Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Preparation H For Fissure



Today in just two hours, our beloved Prime Minister has made a series of statements that are literally falling in your arms!

Copying from the Blog of Antonio Di Pietro:

11:47 pm (source USA Today) - "From Economic Development Minister can say that if Rai does not change and stop being so biased against the majority are almost tempted not to sign the contract for public service. "

12:27 pm (source Reuters) -" Today it is no longer the sovereignty of Parliament, is passed to a power of the judiciary and its pm through the Constitutional Court shall repeal the laws they do not like. It 'a rash? No, it's actually "

Ore 12:39 (source Agi) -" I told the men of the Civil Defence not to go in Abruzzo, or at least do so without signs, without being recognized. After the opening of that file c ' is the risk that someone who may have had family members who died under the rubble and with a fragile mind, the shots in the head. "

Ore 12:50 (source Adnkronos) - "In Italy Il presidente del Consiglio non ha nessun potere. Potevo al massimo stabilire l'ordine del giorno del Consiglio dei ministri, ma l'ho delegato a Gianni Letta e non mi è rimasto nemmeno quello".

Ore 13:05 (fonte Sky Tg24) - ''Mettetevi per qualche minuto nei miei panni, aprite un giornale e accendete la tv pensando di chiamarvi Berlusconi, di essere me. Se dopo dieci minuti non vi viene la nausea mandatemi una lettera dicendomi che ho torto. Comunque resistiamo''.

Ore 13:21 (fonte Ansa) - ''In questa manovra sono stati chiesti pochi sacrifici' e tra le categorie interessate c'e stata quella degli impiegati pubblici perché loro hanno visto aumentare i loro almost double the salaries of private ownership. "

Here is my letter below.

illustrious President of the Council

with reference to his statement made to SkyTG24 13:05 today Tuesday, June 8, 2010 that I report above, I would give you act with a great sense of nausea that I would try if I were forced to be her. Actually, if I just had to put myself in his shoes, so I would try a ' great sense of shame that I'd fire!

Salvatore Mandara '


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