actor Michael Rennie
... not to be confused with Victor Manuel Gomez
When you have time to reflect on all the cold-blooded samaeliana doctrine, there is also the time to have two good laugh and you can not avoid sharing with those who do not know or did not realize these hilarious folds of the doctrine. I speak
the topic of extraterrestrials and UFOs, an important issue for those who disseminate the doctrine, since only the title of the conference attracts enthusiasts and experts in this subject.
Some Gnostic schools show off the high-sounding title "Message from the Designers" to introduce the subject in samaeliana key to their followers that the more often you drink in one breath scopiazzatura a beautiful and good story by Harry Bates, Farewell to the Master (farewell to the master) 1940, which inspired the famous film "The Day the Earth" in 1951 played beautifully by the actor Michael Rennie (see photo above), which looks very similar to the case Gomez ... But I go with order not to anticipate too much ...
The plot is compelling, is a flying saucer landing in a park in Washington, some people are curious to see the strange object approaching already surrounded by many soldiers, a man came out from the ship (Klaatu), which was immediately shot by a soldier, just after comes a robot (Gort), which collapses all the weapons from the hands of the military by a laser. Klaatu is translated to the hospital by posing as an ordinary citizen who goes by the name of Carpenter, fleeing to avoid being recognized meets a guest at the home of Helen and her son Bobby who accompanied him to the house of Professor Barnhardt, the alien tells the professor that the earth will be destroyed if the people do not stop go to war with each other. Professor Barnhardt convene meeting with all the powers of the world so that Klaatu could be heard and to demonstrate their power cut off the electricity in advance around the world.
Thanks to a tip from Helen's boyfriend, Klaatu is killed, Gort at this point that by that time had stood still outside the spacecraft, enters mass destruction, but warned by Helen Klaatu fails in time to utter those famous words " Klaatu Barada Nikto! " blocking the wrath of the robot.
Having recovered the body of Klaatu, Gort in reality the true master of Klaatu, manages to restore his life thanks to the sophisticated machinery of the flying saucer, after recovering Klaatu greets Helen paying his ultimatum to the land and the authorities before taking his record and go to space.
must be that he was so identified with Klaatu in which Victor Manuel has portrayed herself in some photos of the actor Michael Rennie similar to those seen his frightening similarity. In fact, there are many things in common with the character Klaatu and the work of Gomez about extraterrestrials and their messages.
The first wrote about extraterrestrials of the Gomez signing around 42 years while the book from which the film is based is 1940.
in a story of Gomez about his conversation with extraterrestrials in the desert of the Lions in the Republic of Mexico (Federal District) says he saw a tripod of steel from which people came out of one meter and 20, 30 or 40 cm which is fluent in English, first presented himself as a writer and then begged them to take him to Mars because its monad comes from that planet, but aliens said it was too close and did not have the grades to be translated into those places. Their conversation focuses on the evil of man and the karmic reasons for which are in the world wars, and for these reasons, the earth will be destroyed by the stupidity of man himself, playing with the powerful nuclear arsenals. Small
parentheses, Gomez writes these things in a period when there was preparing for World War II and in the case of this story, writes in the cold war, where fear of nuclear holocaust was a plausible hypothesis and daily. In his lectures
goes up to an incredible, saying that it revolved around Jupiter a satellite called Planet yellow, destroyed by a nuclear holocaust, and some men, save it, took refuge on Ganymede, which is still inhabited by descendants. According to Gomez all the planets and mind you all alone would be inhabited by divine men, not to be understood in a purely symbolic but real, since according to him these men move their ships across the galaxy cosmic ... Embarrassing
theories ... I know ... but this embarrassment reaches its climax when Gomez asserts that humanity must pass through the atomic destruction and carnage epidemic, but will save only the most spiritually elect, not just some but all Gnostics who have reached a psychological change. in the sum of 144,000 people elected, but a small number of men who will be brought to the planet Venus, and they can continue their spiritual journey to become the new great race Korado the sixth seed, who will inhabit the earth, now revolutionized. Against this background the threat Gomez humanity to be in grave danger if not used immediately to a psychological change, as happened to the Atlanteans and the men will be led by a new Vaivasbata Manu (Noah), which will be in the age of aquarium he same, but with another body hidden since the days of Pharaoh Kefren in Egitto.
il Gomez dice sarà alto scuro di pelle e con i capelli ricci, e sarà lui, il quale organizzerà l'esodo dei "salvati" dall'apocalisse della nostra razza (aria).
...Un minuto per rileggere l'ultima frase...
Come nel film era Klaatu anche il Gomez non è lui il padrone di se stesso ma del "suo" Gort la sua monade, che chiama Samael, ricordo a chi non ha conoscenze nel campo cabalistico, Samael è il reggente del pianeta Marte, signore della guerra e dell'inganno, che nella bibbia viene tradotto come il serpente tentatore di Adamo ed Eva.
A quanto pare verso il 2500 il pianeta Terra sarà una palla di fango e fuoco, ridotta così non solo da olocausti nucleari e alla imbecillità dell'uomo ma anche da un pianeta gigantesco che, dice il Gomez, si avvicina pericolosamente al nostro ad una grandissima velocità e per causa dei suoi terribili campi magnetici distruggerà tutto, il nome di questo gigante rosso, il Gomez lo chiama Hercolubus, o anche Barnhard II guarda caso come il professore del film in questione.
Per mancanza di spazio mi astengo dal riportare lo scritto delle penosissime lettere che il Gomez scrive ai potenti del mondo che a quei tempi erano i presidenti degli U.S.A. e dell' U.R.S.S. forse mai spedite, ma riportate in un opuscolo di una scuola gnostica, in pratica avverte i signori presidenti dell'esistenza degli U.F.O. e delle imminenti catastrofi e del pericolo atomico per le quali l'umanità si appresta a subirne le devastanti consequences, deep in political advice and strategy, just as Klaatu (Michael Rennie) is powerful in front of the aforementioned film, showing on the power interrupting electricity worldwide, but Gomez could not do the ...
Victor Mauel Gomez aka Samael Aun Weor has little means of disseminating his apocalyptic talk, some have noticed the huge rubbish disputed see (the lawyer, his friend, a reincarnation of Kefren), but others have believed, and continue Conference in popular publications, using the above nonsense to steal the faith of many Buna, which sooner or later give way to rationality and agreement in all respects eventually become part of another film, this time, serious, psychological, in which aliens are themselves unaware of being part of the frenzy of the late Victor Manuel Gomez was hoping that maybe someone got to a certain point shouting Samael Barada Nikto!

Victor Manuel Gomez
One day I asked an adviser, if he had seen the movie and if he had noticed the similarities with the "master" and he responded with air safety << si è la potenza del Logos Samael che si espresse attraverso il regista del film >> clever response but greatly embarrassing ... For him ...
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