THE THIRD cause: Solar Power
Carlo Rubbia told years ago. Given the resistance encountered in Italy and 'went to work in Spain. Now it seems that even the Germans have realized that with the energy of the sun you can 'meet the needs of the entire planet.
Officials here in full a beautiful article by Antonio Marafioti released on Done newspaper today.
desert solar power to illuminate the world, the solution to environmental disasters
The project is called Desertec. All-German idea that promises to give light to the planet using a portion of desert as large as the Lombardy
Green energy and integration of electricity markets with the Maghreb. For the European Commission that is the winning strategy for the future of EU member states. It is also, needless to say, the most effective way to prevent tragedies such as the environment that has for more than two months, is affecting the Gulf of Mexico and putting at risk the credibility of U.S. President Barack Obama.
For European Energy Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, the desirable solution is called Desertec: the innovative idea, the whole of Germany, which would guarantee the provision of electricity to the citizens of Europe through the exploitation of solar deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. A few days ago the plan was discussed in Algiers by the same Oettinger and Youcef Yousfi, Amina Afif Chelbi Benkhadra and the Ministers responsible for Energy of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. "I'm sure - has taken at the end of the summit Oettinger - that over the next five years will reach the European market for electricity production of the first facilities located in North Africa." Commissioner for the road is still long - we are talking about 20-40 years to complete the entire project - but even if feasible will require substantial capital to be able to go.
The cardinal principle of Desertec is based on the exploitation of sunlight in the desert areas that will be processed through the use of large facilities, with steam, in turn, will activate a turbine che genererà elettricità come una comune centrale. I numeri prospettati dal consorzio Desertec, responsabile del progetto e formato da 12 aziende, sono davvero impressionanti: basterebbe coprire con campi collettori tre millesimi di area desertica, 40 milioni di km quadrati, per soddisfare la domanda energetica mondiale equivalente a 18 mila TW/h all’anno.
L’obiettivo fissato ad Algeri con un piano d’azione concreto sottoscritto dai responsabili dell’Energia è, per ora, molto meno ambizioso e punta a rifornire nei prossimi cinque anni l’area EUMENA (Europa, Medio Oriente e Nord Africa) grazie all’attivazione di un progetto pilota. La porzione elettrica addressed the needs of the inhabitants of the Old Continent will, for the moment, only 15 percent. But the commitment of Brussels seems to be very serious because of the approaching deadline, established in 2020, the obligation for the EU to produce green sources by 20 percent of its total energy. Desertec, as claimed by Oettinger, could be conducive to this and other results, since, as argued by Gerhard Knies, the chairman of the supervisory board of the consortium, "In less than six hours deserts receive more energy from the sun than the ' humanity consumes in a year. " For the promoters of the platform, including the Italian Enel Green is entry into the consortium in March, the benefits would be more than one. With constant work aimed at creating a network connection submarine designed for the transportation of all forms of non-polluting energy, the network could Desertec, with an area of \u200b\u200blarge systems as Lombardy, giving sufficient access to energy to 90 percent of world's population. No problem even for distances as the modern high-voltage lines that will be used will keep the level of energy losses below 3 percent for every 1000 km. And yet, they can activate new jobs in the Maghreb countries: a panel for the construction of a 250 MW unit will be deployed between one thousand workers and engineers for about 2-3 years. In addition, the enormous amount of energy, enough even to desalinate large quantities of sea water will be allocated to those countries that already now trudging to find available resources for drinking water. The studies already made that claim with a collector and a 250-MW turbine of 200 MW will be 100 000 cubic meters of purified water per day more than 4 million liter per hour.
Despite the advantages on paper there is already one who raises numerous objections. First on the "transaction costs", according to a first estimate, would amount to 450 billion euro needed to build 20 lines di trasmissione da 5 GW l’una. Un’enormità che, rassicurano dal consorzio, potrebbe essere raggiunta da subito “con le misure adeguate come le tariffe fisse, già sperimentate in Spagna e Germania. La necessità di questi provvedimenti – aggiungono da Monaco – si ridurrebbe o sparirebbe se si sopprimessero le sovvenzioni statali alle energie fossili o nucleari e si fabbricassero componenti su larga scala”. Attualmente le tariffe sarebbero proibitive se si pensa che sull’elettricità generata dal sole graverebbe una spesa che oscilla fra i 125 e i 130 euro per MW/ora contro i 48 euro dell’energia prodotta da centrali a carbone. Uno sforzo economico che, tuttavia, potrebbe diminuire con la standardizzazione the product which, when completely operational, will ensure a perfect balance of supply and demand and thus avoid waste. So what will ensure the availability of electricity during the night and periods of excessive cloud cover since the super-grid connection can also be used for the transport of gas and biofuels. The process is already operational since 1985 in California where more than one company has used it in commercial use. The cut would also involve economic, Read BP case, the additional costs direct or indirect environmental damage and for the disposal of waste into the environment.
What's missing then? By the group repeated that the only element that prevents the start of the project is the lack of a strong political framework in some states that are potential producers of solar electricity. They do not seem enough predictions of the authors argue that "In the case of a voluntary interruption of supply from the producing countries immediately lose revenue from the sale of energy, in contrast to what happens to the energy generated from fossil fuels that can store and sell in later at the highest price. This is compounded by the loss of confidence in the nations of the Middle East and North Africa from their customers and prospective donors. " The latter, both public and private, as very concerned the deal, do not put a penny unless it has previously received assurances on the safety of their investments.
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