January 24, 2011
Quiet night. Maybe this is his first real night's sleep. Did not appear agitated.
this morning as usual I had to beg to go out and do his business.
He urinated and if freed the intestines. The stools have a normal color, compact, perhaps a little 'hard, this due to the food we eat (the food for puppies is rich in proteins and is therefore a bit more compact in the elimination, among other things, drink little, and so it is even drier)
Tonight will complement their diet with vegetables, to help in the intestine, and nell'idratazione. Luna
I get tired, I measured the temperature but is normal 38. Today
urinating yet issued a blood clot, but for now this is still normal, physiological.
Perhaps the fatigue of childbirth and easing the tension are giving way to the rest.
The appetite is not lacking, although one should keep up, and encourage them to finish what he has in the bowl.
Today I started the first day of tactile awareness program on the puppies.
It 's a strange feeling to hold in your hands those pats of butter so small, with those big breaths, and smell, with those big mouths to best accommodate the mother's nipples big moon.
I realize that Nature has left nothing to chance. Fully functional at different times.
And in that moment I wondered how many people can get rid of those tiny balls of fur left them somewhere. Certainly due to a lack of heart.
Author Text and Pictures Katie Verza
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