1970, Herschell Gordon Lewis.
Necessario tenere presente del regista di cui stiamo parlando. Basti il solo precedente di " Blood Feast " ad introdurlo. Massimo rispetto quindi per colui che ha fondato il Gore a tutti gli effetti, ma che sia chiaro da subito che siamo di fronte ad un gran Trash, che nel mio gergo significa anche: la porcheria che piace.
Oddio, piace... non so, a me piace ogni tanto vedere delle schifezze absurd as this one, preferably exactly horror, splatter, gore. From this point of view, here we are at "very good" levels! Acting infamous genitalia in porn movies are probably the most expressive. Slow monster, I tried to look a bit 'to slightly accelerated speed and was very enjoyable, the dialogue understandable and well more fun, while at normal speed seems an English lesson for Mr Brown. Costs almost nothing, probably louder than the budget for the Joint sweetbreads special effects. Fantastically Traaaaash Trash Trash!
The basic idea, however, it must be admitted, is not bad. Who has not imagined, seeing the two magicians who cut in a valley, that it could be real? Be ', the magician Montag, "human butcher" as he calls himself, leads in practice this morbid imagination, and in front of an audience stunned by what draws voluntary. Sega in 2 women, or plant a nail in the head, or the hole from side to side with a press for coin, or thrusts the sword in the body from the mouth gutted, and it really does! The tricks are of a gore that could not be worse but the effect, that satisfies the duty to bloody and vicious sadist in you, not bad. After all adds up to a point that that "see" deceiving the eye, you must activate the brain chemistry that is needed. Women
then at the end of the bloody performance lathes with masterly touches, unless they are regularly found dead a few hours after the show, and then go with the investigations of police officers. There will also be a moment of collective illusion through TV, you strizzerà zombesco to the eye and the final will be enigmatic, everything always and strictly guided by the most unlikely of scenarios you can imagine.
Perfect for an evening dell'incredibilmente bad in every sense! But fun ...
forgive me if on one (juicy) boiata do this as a small semi-serious reflection. For what reason
of accidents to be cut, quartered, impaled, strung from these sadistic illusionist, are always e rigorosamente donne? Non pochi clericali direbbero - buon dio, ma ci sono anche i bambini no? - e che dire dei trascurati gay maschi (porc... preti anca mo'!) - eh insomma, pure qualche maschio colla tartaruga non lo si potrebbe affettare? - ben appoggiati dalle donne etero. Niente da fare, sadismo a volontà solo per maschi etero (e donne omosex), gli altri si arrangino. Al solito la misoginia domina. Penso che la commissione delle pari opportunità debba intervenire una volta per tutte, con fermezza e indignazione!
Detto ciò, qualche frame da "antologia"...
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come dargli torto? ogni spettacolo comincia con la stessa arringa... |
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tra la frase indimenticabile e la loro faccia qua ho rischiato un ictus dal ridere! |
Piccola curiosità: sapete come ho conosciuto questo film? Viene citato in questa graziosissima commedia, " Juno " di Jason Reitman , recensita poco tempo fa.
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