of celebrations of this and that, contributions to the film "cultural interest" on duty, in spite of the taxpayer. In my humble opinion, the best banners of coca cola ...
I agree with you, but I think Altman has a great respect of his countrymen: he sees them with all the limitations, and the system where they are inserted, but no less than appreciate the gifts. seems to understand well the qualities and weaknesses, with an eye certainly kind to the simplicity that is always one of their characteristics clear. Nashville is no humanity in its long range under all points of view, well exemplified in the artistic attitudes of the characters: some institution and proud of it (Haven Hamilton - Henry Gibson), who came to the success but struggling to manage it (Barbara Jean - Ronee Blakey), who has no talent but stubbornly persists (Sueleen Gay - Gwen Welles), and those who seem to almost care (Tom Frank - Keith Carradine), who has a character strong enough to go over problems is not insignificant (Linnea Reese - Lily Tomlin). Altman does not seem to hang on the part of anyone, as if he meant "take your pick" (you choose), here is everything and its opposite (which is always better than having only one choice, and perhaps come to think it's the right thing), it's a free country!
I had said or not that is a very unwise, United States and abroad? He wrote a "response to rece" truly exceptional! We already agree that we will do other rece together, always and strictly film about America. I am very happy.
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song at the beginning, a hymn to God, the homeland ... significant that the chorus, more or less, says: "We should have done something good if we lasted 200 years." |
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this ... had it with the pianist named amphibian: frog. the hippies are not eligible, note |
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the great diva Barbara Jean, just out of the hospital. sings well, eh, it's just a bit 'stoned. here's so funny! |
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What is the BBC? aaah, the British ... a bit 'of satire |
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subtitles here speak for themselves. |
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other times hilarious, but I do not explain why |
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sponsor the big demonstration |
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Subtitles are clear. She then explains that a Catholic in the realm of evangelists could never hope to be elected, the goodness of the person does not count, only the faith that they profess. |
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c 'is a long piece depicting different masses in different churches |
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here is crashing! |
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