Thursday, June 3, 2010

Laptop Loses Sound When I Switch To Tv

RICI CURNUTU SCECCU O / OX SAYS THE HORNED ass / ever Calzo proverb 'better

I hope not to offend any of the four subjects for portraits combinations.

Watch this video of Tony Troy called TSO, then read the rest of the post that refers to the call on the last part of the video.

who assisted raid last phone of our beloved Chairman of the submission of Giovanni Floris of Tuesday 'last year, maybe I'll find' apt citation of this old Italian proverb, which I wanted to bring back here in my dialect.
The Deputy Director Massimo Giannini, La Repubblica (plural not to be confused with the singular Radio24 journalist), exposing his comments on the economic operation of the Minister Tremonti, had referred to a speech made in public and reported in newspapers, in where the prime minister and supreme leader of the party said that love in a state where taxes are higher than 50%, evade taxes and 'something understandable and almost commendable!

The mention of this news (obviously false, so it 's true that before the end of the transmission Floris showed all references, of course, all false note), triggered the justified anger of our beloved President Council and Party chief of love. Cosi ', and this poor man' forced to defend his good character 'by calling a hotline Rai (he obviously has a particular channel known as the Chronicles of Trani related investigation has shown) to intervene and return courtesy to the reporter Giannini.

Here 'the apotheosis a character whose righteousness knows no bounds. Here is that he, the Ox, said the journalist, the donkey, and that 'a shameless liar!

I think it's clear to everyone how this has hurt the poor damn Asinaccio Ox. This bad ass of the great lies told against the poor Ox. So he cursed asinaccio and 'What a bastard, as the Ox.

Trial and 'that all the facts on which the judges, journalists and citizens dirty communists that poor of an ox would have lied, and instead of' true. They are all slander.

accuse this poor ox of bribing members of the Guardia di Finanza, lawyer of bribing a liar for making false testimony in a trial, to have committed accounting fraud and have decriminalized for this offense, you have a right arm (Dell 'Utri ed) accused of being close to the mafia, have been to his house for a year after I become a mafia pluripregiudicato for' Hero (manga), by his brother that he had the recording of a conversation between Fassino covered by confidentiality of investigations and Consort . I will stop here, but it 's obvious that the list of lies (please do not fall with nell'assonanza Minzolini, and that' another story, and NOT Minzolini 'synonymous with lies) arised from the Communists Donkeys to discredit our amatisimo Ox are endless.

The proof of the fact that the Ox is against tax evasion and 'under the eyes of all. Here are some demonstrations, ugly horned asses Communists

1. B. Government never did that amnesties can "educate" the Italians evasion.
2. B. Government has now removed all the rules introduced by the previous government on traceability '. Then he decided to introduce some of them, even if correct. The limit of Euro 5000 and 'right. If a poor vecchetta wants to buy a pair of shoes or a poor old man wants to go con una escort, non puo' mica usare la carta di credito!
3. il Governo B. ha introdotto lo scudo fiscale. Ma e' ovvio, no? Se la povera vecchietta a forza di cercare un paio di scarpe che le vadano bene deve fare tanti viaggi in Svizzera o alle Cayman, ma non riesce a trovare quello che fa per lei e torna in quei posti 10mila volte, come deve fare? E se un povero mafioso che ha onestamente guadagnato qualche milione di Euro spacciando droga, estorcendo dei soldi a qualche negoziante, sfruttando qualche prostituta, come deve fare? Quindi, brutti Asini comunisti, smettetela di dire che il Bue e' un cornuto e che incita all'evasione delle tasse. Siete voi asinacci ad avere le corna perche' non riuscite a vedere tutto l'amore and the sense of the rule of the poor ox that they say of all colors.

Editor's Note: I do not know how long she will be 'published this post. It was from Tuesday 'I wanted to vent in some way ..... here I chose this.


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