This time we dedicate ourselves to organize our garden .
Warning: when, during the post, I will speak of the garden will also aim balconies, terraces and indoor plants.
I understand that is the best season for this type of post, but we can keep it warm for when the time comes!
The garden can be a source of beauty and joy . Do not let disorganization problems like this - and then devote 30 minutes to make our garden a happy place .
To maximize the 30 minutes that the mission requires, we must focus on one or two things that will bring a decisive transformation of the garden area.
Out in the garden or on the balcony and watch the plants.
now decide which of the following projects to complete the mission:
- Make cleaning : if the garden is full of weeds, wood, stones and other waste products (broken bricks, etc..) Is time to clean everything. Continue to see this "junk" is certainly not good for our mood.
- Hire a gardener : If we do not have time to follow the garden, it is worth asking someone to do it for you. You can ask a neighbor gardeners who will be happy to round off his income with his hobby. Or you can search among the flyers that arrive in the mail, if anyone can lend some professional help.
- Install an irrigation system to save water : especially if you have many plants, vases, one might think of an automatic irrigation system that would ease the work of watering especially during the summer.
- Remove weeds : wear gloves, choose some nice song in the vostro iPod e iniziate. Sembra un lavoraccio ma ne vale la pena e alla fine, quando sarà tutto pulito ne sarete soddisfatte!
- Eliminate le piante che non vi piacciono più : pensavate che quella pianta facesse più ombra? avete comprato quella piantina pensando che i fiori fossero rossi e invece sono gialli e non si intonano con gli altri? Qualsiasi motivo abbiate, eliminate le piante che non vi soddisfano e rimpiazzatele con qualcosa di più gradevole ai vostri occhi.
- Potare gli alberi o le siepi : questa è un'altra attività che spaventa ma una volta iniziata porta soddisfazione. Eppoi pensate che se non lo fate ora, l'anno prossimo sarà worse!
- Fertilize: If your garden requires, fertilizzatelo. You will enjoy the fruits of this simple gesture in the future!
- Replace garden furniture : with time and weather garden furniture get ruined pretty quickly. If you are tired of seeing discolored by the sun chairs or tables ruined by the rain, take into account the possibility of change, perhaps even changing their layout.
- Replace damaged gear : If your garden furniture is broken or it exists in modern commerce, do not hesitate to change it! In this way you save time and effort.
- Planting new plants : filled the empty corners, pull different flowers to those already existing maybe playing with colors and creating special effects.
- Add lights and benches : These steps can make the garden a more welcoming place.
- Mow the lawn : design very original, I know, but ever present!
If you have any other ideas to make your garden a more cheerful and lively place, so be it!
Now that you've decided what to do, roll out a plan of action: what you need listed, add it if you miss the shopping list. List the tasks to be performed, in order to understand how to move. Call the people who can help or make an appointment with the gardener.
think that everything will bring a rejuvenated garden. And this can only improve the mood.
- not pretend to perfection . This mission should be a pleasure, a joy. You have to concentrate to create an environment that makes you happy. If it is not perfect, never mind. Be guided by
- heart and your eye . Choose plants and flowers that appeal to you and arrange them in the corners that seem best to you.
- Being a mission that also involves heavy work, is designed to involve the whole family . Choose plants and flowers together, the provisions, the furniture and then work together!
- You can group several of these mini-projects and run them all in one afternoon or a day . In this way you will a new garden in no time!
's all!
clicking here found the timer for 30 min.
Good job!