Yesterday January 21, 2011 was born the third of the footsteps of the wolf puppy. The birth took
begins at 5:00, with the first born at 8:40 and the last at 11.40.
I leave the diary of yesterday with the phases of the evolution of the day.
January 20, 2011 05:00
Moon is free from feces and urine.
05:50 hours
Expulsion feces and urine.
Now I have a texture almost mucosa.
06:25 hours
temperature measured 37.3
temperature measured 37.7 hours
begin the push.
Ha eliminato ancora feci ma questa volta è muco.
Inoltre ha preso del liquido rosa scuso dalla vagina all'apparenza non sembra muco.
Lo stato del cane è agitato.
ore 07.00
Temperatura rilevata 37,7
ore 07.10
Si libera la viscica e vomita.
ore 07.30
Dopo 20' di tranquillità, è ricominicato lo stato agitato, ricominicano le spinte, lo si capisce perchè si posiziona sopra i telini e sembra che cerchi di defecare.. ma si vede benissimo che la vagina si gonfia perdendo liquido mucoso incolore e inodore.
ore 07.40
Ancora emissione di urine.
Dopo una pausa di 15' ricominica ad avere le spinte.
Start losses as crystal clear water.
suspect, or the pressures have impacted on the bladder or if it broke and that is liquid saccetto Amiot.
08:50 hours the first boy born Manny
dry patches (born feet), the bag Amiot, and the placenta out after the exit of the baby.
It 's small, after having freed him from a part of the bag Amiot, which covered her head and placed upside down is the first breath and the chest expands.
E 'alive ... Moon begins to clean and cut the umbilical cord. Moon at this stage I see a confused moment, I think it has hurt, and then I notice a bit dizzy, too if he gets well. Premuorosa as always.
09:35 hours the second boy was born
full share (born feet), comes with its pouch Amiot intact, the placenta follows it just slipped out. While I
free from the bag and inhale the water found in the mouth and nose, Luna takes care of releasing the bag Amiot and placenta eating everything.
After the first breath, because now my mom is dealing with Luna now cleaning it. Note the second has already stimulating research on the nipple, the first thing that has not yet ...
born at 10.07 am on the third boy Baloo
He also has a delivery similar to that of the second, (head is born. Tutto bene.
Il primo cucciolo fa ancora fatica ad attaccarsi, la ricerca del capezzolo non manca solo che non è ancora come dire sofferente. Ho notato una cosa, dalla mie osservazioni fatte, i cuccioli che nascono con un parto asciutto (rompono il sacchetto amiotico all'interno dell'utero) sono quelli che soffrono di più, e fanno più fatica a recuperare, mentre quelli che nascono ancora all'interno del loro sacchetto, sembrano essere più in forze... e quindi con un attaccamento alla vita più sviluppato.
ore 10.35
Nasce il quarto è la prima femminuccia Elly
Anche lei nasce con tutta la sua sacchetta, nasce di piedi.
Tutto a posto come le precedenti due nascite.
Nel frattempo I managed to stick to Manny, he is breastfeed, even though it has almost 2 hours late. In both Mother Moon is dealing with the continuous cleaning of the villages, it is already likely to stimulate nell'evaquazione.
11.40 am the second born female.
born dead in his full Scacchetti Amiot, known to be very small, does not seem to be back in training, this may also depend on the fact that when you play the female several times even the conception of time might be different, or that there 'was enough room in the belly in order to develop like any other. But these are just guesses ..
The placenta remained inside for about 40 minutes. Moon begins to appear tired, and does not seem to have lost the will to push, only then I can grab a piece of placenta that was visible at the entrance of the vagina and gave it extension.
13:12 hours
There is still no movement apart from the loss of dark red blood and mucus, this makes me think that the sixth puppy is dead.
Luna is apparently quiet, for my part, I begin to doubt, the number of small glimpses into the plate.
review the report and I count five heads, but I see a asesta column.
At this point, I have left to do is consult my veterinarian, I recommend 2ml intramuscular administration of oxytocin, to help push out the last puppy, and if we had the wrong view of the plate, I would have helped to esplellere all debris inside the uterus.
at 15:45
I'm waiting for my husband returns with the hormone, but still nothing, you are quiet there with her children. He began to show me his teeth .. the stupid every year is the same story, natural attitude of protection, and even pain, is making me understand that he does not want to be touched, but in this case you should resign.
at 16.05
administer 2ml intramuscular injection of oxytocin at 16.20
Incominicano le contrazioni. Esplelle l'ultimo cucciolo non conosco il sesso, era completo di placenta, e lei cercava a tutti i costi di prenderlo, glielo ho tolto immediatamente. Da quello che ho potuto vedere era proprio piccolo.
ore 17.15
Luna ora riposa, i piccoli mangiano tutti compreso Manny facendo un gran rumore.
ore 18.30
Mando fuori Luna con la forza.
Ansiosa di rientrare, preoccupata per i piccoli, ma non mi interessa lei deve muoversi. Il movimento l'aiuta ad elimiare i residui che potrebbero essere rimasti dentro. Infatti quando urina esplelle dei grumi di sangue.
Nervosa con gli altri membri, che le stanno addosso per annusarla, hanno capito che è successo qualcosa di nuovo, hanno passato una parte della mattina ad ululare.. Mostra più intolleranza nei confronti di Ambra che subito l'assilla con le sue annusate.
Ha mangiato un 100 gr di crocchette per cuccioli, con 3 misurini di latte in polvere. Non le do più di questo perchè non voglio caricarla. Inoltre ha bevuto quasi un litro di acqua sempre con 3 misurini di latte in polvere sciolto dentro.
ore 21.00
Sembra destino che le cose debbano essere più complicate del previsto, e sembra che neanche questa notte io possa riuscire a riposare.
Trovato in tempo il piccolo Manny a pancia per aria con le gambette tese, rigido non respirava.
Praticata subito la respirazione bocca a muso, e appena dopo il piccolo a ripreso a rilassarsi e a breathe. Gently massaged her back, before being given to the moon to clean and licking, the tongue of the mother is the best of my strong but gentle fingers. The small
resumes regular breathing, moves when stimulated, after fighting with him for about 15 minutes I can reattach it to the nipple, sucks for 20 '.
Alternate sucking with moments of rest.
at 22.00
The breath of the little continues to be smooth. Known only from the nipple that has changed. Most likely had an apnea, or if gorged with milk.
And surely to be monitored.
January 21, 2011
fairly quiet night.
moon has changed its position several times. It never came out of it to drink it to urinate or defecate. Small
have rested and eaten .. alternating moments. They are lively, they move well, and just cry in distress. Even the small
Manny seems to have a good wax, eats alone, he moves well ... and carry out their needs when stimulated by Mother Moon.
08:20 hours
Moon sent out again by force and deceit of the basin.
He had a fleeting encounter with Amber, though to be honest would say the opposite. Amber did not reply .. Both father Manny
that Eragon and Amber are very intrigued by the smells that goes behind the Moon, they are experiencing through her kids. Their meeting A will be around 20 to 25 days of life.
Luna had breakfast with ricotta and honey, noon to eat his daily ration.
Now we just have to wait for the next 48 hours to say that maybe you'll be fine.
The first 10 days of life are important in small, delicate and are days where anything can happen.
NOTE: The importance of radiography is essential for the welfare of the bitch, how many children, are housed inside its belly, it can be of help to prevent hardships to both of you have kids. A fetus is not born into the world if not expelled, it can try it serious and dangerous consequences.
is why it is important the cooperation with its Vet.
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