's mission this week is: live within the confines of our house !
What does this mean? That we need to look around inside our house, things that we + space? So this mission is what he does for us!
What we do in this mission è un cambio di mentalità , quindi sediamoci e con calma valutiamo.
Dobbiamo prendere un impegno : mantenere in casa solo quelle cose che ci sono utili e che si adattano comodamente ai confini della nostra casa . Cosa vuol dire questo?
- un numero di abiti che si adatta perfettamente al vostro armadio
- una quantità di libri che sia giusta per la vostra libreria
- oggetti per la cucina che siano conservabili negli armadietti
- solo la cancelleria che si riesce a conservare nel cassetto della scrivania
- only furniture suitable for home
- only toys that you can put in containers of bedroom
Got the idea?
often instead do the opposite: if the clothes do not fit in the cabinets you buy boxes, or hung in the closet of the bedroom. If there are books in the library, trying instead to other corners of cabinets, minus room for other objects that would have more right to be retained.
If there are a lot of objects that do not fit properly in our house, then that means it's time to get rid of these things.
Probably we would feel more happy if we had a house less cluttered and more organized and if there was only what the available space can accommodate .
Therefore, I dedicate these 10 minutes watching at home and think about how to embrace this idea.
STEP 2: REMOVE THIS 'that does not fit (20 MINUTES)
Choose an area where they have more of those stored in that space and where you're willing to resize.
For example:
- Drawers that you can barely open or even not close it overfilled
- cabinets stuffed with clothes and shoes
- Kitchens filled with various tools, Tupperware, utensils, etc..
- the toy that there are more containers
- Anything that does not have a place to be stored
Now just remove the things you do not like or do not use until all that remains you can accommodate comfortably.
What is discarded can be given to friends and relatives or brought to the flea markets. Obviously the possibility of throwing something deployable anchor should be left for last.
If you have time, indulge in another area.
- Do not buy containers different justification for the retention of more stuff. That's cheating! Take pleasure
- to simplify and clean up your space. Focus on the sensations of lightness and clarity and you will find it easier to separate yourself from things that do not actually use it.
Se avete più tempo rispetto ai 30 minuti canonici potete:
- eseguire questa missione insieme alla famiglia . Discutete lo step 1 insieme e scegliete le zone da risistemare.
Ora che sapete cosa fare potete iniziare. Ricordate i 30 minuti e per avere sotto controllo il tempo ecco il solito timer .
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