A theme that also deal in other places and Egypt, on this argument, the Gnostic movement sketched any discourse, from meditation to breathing by extraterrestrials to the pharaohs, the mantra rituals. In short, the common thread of all these arguments credence to a fascinating ancient history, so true, tested and above all sacred.
What can respond to a lecturer when he asserts that the greatest Egyptologist of the twentieth century was the "doctor" Samael Aun Weor? What topics can lead to deduct the "truth" of the Egyptian doctor?
First childbirth with the assumption Egyptology that is a science, which Champollion wins scholars of the caliber of Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, or the latest Hawas matter what they say is a man of great culture and profound knowledge of ancient Egyptian culture and international dissemination, but for enthusiasts and academics, one can not sue the dr. Mark Collier in his book "how to read groglifici" lays the foundation for a deeper understanding of the hieroglyphs and the language of the ancient Egyptians, and by that you can understand the various aspects of religious culture abusatissima Egyptian cinema and the media, distorting it, thus giving rise to the Gnostics pundits to pontificate on alleged errors in deciphering the messages or insights di pietra lasciati dagli antichi egizi.
Innanzi tutto vorrei ricordare che il sig Gomez dice di essere stato il sacerdote che preparò il faraone kefren, e sempre nell'antico Egitto dice di essere stato iniziato al culto di Iside descrivendo ordalie "cinematografiche" e sempre in Egitto sarebbe custodita una sua mummia "viva" che aspetta di essere risvegliata per portare l'umanità in un nuovo esodo pre apocalittico. E sempre nell'antico Egitto il sig Gomez colloca svariati suoi amici come per esempio il suo amico Romero Cortés avvocato quale faraone kefren, oppure Oscar Uzcategui il quale sarebbe stato Marco Antonio amante di Cleopatra. In questo quadretto i divulgatori gnostici inquadrano il loro egittologo di fiducia.
La descrizione del personaggio Gomez is a duty on the basis of these statements because many followers are trying to build an Egyptian in his own fantasy overlapping academic studies of elite scientists and academic scholars believing that these conspire to not say the truth, or even ignore the true meaning of the rites or names and functions of the gods.
In many Gnostic rituals Egyptian culture is strongly present as always provokes fascination and fear because of the many tales of curses and mysterious powers of the people of the Nile. One of which is invoked quotidianente is the god Anubis, Anubis called by the Gnostics to make it more exotic, this god is worshiped as the god of cosmic law, the law of karma, asserting that the judge of departed souls, who must ask for protection and petition "debts" karmic contracts in this life and in previous ones. A god could then impose penalties and also able to remove them. Anyone who wants to win the goodness of God will NOT engage in the rune which consists of a set of physical exercises and psychological pay for the karma with his arms mimicking a scale that goes sine kneeling down and saying the mantra he na ni no nu and at the end of each cycle consists of three cycles in total, is the formula of intercession of the god or the request for the benefit of the god himself.
Apart from the inconsistency of this historical and religious exercise, I find it necessary for the sake of information about what he says Egyptology of the god Anubis.
Anubis also said Wepwawet or AMPU, jackal god the one who lives in the deserts and solitary places, accompanying the soul of the deceased before the state or the balance in the two arms to make psicostasia, namely the weighing of the soul.
The task of Anubis is also to monitor the mummy of the deceased and that's it.
In the book of the dead, so named by the first historians to accativarsi the curiosity of the early fans of Egyptology, describes perfectly how avvenivatale ritual.
Anubis in this papyrus only performs the functions of which was always in charge, referred to above, since the national soul of the deceased was the same as Osiris and 42 dignitaries, the Court was also established by the god Thot-Ibis, acting as notary and the crocodile god who had the task of eating the heart of the deceased if it was heavier than a feather, represented by the Maat, the goddess of justice. If Mr. Gomez had picked up a book instead of Egyptology documents by Hollywood movies would have avoided this ugly picture. A disciple Joachin Amortegui Valbuena had been persuaded by Gomez that was the incarnation of one of the 42 dignitaries of the court or, as said Gomez, one of the 42 judges of Karma, revealing well as some of its monad Rabolú VM. The Valbuena talemente believed it so much that I begin to wave to the four winds, claims to have been invested by the Master Samael dead the office of President of the Gnostic movement internationally, noting that would put the movement marked lowering of clay idols ... Well Mr. Valbuena besides doing another association rewrote books already written by Gomez signed as his revelations see "Hercolubus the red planet" and. Korado (whole program).

If Gomez had the third grade that the nenache Valbuena, a war dodger ignorant of post-mortem.
But returning to Egypt and the power that makes this argument in the fans of mysteries, one can not but mention the history of the Pyramids of Giza. According to the Gomez erano dei manufatti atlantidei prodotti 25000 anni fa dai discendenti dei superstiti del cataclisma e in una di queste, precisamente in quella ci Cheope ci avrebbe studiato Gesù Cristo negli anni della sua gioventù e tra i banchi avrebbe conosciuto la sua prima moglie che lascio per tornare in Galilea, lei, dice il Gomez era una sacerdotessa che gli avrebbe insegnato il sesso tantrico.
È inutile dire che su questi fatti non vi sono tracce nei geroglifici o storici dell'epoca, a lui chi glielo disse? Fu presente o lo sapeva grazie alle cronache akashiche? Mah i dubbi assalirebbero chiunque e cerca che ti ricerca mi imabattei nelle trascrizioni delle visioni di Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) detto il profeta dormiente, un mistico americano degli inizi century already in the early 1900's spoke of Atlantis and a secret rooms between the paws of the Sphinx. Evidently Gomez makes his story and that we sketched between the paws of the Sphinx is a room that contains the figures of the Egyptian tarot legacy of Atlantis ... And between one
scopiazzatura Gomez and the other creates its own history ancient Egypt by declaring the memories of those lives, not surprisingly many advisers to impress the room, occasionally come up with the story that we're all old souls reunite you know from Egypt of the pharaohs, perhaps implying or saying he explicitly between them there is some pharaoh or a high dignitary, an architect or a priest, but now you do not remember, but that following the conference or participating in anthropological trip in Egypt he will remember his past lives in Egypt, perhaps the conference concluded with a practical exercise for remembrance past lives ... And this is it, how you can call if gnosis of Egypt?

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