February 3, 2011
14 days old
Temperatura rilevata
Elly 37,7
Baloo 38.00
Rilevato peso corporeo
Elly 1380 gr – 1,380kg
Baloo 1400 gr – 1,400kg
Baloo ha già iniziato a ululare per chiamare la madre, è veramente buffo vederlo con quanta forza si impegna.
Si iniziano ad intravedere le loro personalità.
Baloo è un brontolone, per trovare la posizione giusta per dormire questa mattina ci ha impiegato più di 15 minuti, poi sogna tantissimo e nel sonno si sentono gli abbozzi di abbai, e pigolii, non vuole sentirsi da solo, cerca molto spesso sua sorella, e finisce sempre per dormirci o vicino o sopra.
Mentre Elly è più calma, quasi riservata, lei cerca sempre a corner of the box, maybe if he can hide under the pillow, away from the quiet grumbling of her brother, she also has a dream life but it certainly does not make the noise of his brother. They begin to feel
NOTE: We had to add 2 shore. Baloo has managed to climb over the edge.
February 4, 2011
15 days old
temperature detected
Baloo 38.2 38.3
Elly 37.7
Baloo 38
February 5, 2011 DAY 16 LIFE AT 07:00
temperature detected
Elly 37.7 37.8
Baloo Measured weight
Elly 1520 gr - 1, 520kg
Baloo 1600 gr - 1, 600 Kg
respond to sound stimulation - Calling
February 6, 2011 17 DAYS OF LIFE
temperature detected
Baloo 38 Elly
small nails begin to change color from white to black.
are popping his teeth.
Baloo has already cut the gums.
begin to benefit the game for now is just a hint. Both Elly
Baloo are beginning to discover that biting paws, scratch and sniff the genitals, there is a beginning of hygiene intima personale.
A guardarli sembrano dei piccoli adulti, sono davvero goffi nei loro movimenti con quelle bocche grandi sempre spalancate.
Questa sera Elly ha persino abbozzato un ringhio a sua madre cercando di morderle il collo.
Baloo da 3 gg quando ha fame chiama sua madre ululando.
Elly sembra essere un tipino dal forte carattere, non cerca mai la compagnia quando dorme, mentre Baloo cerca il contatto con sua sorella e quando non la trova si dispera brontolando.
07 FEBBRAIO 2011
ORE 07.00
Rilevata temperatura
Baloo 38,2
Elly 38
Rilevato peso corporeo
Baloo 1,840 gr – 1,840 kg
Elly 1,740 gr – 1.740 kg
I had the honor of collecting the first poop of Baloo, the commitment to do it.
February 8, 2011 19 DAYS OF LIFE
detected temperature
Elly 38
Baloo 38.4
Started exploration program / social environment.
Elly put on the table, the first thing he did was to find a corner for burrowing. Baloo
however, has explored the carpet with less haste to hide, smelling objects scattered.
Running time 5 minutes.
Since the episode of mortality in the litter, this year I have been delayed for a few days before the beginning of the program, to avoid him taking shots of air. The cash delivery is much hotter than the floor of the house even if protected by a warm fleece blanket.
So I started back about 4 days to leave the cash games in the delivery, so as to begin to explore new forms.
February 9, 2011
20 days old
detected temperature
Elly 38
Baloo 38.2
The two began playing together, the drafts of the fights are ridiculous, the time is still small, much prefer to stay.
All material is copyrighted
AUTHOR: Katie Verza
prohibit the use or disclosed without the permission of the author and the citation of the same.
published work concerns the observation of sensitive periods, of the third litter of the footsteps of the Wolf
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