Mission: Organization - Part 38
In the previous mission, we organized our diet, this week we'll take care of ' exercise.
Would you like to be a person in constant focus motor activities? it can be.
An important part in the challenge of an effective fitness plan is its organization and that is what we are going to do. Once this is done, the battle is half won.
begin choosing the type of physical activity.
Here's some help click
1 - Opt for an enjoyable
You may prefer to do the exercises alone or a group activity at a gym or a swimming pool where the proximity of friends can inspire you more.
If you like, you may decide to go for a walk early in the morning enjoying the fresh air.
2 - Choose fitness activities convenient
is not your life that needs to adapt to your fitness program but the reverse. Then choose the fitness goals that are convenient to reach in all directions.
If you must walk to get to the gym or you drive a lot chosen activity is too costly in terms of time.
If you have chosen the sport needs a lot of equipment to be acquired, for you will be spending.
If you have any doubts about your motives in undertaking a fitness program, these obstacles will only feed these doubts with the result that the business will break soon.
Then choose something not very demanding in terms of cost, time, boredom, etc..
Here are some ideas to draw upon to choose motor activity: walking
* * *
racing cycling bike
* (only if you already have at home!) *
dance or dance classes in general ( that solito sono anche divertenti da seguire)
* sport (calcio, tennis, nuoto, ecc)
* ginnastica in casa seguendo un programma in DVD
Bene, ora facciamo una lista di ciò che ci occorre.
Per esempio potreste aver bisogno di:
§ abiti sportivi
§ scarpe appropriate
§ un borsone
§ una bottiglia di acqua
§ asciugamano
§ una giacca per quando fa freddo
§ attrezzattura (racchetta, pesi, ecc.)
§ un iPod per ascoltare musica motivante
§ un diario per segnare gli esercizi
§ DVD per gli esercizi da seguire
This is a crucial point, not snobbatelo! First decide
- the frequency of - eg.
3 times a week - the duration of exercise - eg.
40 minutes - when run - eg. Every Monday lunchtime (12.30), Wednesday after work (18.00)
Now put these activities into your agenda, calendar, Outlook, etc..
Consider these as real events to honor! And really respect them!
In this way you have organized a simple and feasible piano di esercizi. Questi 3 step vi permetteranno di iniziare e restare motivati fino a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi fitness.
# consultate il vostro medico se avete problemi di salute prima di iniziare qualsiasi attività fisica, perché potreste aver scelto degli esercizi non idonei al vostro fisico
# non sentitevi colpevoli nel prendervi del tempo per l'esercizio fisico. Se avete qualche dubbio, chiedete al vostro amato se preferirebbe avere accanto a sè una persona felice ed in forma oppure una persona demotivata e non curata.
Se avete a disposizione più tempo dei canonici 30 minuti you can:
- execute the mission with the whole family. You can organize the exercises together or help each other to organize all your program
- go immediately to buy the necessary equipment.
Now if you're ready, you can start the mission. At this link the usual 30-minute timer.
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