January 23, 2011 Last night I left the moon alone to sleep, I left the lamp on, everything went well.
This morning I asked her out, he urinated and defecated in both deletions, there was no presence of blood.
It is important to observe these two physiological activities, because through the amount of urine can see if your dog is well hydrated, and I, we can see if the intestinal tract works, since the dog spent so much time lying down. Low mobility reduces the activity of intestinal con la conseguenza di dolori addominali.
Per colazione ha mangiato i soliti 250 gr di ricotta con 1 cucchiaino di miele, allungata con un bicchiere d’acqua calda. Luna in questo periodo beve poco, quindi l’idrato attraverso il cibo.
La sua tensione sembra allentarsi, questa mattina è stata un ora fuori in cortile con Manny e Eragon, mentre io ero al campo con Ambra, naturalmente sorvegliata da mio marito.
Ha incominciato a riprendere la vita sociale questo è un buon segno.
Anche con me, è meno tesa, e ha ripreso a scodinzolarmi quando le faccio le coccole. Non è ancora la Luna di sempre ma ci stiamo avvicinando.
Al mio rientro abbiamo fatto incontrare Ambra con Luna, sempre tenute al guinzaglio per to intervene in the event of a fight, we have seen in her power for a hypothetical rival, but after fifteen minutes, the tension itself loose. Certainly if it were free, I am convinced that the resume for the neck and Amber did not you would shoot back.
regularly ate at noon, 50 grams of dry food for puppies, with 400 grams of moist at all times for puppies, and 3 scoops of milk powder, provided all stretched with a glass of water.
I offered to make drinking water with 2 scoops of milk powder, to my surprise he drank it, I have now solved the problem of hydration.
I weighed the puppies is their weight: 550 gr
Baloo 600 gr 650 gr 600
Elly gr
Tonight he ate on a regular basis.
Photos and Text Author Katia Verza
copyrighted material is forbidden to use without the consent of the author and the acknowledgment of same.
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