Gnosis in Egypt
A theme that also deal in other places and Egypt, on this argument, the Gnostic movement sketched any discourse, from meditation to breathing by extraterrestrials to the pharaohs, the mantra rituals. In short, the common thread of all these arguments credence to a fascinating ancient history, so true, tested and above all sacred.
What can respond to a lecturer when he asserts that the greatest Egyptologist of the twentieth century was the "doctor" Samael Aun Weor? What topics can lead to deduct the "truth" of the Egyptian doctor?
First childbirth with the assumption Egyptology that is a science, which Champollion wins scholars of the caliber of Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, or the latest Hawas matter what they say is a man of great culture and profound knowledge of ancient Egyptian culture and international dissemination, but for enthusiasts and academics, one can not sue the dr. Mark Collier in his book "how to read groglifici" lays the foundation for a deeper understanding of the hieroglyphs and the language of the ancient Egyptians, and by that you can understand the various aspects of religious culture abusatissima Egyptian cinema and the media, distorting it, thus giving rise to the Gnostics pundits to pontificate on alleged errors in deciphering the messages or insights di pietra lasciati dagli antichi egizi.
Innanzi tutto vorrei ricordare che il sig Gomez dice di essere stato il sacerdote che preparò il faraone kefren, e sempre nell'antico Egitto dice di essere stato iniziato al culto di Iside descrivendo ordalie "cinematografiche" e sempre in Egitto sarebbe custodita una sua mummia "viva" che aspetta di essere risvegliata per portare l'umanità in un nuovo esodo pre apocalittico. E sempre nell'antico Egitto il sig Gomez colloca svariati suoi amici come per esempio il suo amico Romero Cortés avvocato quale faraone kefren, oppure Oscar Uzcategui il quale sarebbe stato Marco Antonio amante di Cleopatra. In questo quadretto i divulgatori gnostici inquadrano il loro egittologo di fiducia.
La descrizione del personaggio Gomez is a duty on the basis of these statements because many followers are trying to build an Egyptian in his own fantasy overlapping academic studies of elite scientists and academic scholars believing that these conspire to not say the truth, or even ignore the true meaning of the rites or names and functions of the gods.
In many Gnostic rituals Egyptian culture is strongly present as always provokes fascination and fear because of the many tales of curses and mysterious powers of the people of the Nile. One of which is invoked quotidianente is the god Anubis, Anubis called by the Gnostics to make it more exotic, this god is worshiped as the god of cosmic law, the law of karma, asserting that the judge of departed souls, who must ask for protection and petition "debts" karmic contracts in this life and in previous ones. A god could then impose penalties and also able to remove them. Anyone who wants to win the goodness of God will NOT engage in the rune which consists of a set of physical exercises and psychological pay for the karma with his arms mimicking a scale that goes sine kneeling down and saying the mantra he na ni no nu and at the end of each cycle consists of three cycles in total, is the formula of intercession of the god or the request for the benefit of the god himself.
Apart from the inconsistency of this historical and religious exercise, I find it necessary for the sake of information about what he says Egyptology of the god Anubis.
Anubis also said Wepwawet or AMPU, jackal god the one who lives in the deserts and solitary places, accompanying the soul of the deceased before the state or the balance in the two arms to make psicostasia, namely the weighing of the soul.
The task of Anubis is also to monitor the mummy of the deceased and that's it.
In the book of the dead, so named by the first historians to accativarsi the curiosity of the early fans of Egyptology, describes perfectly how avvenivatale ritual.
Anubis in this papyrus only performs the functions of which was always in charge, referred to above, since the national soul of the deceased was the same as Osiris and 42 dignitaries, the Court was also established by the god Thot-Ibis, acting as notary and the crocodile god who had the task of eating the heart of the deceased if it was heavier than a feather, represented by the Maat, the goddess of justice. If Mr. Gomez had picked up a book instead of Egyptology documents by Hollywood movies would have avoided this ugly picture. A disciple Joachin Amortegui Valbuena had been persuaded by Gomez that was the incarnation of one of the 42 dignitaries of the court or, as said Gomez, one of the 42 judges of Karma, revealing well as some of its monad Rabolú VM. The Valbuena talemente believed it so much that I begin to wave to the four winds, claims to have been invested by the Master Samael dead the office of President of the Gnostic movement internationally, noting that would put the movement marked lowering of clay idols ... Well Mr. Valbuena besides doing another association rewrote books already written by Gomez signed as his revelations see "Hercolubus the red planet" and. Korado (whole program).
If Gomez had the third grade that the nenache Valbuena, a war dodger ignorant of post-mortem.
But returning to Egypt and the power that makes this argument in the fans of mysteries, one can not but mention the history of the Pyramids of Giza. According to the Gomez erano dei manufatti atlantidei prodotti 25000 anni fa dai discendenti dei superstiti del cataclisma e in una di queste, precisamente in quella ci Cheope ci avrebbe studiato Gesù Cristo negli anni della sua gioventù e tra i banchi avrebbe conosciuto la sua prima moglie che lascio per tornare in Galilea, lei, dice il Gomez era una sacerdotessa che gli avrebbe insegnato il sesso tantrico.
È inutile dire che su questi fatti non vi sono tracce nei geroglifici o storici dell'epoca, a lui chi glielo disse? Fu presente o lo sapeva grazie alle cronache akashiche? Mah i dubbi assalirebbero chiunque e cerca che ti ricerca mi imabattei nelle trascrizioni delle visioni di Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) detto il profeta dormiente, un mistico americano degli inizi century already in the early 1900's spoke of Atlantis and a secret rooms between the paws of the Sphinx. Evidently Gomez makes his story and that we sketched between the paws of the Sphinx is a room that contains the figures of the Egyptian tarot legacy of Atlantis ... And between one
scopiazzatura Gomez and the other creates its own history ancient Egypt by declaring the memories of those lives, not surprisingly many advisers to impress the room, occasionally come up with the story that we're all old souls reunite you know from Egypt of the pharaohs, perhaps implying or saying he explicitly between them there is some pharaoh or a high dignitary, an architect or a priest, but now you do not remember, but that following the conference or participating in anthropological trip in Egypt he will remember his past lives in Egypt, perhaps the conference concluded with a practical exercise for remembrance past lives ... And this is it, how you can call if gnosis of Egypt?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Chocolate Lindt Kasher
Sexuality samaeliana
The theme of sexuality is very hot, intimate and personal, I will cover several times changing in an increasingly comprehensive as this topic is the focal point of the whole doctrine is the theme around which is more confusion inside absolute ranks of the Gnostics. It should say that sex for the Doctrine samaeliana is paramount and is the point at which he carries high psychological pressure, aiming to undermine the free will of the disciple. When a doctrine or a set of people have the power to control the sex of the novice / disciple to have made his life in his hands. The doctrine
samaeliana imagine it as an architectural structure is well crafted and well designed but suspended in the air without any support on the ground, no foundation, the Gnostic doctrine rests in the mind of the disciple because he believes he can do it. Apparently it's a good thing and all the followers are made pursuant to this fact, believing it to be infinite and universal illusion to be part of something unique divine, not paying attention to the fact that this is the result of a concrete hallucination that are produced by the use of sex.
sameliana doctrine speaks of sex as a means of redemption by which man can improve their earthly and spiritual practice sexuality transcended Arcanum AZF also emphatically called sexual alchemy or tantric sex. This sexuality is a set of prayers and positions with which they come into contact with God and it is sought to destroy the aggregates psychological condition which, according to Gomez the actions and thoughts. And all this is practically never, never, reach orgasm, never relished for the rest of life.
In practice for the Gnostic doctrine a man and a woman can not improve if they practice their psychological condition with normal sex orgasm because they are considered "dark" or even "blacks magicians."
Imagine the mental condition of the disciple who embark on a journey like that he is "unfortunately" in pairs, and practice for the rest of life coitus interruptus offense that does not convince and persuade to feel better psychologically. Many Gnostics
fact confuse chastity with alchemy, and for years they strive not to give in to instinct and many remain without a mate or companion, because in fact have become sexually inactive and scared of the opposite sex. About
carry a fact that explains the terms to which a man can get ... I met a man
Gnostic, who fell in love with a woman gnostic, he 40, she 45, the instructor gave them advice on how to woo her, he follows the dictates, made numerous incriminating statements gaffe sneaking in, extolling the beauty of the alleged her eyes and enhancing the quality of person ... The understandable embarrassment he adds to the fury and ibarazzo her, all this at a dinner in a restaurant before the rest of the group and instructor and his wife. The painful and awkward scene was the culmination of a series of failures of the man who came to tell her to stay even with him, She was to be seconded by 10 year old son ... Unacceptable demand, the result of misguided advice from the instructor, who after a failed courtship did somersaults to avoid any liability in this regard. This
situations of subordination of the disciple, he found fertile ground to the leaders of the groups that hold tight with psychological tactics the yoke, suggesting fears of losses to the disciple souls and serious neurological damage caused by the loss of seed, and even serious karmic repercussions which could also lead to serious diseases.
Sex is the door to all gnostic architecture and fear the key to the structure. I do not mean terrorism but a constant change of values \u200b\u200bthat will see a neophyte cabiamento progressive nature. In this regime of fear and sexual self-control will be rescheduled through the Gnostic precepts and truths professed by the guru, lecturer, teacher or priest.
If this continues for several months or years without ejaculating then it is easy to imagine what might be the consequences to your personality and your body. Not to mention the particular circumstances that are created by declaring his own style to the sexual partner or mate unaware.
Disclosure Gnostic expected to talk about this subject right now, before raising awareness on the topic of sex with chaste then the explanation sex "transcended" so that students can get a view of practice and get used to this type of discourse by forcing it to be normal and just. From
sexual obsession that makes this doctrine is to highlight those strange people who say and do, which compete in elaborate stories about her chastity and spiritual revelations made by this practice, the result of fanatical identification with the spiritual leader.
There are students who try to lie about this, but the instructor will recognize them immediately because they are more applications are much more happy and involved in the debate over the decision, perhaps due to their sexual spontaneity and energy. Inside
Gnostic schools Rumour has it that whoever loses the suit reads him in the face because they have large and deep eye sockets and even a golden brown or gray sign of fornication. These items are taken by students and beginners as real, as real and would jump through hoops to not appear on the astral or gray with heavy dark circles before your instructor.
Other false claims about sexuality that suggests the diagnosis sameliana are the origins of the same, we think that date back to the times of Atlantis and even before the protoplasmic race which, according to Gomez lived billions of years ago in this land, but boldest among the advisers put this kind of sexuality, even among the Egyptians and the Maya and even tra i veda, paventando l'esistenza di testi segreti sui quali vi è rivelato l'arcano (l'alchimia sessuale). Ridicolissime sono le conferenze su questo tema, tirando in ballo la sessualità dei faraoni d'Egitto, poiché alcuni conferenzieri asserisconco che taluni faraoni e sacerdoti egiziani avrebbero procreato senza eiaculare! A detrarre questa bislacca teoria vi sono fiumi di papiri che descrivono la pratica sessuale normale e addirittura vi è un geroglifico che rappresenta un fallo che eiacula, sul sesso nell'antico Egitto tornerò con un post smentendo definitivamente questa bugia.
Nessun popolo cultura o tradizione descrive l'atto sessuale così come lo descrive il Gomez, è una invenzione abbastanza recente largamente used eg by Alister Crowley to subjugate the minds of its followers and instill any nonsense, as did the Gomez and his advisers do. It is important to know that this practice is harmful to the body and mind, and does not produce any benefit for any psychological or other nature. The car detterminazione, unknown word to the Gnostics, is the result of normal sexual activity, healthy, free from fear or unfounded fears.
Sexuality samaeliana autodetterminazione annihilates the triggers because of glandular reactions that fill the mind with very strong Pulsoni which are stifled by fear of losing the suit and not be able to create animations. The autodetterminazione is essential to make their own choices in life, and Intrage with others and is a very precious and very neglected that is tempting to all the advisers of the doctrine samaeliana who try in every way to steal and harness it in a spiral of plagiarizing samaeliana sexuality.
The theme of sexuality is very hot, intimate and personal, I will cover several times changing in an increasingly comprehensive as this topic is the focal point of the whole doctrine is the theme around which is more confusion inside absolute ranks of the Gnostics. It should say that sex for the Doctrine samaeliana is paramount and is the point at which he carries high psychological pressure, aiming to undermine the free will of the disciple. When a doctrine or a set of people have the power to control the sex of the novice / disciple to have made his life in his hands. The doctrine
samaeliana imagine it as an architectural structure is well crafted and well designed but suspended in the air without any support on the ground, no foundation, the Gnostic doctrine rests in the mind of the disciple because he believes he can do it. Apparently it's a good thing and all the followers are made pursuant to this fact, believing it to be infinite and universal illusion to be part of something unique divine, not paying attention to the fact that this is the result of a concrete hallucination that are produced by the use of sex.
sameliana doctrine speaks of sex as a means of redemption by which man can improve their earthly and spiritual practice sexuality transcended Arcanum AZF also emphatically called sexual alchemy or tantric sex. This sexuality is a set of prayers and positions with which they come into contact with God and it is sought to destroy the aggregates psychological condition which, according to Gomez the actions and thoughts. And all this is practically never, never, reach orgasm, never relished for the rest of life.
In practice for the Gnostic doctrine a man and a woman can not improve if they practice their psychological condition with normal sex orgasm because they are considered "dark" or even "blacks magicians."
Imagine the mental condition of the disciple who embark on a journey like that he is "unfortunately" in pairs, and practice for the rest of life coitus interruptus offense that does not convince and persuade to feel better psychologically. Many Gnostics
fact confuse chastity with alchemy, and for years they strive not to give in to instinct and many remain without a mate or companion, because in fact have become sexually inactive and scared of the opposite sex. About
carry a fact that explains the terms to which a man can get ... I met a man
Gnostic, who fell in love with a woman gnostic, he 40, she 45, the instructor gave them advice on how to woo her, he follows the dictates, made numerous incriminating statements gaffe sneaking in, extolling the beauty of the alleged her eyes and enhancing the quality of person ... The understandable embarrassment he adds to the fury and ibarazzo her, all this at a dinner in a restaurant before the rest of the group and instructor and his wife. The painful and awkward scene was the culmination of a series of failures of the man who came to tell her to stay even with him, She was to be seconded by 10 year old son ... Unacceptable demand, the result of misguided advice from the instructor, who after a failed courtship did somersaults to avoid any liability in this regard. This
situations of subordination of the disciple, he found fertile ground to the leaders of the groups that hold tight with psychological tactics the yoke, suggesting fears of losses to the disciple souls and serious neurological damage caused by the loss of seed, and even serious karmic repercussions which could also lead to serious diseases.
Sex is the door to all gnostic architecture and fear the key to the structure. I do not mean terrorism but a constant change of values \u200b\u200bthat will see a neophyte cabiamento progressive nature. In this regime of fear and sexual self-control will be rescheduled through the Gnostic precepts and truths professed by the guru, lecturer, teacher or priest.
If this continues for several months or years without ejaculating then it is easy to imagine what might be the consequences to your personality and your body. Not to mention the particular circumstances that are created by declaring his own style to the sexual partner or mate unaware.
Disclosure Gnostic expected to talk about this subject right now, before raising awareness on the topic of sex with chaste then the explanation sex "transcended" so that students can get a view of practice and get used to this type of discourse by forcing it to be normal and just. From
sexual obsession that makes this doctrine is to highlight those strange people who say and do, which compete in elaborate stories about her chastity and spiritual revelations made by this practice, the result of fanatical identification with the spiritual leader.
There are students who try to lie about this, but the instructor will recognize them immediately because they are more applications are much more happy and involved in the debate over the decision, perhaps due to their sexual spontaneity and energy. Inside
Gnostic schools Rumour has it that whoever loses the suit reads him in the face because they have large and deep eye sockets and even a golden brown or gray sign of fornication. These items are taken by students and beginners as real, as real and would jump through hoops to not appear on the astral or gray with heavy dark circles before your instructor.
Other false claims about sexuality that suggests the diagnosis sameliana are the origins of the same, we think that date back to the times of Atlantis and even before the protoplasmic race which, according to Gomez lived billions of years ago in this land, but boldest among the advisers put this kind of sexuality, even among the Egyptians and the Maya and even tra i veda, paventando l'esistenza di testi segreti sui quali vi è rivelato l'arcano (l'alchimia sessuale). Ridicolissime sono le conferenze su questo tema, tirando in ballo la sessualità dei faraoni d'Egitto, poiché alcuni conferenzieri asserisconco che taluni faraoni e sacerdoti egiziani avrebbero procreato senza eiaculare! A detrarre questa bislacca teoria vi sono fiumi di papiri che descrivono la pratica sessuale normale e addirittura vi è un geroglifico che rappresenta un fallo che eiacula, sul sesso nell'antico Egitto tornerò con un post smentendo definitivamente questa bugia.
Nessun popolo cultura o tradizione descrive l'atto sessuale così come lo descrive il Gomez, è una invenzione abbastanza recente largamente used eg by Alister Crowley to subjugate the minds of its followers and instill any nonsense, as did the Gomez and his advisers do. It is important to know that this practice is harmful to the body and mind, and does not produce any benefit for any psychological or other nature. The car detterminazione, unknown word to the Gnostics, is the result of normal sexual activity, healthy, free from fear or unfounded fears.
Sexuality samaeliana autodetterminazione annihilates the triggers because of glandular reactions that fill the mind with very strong Pulsoni which are stifled by fear of losing the suit and not be able to create animations. The autodetterminazione is essential to make their own choices in life, and Intrage with others and is a very precious and very neglected that is tempting to all the advisers of the doctrine samaeliana who try in every way to steal and harness it in a spiral of plagiarizing samaeliana sexuality.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What Can An Anesthesiologist Afford
3. La commissione del Viminale nega la concessione del Programma di Protezione per i pentiti. La motivazione di questa decisione è che il pentito Spatuzza non ha rispettato i termini di 180 giorni per fare tutte le dichiarazioni che riteneva utili. Ci sono moti commenti da più parti che entrano nel merito di questa decisione. Io mi limito a sottolineare il significato indiretto della negazione di protezione a Spatuzza. I fratelli Graviano e tutti gli altri potenziali "parlatori" sono avvisati. Lo Stato potrebbe anche non concedere i privilegi inventati da Giovanni Falcone per quei collaboratori di giustizia che diano un contributo all'individuazione della verità.
Non desidero aggiungere commenti. Volevo only stimulate your analysis by combining the three events. I invite you to read up to make your own idea. I have my mind made me and it is very clear. But in times like these, I prefer to keep her for me.
I decided to publish this article because I would leave one of my personal notes, some links. I do not want me to forget that in the future. I do not want to add any comment, I do not want to blame anyone. I would like just to list some of the events listed in chronological order all the newspapers. Although comments are not mine but taken from the newspapers.
1. Gaspare Spatuzza ha deciso di collaborare con la giustizia. Ha fornito molti dettagli della sua attività criminale. Si è addirittura autoaccusato, smentendo Scarantino, di aver procurato la Fiat 126 utilizzata per l'attentato di Via D'Amelio costato la vita al giudice Paolo Borsellino e alla sua scorta. Scarantino è colui che in precedenza aveva già confessato di aver rubato la stessa 126. Di fronte ai giudici in contraddittorio con Spatuzza, Scarantino ha ammesso di essersi inventato tutto. Ci sono altre circostanze valutate da diverse procure (Palermo, Caltanissetta, Firenze) per cui Spatuzza viene ritenuto un testimone attendibile e, quindi, un pentito. Durante il processo per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa a uno dei fondatori del partito Forza Italia, Marcello Dell'Utri (condannato a 9 anni in primo grado), il testimone Spatuzza riferisce di colloqui fra lui e i fratelli Graviano (anche loro in carcere per reati di mafia) che gli parlano di contatti con Dell'Utri. In questi colloqui, secondo Spatuzza, i Graviano parlavano della possibilità di "dialogo" con Berlusconi.
2. I Fratelli Graviano interrogati per verificare l'attendibilità delle dichiarazioni di Spatuzza, hanno avuto un comportamento giudicato strano da più fonti. Infatti uno dei fratelli ha smentito Spatuzza, anche se pare che i toni con cui si riferiva a Spatuzza non fossero quelli tipici usati da un mafioso nei confronti di chi "parla". L'altro fratello invece, dichiara di non essere in grado di parlare a causa di problemi di salute. Molti commentatori affermano che questo comportamente vuole essere un segnale molto chiaro e in linea con la strategia di comunicazione mafiosa. Dicono i commentatori, che l'aver timidamente smentito Spatuzza da una parte e aver deciso di tacere dall'altra significa una cosa molto precisa: se vogliamo, possiamo dire che tutte le affermazioni di Spatuzza siano "minchiate" (stupidaggini ndr), ma in assenza di chiari segnali di apprezzamento per questo gesto, possiamo anche decidere di vuotare il sacco.
Non desidero aggiungere commenti. Volevo only stimulate your analysis by combining the three events. I invite you to read up to make your own idea. I have my mind made me and it is very clear. But in times like these, I prefer to keep her for me.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Can You Give A Dog Acepromazine
Day the Earth
actor Michael Rennie
... not to be confused with Victor Manuel Gomez
When you have time to reflect on all the cold-blooded samaeliana doctrine, there is also the time to have two good laugh and you can not avoid sharing with those who do not know or did not realize these hilarious folds of the doctrine. I speak
the topic of extraterrestrials and UFOs, an important issue for those who disseminate the doctrine, since only the title of the conference attracts enthusiasts and experts in this subject.
Some Gnostic schools show off the high-sounding title "Message from the Designers" to introduce the subject in samaeliana key to their followers that the more often you drink in one breath scopiazzatura a beautiful and good story by Harry Bates, Farewell to the Master (farewell to the master) 1940, which inspired the famous film "The Day the Earth" in 1951 played beautifully by the actor Michael Rennie (see photo above), which looks very similar to the case Gomez ... But I go with order not to anticipate too much ...
The plot is compelling, is a flying saucer landing in a park in Washington, some people are curious to see the strange object approaching already surrounded by many soldiers, a man came out from the ship (Klaatu), which was immediately shot by a soldier, just after comes a robot (Gort), which collapses all the weapons from the hands of the military by a laser. Klaatu is translated to the hospital by posing as an ordinary citizen who goes by the name of Carpenter, fleeing to avoid being recognized meets a guest at the home of Helen and her son Bobby who accompanied him to the house of Professor Barnhardt, the alien tells the professor that the earth will be destroyed if the people do not stop go to war with each other. Professor Barnhardt convene meeting with all the powers of the world so that Klaatu could be heard and to demonstrate their power cut off the electricity in advance around the world.
Thanks to a tip from Helen's boyfriend, Klaatu is killed, Gort at this point that by that time had stood still outside the spacecraft, enters mass destruction, but warned by Helen Klaatu fails in time to utter those famous words " Klaatu Barada Nikto! " blocking the wrath of the robot.
Having recovered the body of Klaatu, Gort in reality the true master of Klaatu, manages to restore his life thanks to the sophisticated machinery of the flying saucer, after recovering Klaatu greets Helen paying his ultimatum to the land and the authorities before taking his record and go to space.
must be that he was so identified with Klaatu in which Victor Manuel has portrayed herself in some photos of the actor Michael Rennie similar to those seen his frightening similarity. In fact, there are many things in common with the character Klaatu and the work of Gomez about extraterrestrials and their messages.
The first wrote about extraterrestrials of the Gomez signing around 42 years while the book from which the film is based is 1940.
in a story of Gomez about his conversation with extraterrestrials in the desert of the Lions in the Republic of Mexico (Federal District) says he saw a tripod of steel from which people came out of one meter and 20, 30 or 40 cm which is fluent in English, first presented himself as a writer and then begged them to take him to Mars because its monad comes from that planet, but aliens said it was too close and did not have the grades to be translated into those places. Their conversation focuses on the evil of man and the karmic reasons for which are in the world wars, and for these reasons, the earth will be destroyed by the stupidity of man himself, playing with the powerful nuclear arsenals. Small
parentheses, Gomez writes these things in a period when there was preparing for World War II and in the case of this story, writes in the cold war, where fear of nuclear holocaust was a plausible hypothesis and daily. In his lectures
goes up to an incredible, saying that it revolved around Jupiter a satellite called Planet yellow, destroyed by a nuclear holocaust, and some men, save it, took refuge on Ganymede, which is still inhabited by descendants. According to Gomez all the planets and mind you all alone would be inhabited by divine men, not to be understood in a purely symbolic but real, since according to him these men move their ships across the galaxy cosmic ... Embarrassing
theories ... I know ... but this embarrassment reaches its climax when Gomez asserts that humanity must pass through the atomic destruction and carnage epidemic, but will save only the most spiritually elect, not just some but all Gnostics who have reached a psychological change. in the sum of 144,000 people elected, but a small number of men who will be brought to the planet Venus, and they can continue their spiritual journey to become the new great race Korado the sixth seed, who will inhabit the earth, now revolutionized. Against this background the threat Gomez humanity to be in grave danger if not used immediately to a psychological change, as happened to the Atlanteans and the men will be led by a new Vaivasbata Manu (Noah), which will be in the age of aquarium he same, but with another body hidden since the days of Pharaoh Kefren in Egitto.
il Gomez dice sarà alto scuro di pelle e con i capelli ricci, e sarà lui, il quale organizzerà l'esodo dei "salvati" dall'apocalisse della nostra razza (aria).
...Un minuto per rileggere l'ultima frase...
Come nel film era Klaatu anche il Gomez non è lui il padrone di se stesso ma del "suo" Gort la sua monade, che chiama Samael, ricordo a chi non ha conoscenze nel campo cabalistico, Samael è il reggente del pianeta Marte, signore della guerra e dell'inganno, che nella bibbia viene tradotto come il serpente tentatore di Adamo ed Eva.
A quanto pare verso il 2500 il pianeta Terra sarà una palla di fango e fuoco, ridotta così non solo da olocausti nucleari e alla imbecillità dell'uomo ma anche da un pianeta gigantesco che, dice il Gomez, si avvicina pericolosamente al nostro ad una grandissima velocità e per causa dei suoi terribili campi magnetici distruggerà tutto, il nome di questo gigante rosso, il Gomez lo chiama Hercolubus, o anche Barnhard II guarda caso come il professore del film in questione.
Per mancanza di spazio mi astengo dal riportare lo scritto delle penosissime lettere che il Gomez scrive ai potenti del mondo che a quei tempi erano i presidenti degli U.S.A. e dell' U.R.S.S. forse mai spedite, ma riportate in un opuscolo di una scuola gnostica, in pratica avverte i signori presidenti dell'esistenza degli U.F.O. e delle imminenti catastrofi e del pericolo atomico per le quali l'umanità si appresta a subirne le devastanti consequences, deep in political advice and strategy, just as Klaatu (Michael Rennie) is powerful in front of the aforementioned film, showing on the power interrupting electricity worldwide, but Gomez could not do the ...
Victor Mauel Gomez aka Samael Aun Weor has little means of disseminating his apocalyptic talk, some have noticed the huge rubbish disputed see (the lawyer, his friend, a reincarnation of Kefren), but others have believed, and continue Conference in popular publications, using the above nonsense to steal the faith of many Buna, which sooner or later give way to rationality and agreement in all respects eventually become part of another film, this time, serious, psychological, in which aliens are themselves unaware of being part of the frenzy of the late Victor Manuel Gomez was hoping that maybe someone got to a certain point shouting Samael Barada Nikto!
Victor Manuel Gomez
One day I asked an adviser, if he had seen the movie and if he had noticed the similarities with the "master" and he responded with air safety << si è la potenza del Logos Samael che si espresse attraverso il regista del film >> clever response but greatly embarrassing ... For him ...
actor Michael Rennie
... not to be confused with Victor Manuel Gomez
When you have time to reflect on all the cold-blooded samaeliana doctrine, there is also the time to have two good laugh and you can not avoid sharing with those who do not know or did not realize these hilarious folds of the doctrine. I speak
the topic of extraterrestrials and UFOs, an important issue for those who disseminate the doctrine, since only the title of the conference attracts enthusiasts and experts in this subject.
Some Gnostic schools show off the high-sounding title "Message from the Designers" to introduce the subject in samaeliana key to their followers that the more often you drink in one breath scopiazzatura a beautiful and good story by Harry Bates, Farewell to the Master (farewell to the master) 1940, which inspired the famous film "The Day the Earth" in 1951 played beautifully by the actor Michael Rennie (see photo above), which looks very similar to the case Gomez ... But I go with order not to anticipate too much ...
The plot is compelling, is a flying saucer landing in a park in Washington, some people are curious to see the strange object approaching already surrounded by many soldiers, a man came out from the ship (Klaatu), which was immediately shot by a soldier, just after comes a robot (Gort), which collapses all the weapons from the hands of the military by a laser. Klaatu is translated to the hospital by posing as an ordinary citizen who goes by the name of Carpenter, fleeing to avoid being recognized meets a guest at the home of Helen and her son Bobby who accompanied him to the house of Professor Barnhardt, the alien tells the professor that the earth will be destroyed if the people do not stop go to war with each other. Professor Barnhardt convene meeting with all the powers of the world so that Klaatu could be heard and to demonstrate their power cut off the electricity in advance around the world.
Thanks to a tip from Helen's boyfriend, Klaatu is killed, Gort at this point that by that time had stood still outside the spacecraft, enters mass destruction, but warned by Helen Klaatu fails in time to utter those famous words " Klaatu Barada Nikto! " blocking the wrath of the robot.
Having recovered the body of Klaatu, Gort in reality the true master of Klaatu, manages to restore his life thanks to the sophisticated machinery of the flying saucer, after recovering Klaatu greets Helen paying his ultimatum to the land and the authorities before taking his record and go to space.
must be that he was so identified with Klaatu in which Victor Manuel has portrayed herself in some photos of the actor Michael Rennie similar to those seen his frightening similarity. In fact, there are many things in common with the character Klaatu and the work of Gomez about extraterrestrials and their messages.
The first wrote about extraterrestrials of the Gomez signing around 42 years while the book from which the film is based is 1940.
in a story of Gomez about his conversation with extraterrestrials in the desert of the Lions in the Republic of Mexico (Federal District) says he saw a tripod of steel from which people came out of one meter and 20, 30 or 40 cm which is fluent in English, first presented himself as a writer and then begged them to take him to Mars because its monad comes from that planet, but aliens said it was too close and did not have the grades to be translated into those places. Their conversation focuses on the evil of man and the karmic reasons for which are in the world wars, and for these reasons, the earth will be destroyed by the stupidity of man himself, playing with the powerful nuclear arsenals. Small
parentheses, Gomez writes these things in a period when there was preparing for World War II and in the case of this story, writes in the cold war, where fear of nuclear holocaust was a plausible hypothesis and daily. In his lectures
goes up to an incredible, saying that it revolved around Jupiter a satellite called Planet yellow, destroyed by a nuclear holocaust, and some men, save it, took refuge on Ganymede, which is still inhabited by descendants. According to Gomez all the planets and mind you all alone would be inhabited by divine men, not to be understood in a purely symbolic but real, since according to him these men move their ships across the galaxy cosmic ... Embarrassing
theories ... I know ... but this embarrassment reaches its climax when Gomez asserts that humanity must pass through the atomic destruction and carnage epidemic, but will save only the most spiritually elect, not just some but all Gnostics who have reached a psychological change. in the sum of 144,000 people elected, but a small number of men who will be brought to the planet Venus, and they can continue their spiritual journey to become the new great race Korado the sixth seed, who will inhabit the earth, now revolutionized. Against this background the threat Gomez humanity to be in grave danger if not used immediately to a psychological change, as happened to the Atlanteans and the men will be led by a new Vaivasbata Manu (Noah), which will be in the age of aquarium he same, but with another body hidden since the days of Pharaoh Kefren in Egitto.
il Gomez dice sarà alto scuro di pelle e con i capelli ricci, e sarà lui, il quale organizzerà l'esodo dei "salvati" dall'apocalisse della nostra razza (aria).
...Un minuto per rileggere l'ultima frase...
Come nel film era Klaatu anche il Gomez non è lui il padrone di se stesso ma del "suo" Gort la sua monade, che chiama Samael, ricordo a chi non ha conoscenze nel campo cabalistico, Samael è il reggente del pianeta Marte, signore della guerra e dell'inganno, che nella bibbia viene tradotto come il serpente tentatore di Adamo ed Eva.
A quanto pare verso il 2500 il pianeta Terra sarà una palla di fango e fuoco, ridotta così non solo da olocausti nucleari e alla imbecillità dell'uomo ma anche da un pianeta gigantesco che, dice il Gomez, si avvicina pericolosamente al nostro ad una grandissima velocità e per causa dei suoi terribili campi magnetici distruggerà tutto, il nome di questo gigante rosso, il Gomez lo chiama Hercolubus, o anche Barnhard II guarda caso come il professore del film in questione.
Per mancanza di spazio mi astengo dal riportare lo scritto delle penosissime lettere che il Gomez scrive ai potenti del mondo che a quei tempi erano i presidenti degli U.S.A. e dell' U.R.S.S. forse mai spedite, ma riportate in un opuscolo di una scuola gnostica, in pratica avverte i signori presidenti dell'esistenza degli U.F.O. e delle imminenti catastrofi e del pericolo atomico per le quali l'umanità si appresta a subirne le devastanti consequences, deep in political advice and strategy, just as Klaatu (Michael Rennie) is powerful in front of the aforementioned film, showing on the power interrupting electricity worldwide, but Gomez could not do the ...
Victor Mauel Gomez aka Samael Aun Weor has little means of disseminating his apocalyptic talk, some have noticed the huge rubbish disputed see (the lawyer, his friend, a reincarnation of Kefren), but others have believed, and continue Conference in popular publications, using the above nonsense to steal the faith of many Buna, which sooner or later give way to rationality and agreement in all respects eventually become part of another film, this time, serious, psychological, in which aliens are themselves unaware of being part of the frenzy of the late Victor Manuel Gomez was hoping that maybe someone got to a certain point shouting Samael Barada Nikto!
Victor Manuel Gomez
One day I asked an adviser, if he had seen the movie and if he had noticed the similarities with the "master" and he responded with air safety << si è la potenza del Logos Samael che si espresse attraverso il regista del film >> clever response but greatly embarrassing ... For him ...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
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Mission: Organization - Part 39
Iniziamo scegliendo un'area come obiettivo.
In 30 minuti riuscite a pulire:
As always, if you have more time, you can:
Now that you know what to do, you just have to do it!
Feeling stressate quando vi guardate intorno, in casa o in ufficio?
Se avete dimenticato che faccia ha il vostro tavolo, il piano della cucina, la vostra scrivania allora questa missione fa per voi! Ripuliremo le superfici!
Ricordate: 30 minuti e non uno di più!
Iniziamo scegliendo un'area come obiettivo.
In 30 minuti riuscite a pulire:
- la scrivania
- il piano della cucina
- il piano del bagno
- il tavolino da salotto
- il tavolo della sala
- parti di pavimento ingombre
Once you have identified the area to clean up, remove everything that is on the surface and place it on the floor.
STEP 2: Delete what is not needed (5 minutes)
Check out the piles of objects that have moved and set aside what is to be thrown away or donate.
Be ruthless. Your reward will be the cleaned surfaces free of clutter, a more relaxed view of your home, a mental clarity.
objects that remain have an accommodation, a place to stay but for some strange reason I came to the table, until the floor of the kitchen and have taken up residence there.
's time to bring them back to their place of belonging.
STEP 4: FIND A PLACE THAT IS does not have it (15 minutes)
This is the most difficult step: to find a way to those things that you need but do not know where to put them.
Here are some tips:
- cluttered the table because the object avete bisogno di averlo a portata di mano?
-> trovategli posto in un cassetto o in un armadietto vicino - l'oggetto serve per qualche operazione, azione, forse per una riparazione?
-> inserite la riparazione nella vostra lista di cose da fare in modo da eliminare la causa dell'ingombro dell'oggetto. - l'oggetto è correlato ad un promemoria - per es. un libro da restituire?
-> create una zona dedicata a questo tipo di cose - l'oggetto non trova spazio nel suo posto - per es. un vestito che non si riesce ad inserire in un armadio strapieno?
-> prendetevi altri 30 minuti per portare a termine una missione di organizzazione dei local ( office, bedroom , cabinet, kitchen , bathroom, living room ) so you have the space to accommodate other things.
- Notice how you feel better seeing surfaces clean from any type of object. This feeling will motivate you to throw everything that you do not need.
- Keep only those things that beautify the environment making you feel better.
- to reform will not let other pile of useless items!
As always, if you have more time, you can:
- involve the family. Allocated to each surface to be cleaned so you end up with the house clean!
- performed the mission as a group. Call friends and go from house to house in the afternoon to help clean up a particular corner of the house.
Now that you know what to do, you just have to do it!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
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Speaking of anniversaries ...
Years ago on a newspaper in which I can not remember the header avevo trovato i vari anniversari di matrimonio elencati per anni. Eccoli:
1 anno Nozze di COTONE
2 anni Nozze di CARTA
3 anni Nozze di CUOIO
5 anni Nozze di LEGNO
7 anni Marriage of 10 years
Wedding Wedding SILK
12 years 15 years ;
Crystal Wedding Wedding PORCELAIN
20 years 25 years 30
Silver Wedding years Marriage of 35 years
Wedding Wedding EMERALD
40 years 45 years ; Wedding RUBY
50 years 60 years
gold wedding diamond wedding
70 years Marriage of 75 years
Obviously I'm not sure the name is right, if you're already surfing the web there's a different version, see for example precisely here where we compare the different denominations.
But once established the order you can use this list for a little game: If you are lucky enough to happen during one of these anniversaries, Give your partner an object made of the same material indicated in the name of your anniversary.
As you saw in the post yesterday, I fall between the 10th and the 12th ... this year no gifts ... maybe a good meal!
1 anno Nozze di COTONE
2 anni Nozze di CARTA
3 anni Nozze di CUOIO
5 anni Nozze di LEGNO
7 anni Marriage of 10 years
Wedding Wedding SILK
12 years 15 years ;
Crystal Wedding Wedding PORCELAIN
20 years 25 years 30
Silver Wedding years Marriage of 35 years
Wedding Wedding EMERALD
40 years 45 years ; Wedding RUBY
50 years 60 years
gold wedding diamond wedding
70 years Marriage of 75 years
Obviously I'm not sure the name is right, if you're already surfing the web there's a different version, see for example precisely here where we compare the different denominations.
But once established the order you can use this list for a little game: If you are lucky enough to happen during one of these anniversaries, Give your partner an object made of the same material indicated in the name of your anniversary.
As you saw in the post yesterday, I fall between the 10th and the 12th ... this year no gifts ... maybe a good meal!
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Mission: Organization - Part 38
In the previous mission, we organized our diet, this week we'll take care of ' exercise.
Would you like to be a person in constant focus motor activities? it can be.
An important part in the challenge of an effective fitness plan is its organization and that is what we are going to do. Once this is done, the battle is half won.
begin choosing the type of physical activity.
Here's some help click
1 - Opt for an enjoyable
You may prefer to do the exercises alone or a group activity at a gym or a swimming pool where the proximity of friends can inspire you more.
If you like, you may decide to go for a walk early in the morning enjoying the fresh air.
2 - Choose fitness activities convenient
is not your life that needs to adapt to your fitness program but the reverse. Then choose the fitness goals that are convenient to reach in all directions.
If you must walk to get to the gym or you drive a lot chosen activity is too costly in terms of time.
If you have chosen the sport needs a lot of equipment to be acquired, for you will be spending.
If you have any doubts about your motives in undertaking a fitness program, these obstacles will only feed these doubts with the result that the business will break soon.
Then choose something not very demanding in terms of cost, time, boredom, etc..
Here are some ideas to draw upon to choose motor activity: walking
* * *
racing cycling bike
* (only if you already have at home!) *
dance or dance classes in general ( that solito sono anche divertenti da seguire)
* sport (calcio, tennis, nuoto, ecc)
* ginnastica in casa seguendo un programma in DVD
Bene, ora facciamo una lista di ciò che ci occorre.
Per esempio potreste aver bisogno di:
§ abiti sportivi
§ scarpe appropriate
§ un borsone
§ una bottiglia di acqua
§ asciugamano
§ una giacca per quando fa freddo
§ attrezzattura (racchetta, pesi, ecc.)
§ un iPod per ascoltare musica motivante
§ un diario per segnare gli esercizi
§ DVD per gli esercizi da seguire
This is a crucial point, not snobbatelo! First decide
- the frequency of - eg.
3 times a week - the duration of exercise - eg.
40 minutes - when run - eg. Every Monday lunchtime (12.30), Wednesday after work (18.00)
Now put these activities into your agenda, calendar, Outlook, etc..
Consider these as real events to honor! And really respect them!
In this way you have organized a simple and feasible piano di esercizi. Questi 3 step vi permetteranno di iniziare e restare motivati fino a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi fitness.
# consultate il vostro medico se avete problemi di salute prima di iniziare qualsiasi attività fisica, perché potreste aver scelto degli esercizi non idonei al vostro fisico
# non sentitevi colpevoli nel prendervi del tempo per l'esercizio fisico. Se avete qualche dubbio, chiedete al vostro amato se preferirebbe avere accanto a sè una persona felice ed in forma oppure una persona demotivata e non curata.
Se avete a disposizione più tempo dei canonici 30 minuti you can:
- execute the mission with the whole family. You can organize the exercises together or help each other to organize all your program
- go immediately to buy the necessary equipment.
Now if you're ready, you can start the mission. At this link the usual 30-minute timer.
In the previous mission, we organized our diet, this week we'll take care of ' exercise.
Would you like to be a person in constant focus motor activities? it can be.
An important part in the challenge of an effective fitness plan is its organization and that is what we are going to do. Once this is done, the battle is half won.
begin choosing the type of physical activity.
Here's some help click
1 - Opt for an enjoyable
You may prefer to do the exercises alone or a group activity at a gym or a swimming pool where the proximity of friends can inspire you more.
If you like, you may decide to go for a walk early in the morning enjoying the fresh air.
2 - Choose fitness activities convenient
is not your life that needs to adapt to your fitness program but the reverse. Then choose the fitness goals that are convenient to reach in all directions.
If you must walk to get to the gym or you drive a lot chosen activity is too costly in terms of time.
If you have chosen the sport needs a lot of equipment to be acquired, for you will be spending.
If you have any doubts about your motives in undertaking a fitness program, these obstacles will only feed these doubts with the result that the business will break soon.
Then choose something not very demanding in terms of cost, time, boredom, etc..
Here are some ideas to draw upon to choose motor activity: walking
* * *
racing cycling bike
* (only if you already have at home!) *
dance or dance classes in general ( that solito sono anche divertenti da seguire)
* sport (calcio, tennis, nuoto, ecc)
* ginnastica in casa seguendo un programma in DVD
Bene, ora facciamo una lista di ciò che ci occorre.
Per esempio potreste aver bisogno di:
§ abiti sportivi
§ scarpe appropriate
§ un borsone
§ una bottiglia di acqua
§ asciugamano
§ una giacca per quando fa freddo
§ attrezzattura (racchetta, pesi, ecc.)
§ un iPod per ascoltare musica motivante
§ un diario per segnare gli esercizi
§ DVD per gli esercizi da seguire
This is a crucial point, not snobbatelo! First decide
- the frequency of - eg.
3 times a week - the duration of exercise - eg.
40 minutes - when run - eg. Every Monday lunchtime (12.30), Wednesday after work (18.00)
Now put these activities into your agenda, calendar, Outlook, etc..
Consider these as real events to honor! And really respect them!
In this way you have organized a simple and feasible piano di esercizi. Questi 3 step vi permetteranno di iniziare e restare motivati fino a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi fitness.
# consultate il vostro medico se avete problemi di salute prima di iniziare qualsiasi attività fisica, perché potreste aver scelto degli esercizi non idonei al vostro fisico
# non sentitevi colpevoli nel prendervi del tempo per l'esercizio fisico. Se avete qualche dubbio, chiedete al vostro amato se preferirebbe avere accanto a sè una persona felice ed in forma oppure una persona demotivata e non curata.
Se avete a disposizione più tempo dei canonici 30 minuti you can:
- execute the mission with the whole family. You can organize the exercises together or help each other to organize all your program
- go immediately to buy the necessary equipment.
Now if you're ready, you can start the mission. At this link the usual 30-minute timer.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Preparation H For Fissure
Today in just two hours, our beloved Prime Minister has made a series of statements that are literally falling in your arms!
Copying from the Blog of Antonio Di Pietro:
11:47 pm (source USA Today) - "From Economic Development Minister can say that if Rai does not change and stop being so biased against the majority are almost tempted not to sign the contract for public service. "
12:27 pm (source Reuters) -" Today it is no longer the sovereignty of Parliament, is passed to a power of the judiciary and its pm through the Constitutional Court shall repeal the laws they do not like. It 'a rash? No, it's actually "
Ore 12:39 (source Agi) -" I told the men of the Civil Defence not to go in Abruzzo, or at least do so without signs, without being recognized. After the opening of that file c ' is the risk that someone who may have had family members who died under the rubble and with a fragile mind, the shots in the head. "
Ore 12:50 (source Adnkronos) - "In Italy Il presidente del Consiglio non ha nessun potere. Potevo al massimo stabilire l'ordine del giorno del Consiglio dei ministri, ma l'ho delegato a Gianni Letta e non mi è rimasto nemmeno quello".
Ore 13:05 (fonte Sky Tg24) - ''Mettetevi per qualche minuto nei miei panni, aprite un giornale e accendete la tv pensando di chiamarvi Berlusconi, di essere me. Se dopo dieci minuti non vi viene la nausea mandatemi una lettera dicendomi che ho torto. Comunque resistiamo''.
Ore 13:21 (fonte Ansa) - ''In questa manovra sono stati chiesti pochi sacrifici' e tra le categorie interessate c'e stata quella degli impiegati pubblici perché loro hanno visto aumentare i loro almost double the salaries of private ownership. "
Here is my letter below.
illustrious President of the Council
with reference to his statement made to SkyTG24 13:05 today Tuesday, June 8, 2010 that I report above, I would give you act with a great sense of nausea that I would try if I were forced to be her. Actually, if I just had to put myself in his shoes, so I would try a ' great sense of shame that I'd fire!
Salvatore Mandara '
Copying from the Blog of Antonio Di Pietro:
11:47 pm (source USA Today) - "From Economic Development Minister can say that if Rai does not change and stop being so biased against the majority are almost tempted not to sign the contract for public service. "
12:27 pm (source Reuters) -" Today it is no longer the sovereignty of Parliament, is passed to a power of the judiciary and its pm through the Constitutional Court shall repeal the laws they do not like. It 'a rash? No, it's actually "
Ore 12:39 (source Agi) -" I told the men of the Civil Defence not to go in Abruzzo, or at least do so without signs, without being recognized. After the opening of that file c ' is the risk that someone who may have had family members who died under the rubble and with a fragile mind, the shots in the head. "
Ore 12:50 (source Adnkronos) - "In Italy Il presidente del Consiglio non ha nessun potere. Potevo al massimo stabilire l'ordine del giorno del Consiglio dei ministri, ma l'ho delegato a Gianni Letta e non mi è rimasto nemmeno quello".
Ore 13:05 (fonte Sky Tg24) - ''Mettetevi per qualche minuto nei miei panni, aprite un giornale e accendete la tv pensando di chiamarvi Berlusconi, di essere me. Se dopo dieci minuti non vi viene la nausea mandatemi una lettera dicendomi che ho torto. Comunque resistiamo''.
Ore 13:21 (fonte Ansa) - ''In questa manovra sono stati chiesti pochi sacrifici' e tra le categorie interessate c'e stata quella degli impiegati pubblici perché loro hanno visto aumentare i loro almost double the salaries of private ownership. "
Here is my letter below.
illustrious President of the Council
with reference to his statement made to SkyTG24 13:05 today Tuesday, June 8, 2010 that I report above, I would give you act with a great sense of nausea that I would try if I were forced to be her. Actually, if I just had to put myself in his shoes, so I would try a ' great sense of shame that I'd fire!
Salvatore Mandara '
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Laptop Loses Sound When I Switch To Tv
RICI CURNUTU SCECCU O / OX SAYS THE HORNED ass / ever Calzo proverb 'better
who assisted raid last phone of our beloved Chairman of the submission of Giovanni Floris of Tuesday 'last year, maybe I'll find' apt citation of this old Italian proverb, which I wanted to bring back here in my dialect.
I hope not to offend any of the four subjects for portraits combinations.
Watch this video of Tony Troy called TSO, then read the rest of the post that refers to the call on the last part of the video.
who assisted raid last phone of our beloved Chairman of the submission of Giovanni Floris of Tuesday 'last year, maybe I'll find' apt citation of this old Italian proverb, which I wanted to bring back here in my dialect.
The Deputy Director Massimo Giannini, La Repubblica (plural not to be confused with the singular Radio24 journalist), exposing his comments on the economic operation of the Minister Tremonti, had referred to a speech made in public and reported in newspapers, in where the prime minister and supreme leader of the party said that love in a state where taxes are higher than 50%, evade taxes and 'something understandable and almost commendable!
The mention of this news (obviously false, so it 's true that before the end of the transmission Floris showed all references, of course, all false note), triggered the justified anger of our beloved President Council and Party chief of love. Cosi ', and this poor man' forced to defend his good character 'by calling a hotline Rai (he obviously has a particular channel known as the Chronicles of Trani related investigation has shown) to intervene and return courtesy to the reporter Giannini.
Here 'the apotheosis a character whose righteousness knows no bounds. Here is that he, the Ox, said the journalist, the donkey, and that 'a shameless liar!
I think it's clear to everyone how this has hurt the poor damn Asinaccio Ox. This bad ass of the great lies told against the poor Ox. So he cursed asinaccio and 'What a bastard, as the Ox.
Trial and 'that all the facts on which the judges, journalists and citizens dirty communists that poor of an ox would have lied, and instead of' true. They are all slander.
accuse this poor ox of bribing members of the Guardia di Finanza, lawyer of bribing a liar for making false testimony in a trial, to have committed accounting fraud and have decriminalized for this offense, you have a right arm (Dell 'Utri ed) accused of being close to the mafia, have been to his house for a year after I become a mafia pluripregiudicato for' Hero (manga), by his brother that he had the recording of a conversation between Fassino covered by confidentiality of investigations and Consort . I will stop here, but it 's obvious that the list of lies (please do not fall with nell'assonanza Minzolini, and that' another story, and NOT Minzolini 'synonymous with lies) arised from the Communists Donkeys to discredit our amatisimo Ox are endless.
The proof of the fact that the Ox is against tax evasion and 'under the eyes of all. Here are some demonstrations, ugly horned asses Communists
1. B. Government never did that amnesties can "educate" the Italians evasion.
2. B. Government has now removed all the rules introduced by the previous government on traceability '. Then he decided to introduce some of them, even if correct. The limit of Euro 5000 and 'right. If a poor vecchetta wants to buy a pair of shoes or a poor old man wants to go con una escort, non puo' mica usare la carta di credito!
3. il Governo B. ha introdotto lo scudo fiscale. Ma e' ovvio, no? Se la povera vecchietta a forza di cercare un paio di scarpe che le vadano bene deve fare tanti viaggi in Svizzera o alle Cayman, ma non riesce a trovare quello che fa per lei e torna in quei posti 10mila volte, come deve fare? E se un povero mafioso che ha onestamente guadagnato qualche milione di Euro spacciando droga, estorcendo dei soldi a qualche negoziante, sfruttando qualche prostituta, come deve fare? Quindi, brutti Asini comunisti, smettetela di dire che il Bue e' un cornuto e che incita all'evasione delle tasse. Siete voi asinacci ad avere le corna perche' non riuscite a vedere tutto l'amore and the sense of the rule of the poor ox that they say of all colors.
Editor's Note: I do not know how long she will be 'published this post. It was from Tuesday 'I wanted to vent in some way ..... here I chose this.
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