1974, Enzo G. Castellari.
Reading here and there, this movie seems to be the first to propose poliziottesco the theme of the citizen who takes justice into its own. Indeed, even in my brief review of gender, is one year before the equally famous "Rome violent." In any event, at least after all these years, it was not the main reason of the vision for me.
The film is representing a number of criminal events of various kinds. Incipit really violent, with shock therapy puts you in Italy where there is to be afraid to leave the house.
Engineer. Antonelli, played by Franco Nero was a great (very women-oriented film, I think he lined up to see it!) Has a life quite wealthy but troubled recently by a house with vandalism and theft in particular suffered from a robbery at the post , where he was also seized as a hostage and beaten. The police can not find the support they want. Result: s'incazza. Who wants at all costs to find the kidnapped ... and the rest I'll leave you to enjoy.
Opera is a triumph of imaging techniques for the kind of action! There is a use, even pleasantly hyperbolic, various filmic devices ranging from slow motion, even still images, sound muffled or amplified in the second. Then truculence, free from violence. Do not miss anything, and guarantee performance of my Cult mandatory. At least two scenes are from yearbooks: the pursuit of a car to Antonelli is on foot in a kind of hollow, with the final shootout in the warehouse bare and semi-desert, with more than a moment of agonizing agoraphobia. But it's all beautiful, and powerful, dramatic.
There are two aspects of socio-political and cultural anthropologists who intrigued me and I would stress, and under them as well.
political embarrassment.
E 'overt, far more than in the trilogy that will follow Commissioner Betti, who wants at all costs to avoid an allocation policy to the film. Now, I do not know the guidelines Castellari and screenwriter, but there is little you can do the themes of vigilance, justice, do it yourself, the law does not sufficiently protect the citizens, are definitely on the right. And I say also "chemmefrega" I want to see a film show. But is the film itself that forces me to think politically, the paradox here. Were included pieces of plot that move to the left center of gravity. First, the copy of the newspaper, dating back several times and taken to the war during the occupation, under the title "Italians stand up!", A phrase attributed to the father of Antonelli. Antonelli also the same when he speaks con il non inquadrabile commissario, cita ancora le lotte partigiane. Non ultimo il citato commissario di polizia che non prende mai posizione in modo netto, condanna e lascia fare Antonelli, preoccupato solo di pararsi il culo più che di risolvere la questione.
Pacchiano e imbarazzante espediente, un paragone del genere tra partigiani e giustizieri è imperdonabile storicamente e politicamente, ma questo bizzarro aspetto rende il film una prova tangibile, reale, che nel 1974 non si scherzava mica e fare certe cose poteva costarti caro. Quindi un po' di prudenza poteva non guastare o perlomeno era comprensibile. Castellari in ogni caso tra i miei miti subito.
L'Antieroe borghese Antonelli.
Alla luce dei tanti vendicatori film that are seen to this is one of the most run-down, at least in the first place, that I have ever seen. It 's why I also felt very true! For most of the film pick blows and humiliations from all sides, its entrance into the world of crime necessary for its investigation is awkward to say the least, a mixture of bravado and imbranataggine. In any case remains the indomitable spirit and vindictive, able to recognize the point of no return, to go through. The figure of the avenger DIY comes out bad, very bad, and rightly so in a realistic sense: go against the criminals, talk about those "serious", with no preparation can only produce negative effects. I saw
una pessima vhs. Giusto un paio di frame per ricordo. Peccato perché le numerose scene d'azione meritavano maggior valorizzazione.
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una scena di notevole fattura, inseguimento macchina-pedone |
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almeno un ricordo, oltre che di Franco Nero, di Renzo Palmer |
Questa rece la voglio dedicare di cuore a Francesco, un amico che qua viene spesso e porta avanti, di suo, un interessante blog dal titolo parlante: Amare Produzioni Agricole . Anche per i fatti che spesso narra francesco, would be good if "the citizen sometimes rebel."
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