Ruby Rubacuori |
Nell'era del bunga bunga, tutti sembrano impazziti! L'Italia una volta era il paese dei poeti, navigatori, artisti. Oggi, grazie al becero benpensantismo e bacchettonismo da strapazzo e' diventato un paese di guardoni forse impotenti e sicuramente invidiosi! Sentire un padre che dichiara di be afraid that her daughter is not part of the twenty lap of bunga bunga says very much about cultural degradation italic!
In this context, political and cultural, not shock me at all to what I read and hear in all media, but I do not want to give any other comment would be very redundant!
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Lele Mora |
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Emilio Fede |
1. Queste indagini hanno dimostrato, una volta di piu', che Berlusconi e' un uomo solo! La ex moglie, dichiaro' anni fa che Berlusconi e' un uomo malato e queste novita' sembrerebbero dimostrare pienamente la tesi di Veronica. La solitudine di questo pover'uomo e' tanto piu' triste se si pensa che per tanti anni e' stato circondato da un enorme numero di uomini e donne che lo hanno difeso e continuano, ufficialmente, a difenderlo a spada tratta. Peccato che fra queste persone si nascondano in effetti una schiera di sanguisughe che hanno come unico obiettivo quello di spennare la gallina dalle uova d'oro. Credo non meriti nessun commento il dettaglio circa il prestito che Silvio Berlusconi ha elargito a Lele Mora. Secondo what has been learned from the media, it seems that the best friend Faith has carved out a commission of 33% on the loan.
short, without any irony, the man I am so sorry for Berlusconi. In this whole thing I see more 'like a victim than a victimizer. Summary solidarity 'and then the man Berlusconi, and only used by a myriad of prostitutes and prostitutes looking for a command post, a seat in Parliament or in other institutional settings.
2. Character of the entrepreneur-politician Berlusconi, however, I'm very interested to critically analyze the work both in terms of political and legal.
entrepreneur Berlusconi was the subject of attention by the judiciary for many years before his entry into politics. It 's never been unable or unwilling to respond to those who, in league head (90s), asking him to say publicly where he had sprung his great wealth. Furthermore, it seems that the activities' business Berlusconi before 1994 were not brilliant as it became after 1994, especially during the center-left government. The colossal conflict of interest it 's never been approached by anyone since 1994, Berlusconi's business has developed from a series of activities' at risk of bankruptcy, to a huge empire.
appears that the entry in politics by Berlusconi has been a move to consolidate at the expense of taxpayers the economic position of its companies, and avoid going to court for all offenses for which he was likely the subject of attention by the judiciary already '80s .
not want to investigate, here, all the damage that Berlusconi and his worthy ministers, Tremonti in the first place, caused all these years to our country. Public spending is not 'never been under control, public debt and' always increased and we are facing a real risk of going bankrupt and worse as Greece.
Supporters a spada tratta di Berlusconi spacciano continuamente per vere due grossissime balle colossali:
a. l'attacco della magistratura comunista e' iniziata proprio nel 1994 quando Berlusconi e' entrato in politica. Qui sopra ho gia accennato a questo punto. Sono disponibili in rete tantissimi dettagli in piu'.
b. Berlusconi e' sempre uscito indenne (alcuni hanno il coraggio di dire proprio "assolto") da tutti i processi in cui e' stato coinvolto!
Vorrei concludere questo articolo offrendo ai lettori alcuni dati nell'intento di sfatare anche questa grossa balla.
Berlusconi and 'was involved in many processes. The offense and 'went requirement before arriving at a decision in most cases. In some cases, 'was actually discharged. But it 's important to remember that 3 of acquittals are at least " singular ": in both cases, the acquittal and' arrived 'cause the crime had since been decriminalized, just by the Berlusconi government.
The third and acquittal 'was obtained by false testimony of a witness, the lawyer. David Mills, already 'found guilty of this crime, even if in the meantime, even for him, and' coming up the prescription. So in the event 'that the process was reviewed in the light of this fact, the acquittal could also turn into condemnation!
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David Mills |
summary, maximum solidarity 'to the man Berlusconi, only and exploited by his false friends.
Regardless of how you will end 'this story of bunga bunga, I am much more interested in' that gets to the judgments of the three processes in which 'accused of bribing and stealing!
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