The theme of sexuality is very hot, intimate and personal, I will cover several times changing in an increasingly comprehensive as this topic is the focal point of the whole doctrine is the theme around which is more confusion inside absolute ranks of the Gnostics. It should say that sex for the Doctrine samaeliana is paramount and is the point at which he carries high psychological pressure, aiming to undermine the free will of the disciple. When a doctrine or a set of people have the power to control the sex of the novice / disciple to have made his life in his hands. The doctrine
samaeliana imagine it as an architectural structure is well crafted and well designed but suspended in the air without any support on the ground, no foundation, the Gnostic doctrine rests in the mind of the disciple because he believes he can do it. Apparently it's a good thing and all the followers are made pursuant to this fact, believing it to be infinite and universal illusion to be part of something unique divine, not paying attention to the fact that this is the result of a concrete hallucination that are produced by the use of sex.
sameliana doctrine speaks of sex as a means of redemption by which man can improve their earthly and spiritual practice sexuality transcended Arcanum AZF also emphatically called sexual alchemy or tantric sex. This sexuality is a set of prayers and positions with which they come into contact with God and it is sought to destroy the aggregates psychological condition which, according to Gomez the actions and thoughts. And all this is practically never, never, reach orgasm, never relished for the rest of life.
In practice for the Gnostic doctrine a man and a woman can not improve if they practice their psychological condition with normal sex orgasm because they are considered "dark" or even "blacks magicians."
Imagine the mental condition of the disciple who embark on a journey like that he is "unfortunately" in pairs, and practice for the rest of life coitus interruptus offense that does not convince and persuade to feel better psychologically. Many Gnostics
fact confuse chastity with alchemy, and for years they strive not to give in to instinct and many remain without a mate or companion, because in fact have become sexually inactive and scared of the opposite sex. About
carry a fact that explains the terms to which a man can get ... I met a man
Gnostic, who fell in love with a woman gnostic, he 40, she 45, the instructor gave them advice on how to woo her, he follows the dictates, made numerous incriminating statements gaffe sneaking in, extolling the beauty of the alleged her eyes and enhancing the quality of person ... The understandable embarrassment he adds to the fury and ibarazzo her, all this at a dinner in a restaurant before the rest of the group and instructor and his wife. The painful and awkward scene was the culmination of a series of failures of the man who came to tell her to stay even with him, She was to be seconded by 10 year old son ... Unacceptable demand, the result of misguided advice from the instructor, who after a failed courtship did somersaults to avoid any liability in this regard. This
situations of subordination of the disciple, he found fertile ground to the leaders of the groups that hold tight with psychological tactics the yoke, suggesting fears of losses to the disciple souls and serious neurological damage caused by the loss of seed, and even serious karmic repercussions which could also lead to serious diseases.
Sex is the door to all gnostic architecture and fear the key to the structure. I do not mean terrorism but a constant change of values \u200b\u200bthat will see a neophyte cabiamento progressive nature. In this regime of fear and sexual self-control will be rescheduled through the Gnostic precepts and truths professed by the guru, lecturer, teacher or priest.
If this continues for several months or years without ejaculating then it is easy to imagine what might be the consequences to your personality and your body. Not to mention the particular circumstances that are created by declaring his own style to the sexual partner or mate unaware.
Disclosure Gnostic expected to talk about this subject right now, before raising awareness on the topic of sex with chaste then the explanation sex "transcended" so that students can get a view of practice and get used to this type of discourse by forcing it to be normal and just. From
sexual obsession that makes this doctrine is to highlight those strange people who say and do, which compete in elaborate stories about her chastity and spiritual revelations made by this practice, the result of fanatical identification with the spiritual leader.
There are students who try to lie about this, but the instructor will recognize them immediately because they are more applications are much more happy and involved in the debate over the decision, perhaps due to their sexual spontaneity and energy. Inside
Gnostic schools Rumour has it that whoever loses the suit reads him in the face because they have large and deep eye sockets and even a golden brown or gray sign of fornication. These items are taken by students and beginners as real, as real and would jump through hoops to not appear on the astral or gray with heavy dark circles before your instructor.
Other false claims about sexuality that suggests the diagnosis sameliana are the origins of the same, we think that date back to the times of Atlantis and even before the protoplasmic race which, according to Gomez lived billions of years ago in this land, but boldest among the advisers put this kind of sexuality, even among the Egyptians and the Maya and even tra i veda, paventando l'esistenza di testi segreti sui quali vi è rivelato l'arcano (l'alchimia sessuale). Ridicolissime sono le conferenze su questo tema, tirando in ballo la sessualità dei faraoni d'Egitto, poiché alcuni conferenzieri asserisconco che taluni faraoni e sacerdoti egiziani avrebbero procreato senza eiaculare! A detrarre questa bislacca teoria vi sono fiumi di papiri che descrivono la pratica sessuale normale e addirittura vi è un geroglifico che rappresenta un fallo che eiacula, sul sesso nell'antico Egitto tornerò con un post smentendo definitivamente questa bugia.
Nessun popolo cultura o tradizione descrive l'atto sessuale così come lo descrive il Gomez, è una invenzione abbastanza recente largamente used eg by Alister Crowley to subjugate the minds of its followers and instill any nonsense, as did the Gomez and his advisers do. It is important to know that this practice is harmful to the body and mind, and does not produce any benefit for any psychological or other nature. The car detterminazione, unknown word to the Gnostics, is the result of normal sexual activity, healthy, free from fear or unfounded fears.
Sexuality samaeliana autodetterminazione annihilates the triggers because of glandular reactions that fill the mind with very strong Pulsoni which are stifled by fear of losing the suit and not be able to create animations. The autodetterminazione is essential to make their own choices in life, and Intrage with others and is a very precious and very neglected that is tempting to all the advisers of the doctrine samaeliana who try in every way to steal and harness it in a spiral of plagiarizing samaeliana sexuality.
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