Breeding as I have said many times, not just putting together a male and a female, and wait for the happy event. Raising
not only enjoy (some) of the presence of those little balls of fur.
Sometimes it is more dramatic than one might imagine.
In my case I bumped into an event that has left me impotent before the death of my puppies.
inert in front of their heart-rending cries of pain.
III In the footsteps of the litter of wolf I found myself with a problem that I never expected.
I state I have not hand in the autopsy report that I did run on January 31, 2011 on one of my children, but from my research, perhaps the only one responsible for this massacre seems to be little herpesvirus infection. I was
incredulos of what we read in various forums of the race, the problem of dysplasia and that of myelopathy do not know what more. Gains or arguments, but as old as Noah, or still in initial studies in virtually embryo; exploited a few times to affect farmers maybe uncomfortable, spreading unfounded fears, sometimes silly ... but I say no one has ever addressed this important issue head on.
I found some articles are serious, and more specifically the Italian back to 2003.
fact, rather little is written very little of the suffering of puppies born dead or dying.
I am very convinced that disclosing this information can be useful for those who want to bring this wonderful experience not to mention that it will avoid the unnecessary suffering to those small creatures, and this applies to both the owners of all stallions of mares.
This point we shall see in detail later.
puppies are stillborn or die after the first two weeks of life, many factors may be the cause.
The natural death can be extremely varied:
• hereditary •
incomplete development of the little puppies too small
• • Lowering of body temperature (small newborn does not yet have an effective temperature control so the temperature has an effect on their state health.)
• Insufficient power supply for the body mass of small
• A dry part (usually the puppy once he breaks the pocket entrance of the vagina, or even born in the amniotic pouch, in case the sac breaks before reaching the exit, the puppy is suffering from the respiratory point of view.)
• Trouble breathing (inhalation of the amniotic fluid)
• Trauma (pre and post-partum)
• abnormal fetal position
25% of the pups died prematurely may fall into one or more reasons listed above.
What are the names harmful bacteria and viruses??
names of bacteria and viruses are known:
• • • Klebsiella
beta-hemolytic Streptococcus beta-hemolytic
• E. coli • CHV
or Herpes Virus
L’Herpes virus Canino (CHV) è responsabile di una patologia mortale nei cuccioli neonati.
Questo problema può costituire un serio problema nel settore dell’allevamento canino, causando danni sia per quanto riguarda la fertilità dei soggetti, sia per i neonati.
Questa malattia non è solo nefasta per la vita dei piccoli, ma tocca anche a livello economico.
Basta pensare che nel mondo dell’Allevamento, chi non possiede lo stallone o la femmina si deve appoggiare su soggetti esterni.
Nel caso il soggetto esterno fosse un maschio infetto, il rischio della trasmissione alla cucciolata attraverso la madre è molto alta.
Di norma la prestazione dello stallone viene pagata, just after the mount if they are few, if any, their cost, will cover just the costs incurred.
rate, but if the stallion is healthy, and female carriers of the virus, the male runs the risk of getting the infection, if it's a boy asked in turn become a carrier of the disease, putting at risk the future litters.
why would Ethically, do blood tests before any element, to verify the status of animal health, and prevent infection in children by vaccine.
vaccine that will be made to the dam following the protocol of the drug to be inoculated.
Infection nei soggetti adulti non è di per sé pericolosa e né debilitante, per il soggetto stesso. NON si tratta di MALATTIA GENETICA.
Il virus viene scoperto per la prima volta negli Stati Uniti negli anni 60’.
Ora il virus è presente quasi in tutto il mondo (U.S.A. EUROPA, AUSTRALIA, NUOVA ZELANDA).
Nel territorio italiano le statistiche hanno messo in risalto l’ampia diffusione, con percentuali elevate di positività, si parla tra l’80% e il 90% di tutta la popolazione canina.
L’infezione dell’Herpes virus colpisce maggiormente those dogs who live in communities focused on: •
Kennels • Dog Breeders • Pensions
• Shelters • Training camps
• All dogs
spoken by 90% in the kennels and 48% for herds . In
alleviate problems associated with this infection are related to reproduction (infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth).
Herpes Virus is transmitted easily from one dog to another and from mother to baby through several channels: • Via
oro-nasal (a simple greeting can transmit the infection)
• Transplacentally (through the placenta or birth canal at birth)
• Via venereal (through the sexual act - service)
puppies in contact with the pathogen is the greatest during the birth. The virus multiplies
few hours or days before giving birth in the vaginal mucosa of the small dam in question and is contaminated as it passes through the birth canal.
Infection can also occur after birth, through the nasal secretions of the other puppies or adults.
While in adults the infection can occur through oral-nasal contact, and sexual.
the virus can be transmitted through:
• •
nasal Secreto Secreto Secreto foreskin vaginal
• Semen •
In adults, the contact with the infectious agent may be made through a simple contact or sexual contact.
It was shown that in adult dogs is difficult to find the moment of contact, because the infection in adults has a silent course, manifesting itself in all its virulence during pregnancy.
A special feature of CHV is its persistence in the body host animal.
The virus will accompany the dog for life, in a state of latency, located in the trigeminal ganglia and lumbar-sacral.
The occurrence of disease when the dog will be subjected to stress such as: • Heat
• Mates • Pregnancy
• Transportation •
recurrent disease (long trips locked up in kennels: airplane - boat - train)
• Immunosuppression
The pathogen back to spread and circulate throughout the host, will be at this very moment that the animal will be able to spread the virus.
Herpes Virus in adult dogs is a part with other bacteria and viruses known to be Kennel Cough Syndrome.
It is characterized by an inflammation in the respiratory tract and genital level.
Symptoms are:
• Cough • nasal discharge
• Tearing eye
• Difficulty breathing
As for the disturbances in the genitals are
• vaginal discharge (in females)
• Papules full of pus (in females)
• redness of the genitals (both male and female)
These disorders can be easily cured with appropriate treatment in 7 to 10 days, does not represent any risk to the life of the adult dog, if it were a pregnant female, the ' Herpes Virus pass to the fetus with all its pathogenicity, depending on the stage of pregnancy, the consequences will be:
• embryo resorption resulting in infertility
• Abortion • Birth of baby deaths
• Mortality of pups after birth, or within the first 15 days of life.
important to emphasize that the variability of clinical phenomena is likely to be repeated in a very uneven throughout the life of the player, because of this variability is a factor difficult to identify as a problem with herpes virus infection, is That's why very often underestimated the spread of this disease.
We have already said that Canine herpes virus is a cause of infertility in the mare.
The most devastating is that affecting small babies in the period immediately after birth and exactly in the first three weeks of life of the child. Usually
mortality in the litter has a high percentage, the diagnosis is drawn when the whole litter is affected.
The mother shows no clinical signs, and milk production is normal, while the clinical picture of the puppies, is not good and have the following clinical signs:
• Anorexia: Kittens can no longer eat because of the strong pain that prevents them from sucking. The puppies are not interested •
of the mother.
• Severe abdominal pain. • Vomiting •
yellowish liquid stool
• Neurological symptoms, sometimes in the grip of pain faint.
• Sometimes have subcutaneous edema, erythema and papules that sometimes appear in the abdomen. •
heartbreaking lament, due to difficulties with respiratory inflammation of the throat, trachea and lungs.
As we wrote before, I'm still awaiting the outcome of the small dell'autospia Manny. The symptoms exhibited by puppies, lead me to think of an important viral presence. In the video we see
Wall as the small-and complains with episodes of vomiting, her mother tries to comfort Moon, but in some moments I saw his disoriented. Greater collaboration between me and her, which left me the complete management of the small, trusting.
It is noted that at one point Moon tries to get it, and grabs him by the head, I can assure you that there was one taken in all its sweetness and delicacy of her mother. I hold the puppy upside down to help out the exit of liquids and prevent inhalation.
The recognition of the infection is possible only in the acute phase with the next pup mortality. With a necropsy will show injuries while with the PCR test characteristics * allows us to directly detect the presence of the pathogen in tissues.
If we wanted to breed our female and our male to prevent the spread of infection is recommended by a serological blood test, which will highlight specific antibodies in the subjects concerned.
In adult dogs, the antibodies appear soon after infection and persist for a rather short period of 2 to 3 months.
A high antibody response can determine not only the virus but also the exposure of the subjects the virus itself. In
presents this finding is very likely that there is a loss of varying amounts and not always properly recognized, such as infertility, or death in children.
Only a veterinarian can give adequate support for the right course to identify the problem and fight it with the appropriate strategies for prevention and care.
If it were not you can still take preventive behaviors that remove the risk of development of the virus, although I must stress that these measures may not be sufficient. Various studies have
evidenziato che l’Herpes Virus reagisce sensibilmente alle temperature elevate, sviluppandosi soltanto a temperature basse.
Dato che i cuccioli non possiedono ancora un sistema di termoregolazione autonomo (38 ° temperatura corporea di un cucciolo) e quindi influenzabili dalla temperatura esterna, il virus potrebbe trovare le condizioni ottimali per svilupparsi e moltiplicarsi.
Cosa fare allora???
Possiamo agire sul microclima della stanza tenendo una temperatura tra di 20° e i 25°.
Munire la cassa parto con una lampada da incubazione quelle che scaldano, oppure utilizzare delle borse dell’acqua calda sparse qua e là nella cassa, preferibilmente ai bordi della cassa, dove il calore della lampada si disperde. Even better, you could use an electric blanket.
NOTE: The lamp should not be too low, first because there is a risk of burn or small ledergli eyes when they open. Please note that if it gets too hot we'll be just the mother in the chest with the risk away. Another important factor is
avoid stress.
Avoid stress during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of children.
Avoid contact with other dogs, unless they are part of the family, in case of a large herd, isolate the female in a quiet place.
In this case it would be useful if the girl did feel for the place designated prior to her sweet event.
Avoid stressing the female and small in the presence of possible buyers. Crucially
little after the birth has to suck the milk as soon as possible. With the first milk the baby receives the mother protection against CHV.
These antibodies are present in breast milk only for a short period ranging from 6 to 12 hours.
not to neglect the care of the room that will host the mare with her offspring. If
noted that the virus has a tensile strength up to 70 degrees, but is sensitive to water and detergents such as ammonia and bleach.
We still careful not to overuse of disinfectants excessive inhalation may cause damage to both mother and children.
Another precaution would be that those who deal with them, not bring the kids with clothes that have come into contact with other dogs, and even a thorough washing of hands would be good maybe with one of those products as Amuchina gel before touch the puppies.
There is currently marketing a specific treatment against CHV.
do not have a treatment but we have a valid means of prevention and vaccination.
The vaccination should be determined on the dam at different times and must be repeated with each pregnancy.
The principle on which the vaccine is based cover is to protect the mother and the litter.
The inoculation of the vaccine means that the mother produces antibodies against the virus, then grew in large amounts in colostrum taken from the baby after birth through the first suzzione. Small
in this way will be protected from mortality caused by this pathogen in the first two weeks of life.
The vaccine does not involve claims against it for the mother to the children.
tests done on large farms affected by this scourge has been very successful, with an improvement in the percentage of pregnancies and a significant reduction with regard to overall mortality in children in the sensitive period.
purified subunit vaccine indicated for active immunization of pregnant bitches to induce a passive immunity in kittens against herpes virus of the disease to neonatal outcome lethal.
In a dose of 1 ml: herpes virus antigens in the dog (strain F205) of 0.3 to 1.75 micrograms (expressed in micrograms of glycoproteins gB).
Paraffin oil light: from 224.8 to 244.1 mg, gentamicin sulfate: trace, sodium ethylmercury tiosalicilato: traces.
Active immunization of bitches to prevent, as puppies, mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by herpes virus infections of the dog contracted in the first days of life.
SIDE EFFECTS As with any vaccine, puo'manifestarsi a hyper sensitivity reaction.
In this rare possibility should be granted an appropriate symptomatic treatment. The inoculation of the vaccine may cause, at the injection, a transient edema in 10%, at most, of the animals. These reactions, usually within a week.
injected subcutaneously.
DOSAGE Administer two doses of 1 ml of vaccine, subcutaneously, according to the following schedule: first injection: 7-10 days after the date of mating. Second vaccination 1-2 weeks before the expected date of childbirth or after 6 weeks after first vaccination. Recall: for each pregnancy, following the same vaccination schedule.
Store (refrigerator) +2 ° C and +8 ° C protected from light. Do not freeze. Use immediately after reconstitution.
Vaccinate only healthy animals. Do not mix with any other immunological product with the exception of its solvent. No information is available regarding the effectiveness of this vaccine when used in conjunction with other products. It is recommended, therefore, not to give any other vaccine within 14 days before or after vaccination with this vaccine.
Not applicable.
Dogs (pregnant bitches).
Pharmaceutical Companies: Merial
remains tense in that your veterinarian is the only person of reference, indispensable in the care of the health of our 4-legged friend.
Bibliography: Section
the following items: The
herpesvirosi by dog \u200b\u200b's technical department Merial Italy SpA segnalatomi kindly by Dr. Eugenio Casanova
Fanding Puppy Syndrome authors Dr. Walker and G. Miller
Fanding Puppy Syndrome author Dr. John Kohnke BVSC RDA
Text: Katia Verza
* The polymerase chain reaction (in English: Polymerase Chain Reaction), commonly known by the acronym PCR is a technique of molecular biology that allows multiplication (Amplification) of nucleic acid fragments which are known in the initial and terminal nucleotide sequences. The PCR amplification can be provided in vitro very quickly the amount of genetic material necessary for the subsequent applicazioni.Tale method was invented in 1983 by Kary B. Mullis who got to this, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1993). Definition taken from Wikipedia
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