Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Raid Controller Driver Inspiron 531s

WHO: 30% of cancers can be prevented. CAN 'do more'!

Ansa: Tumors: 10 years in 84 million deaths , sport can be prevented with diet and 30% cases

As you can see by reading the article stated in the above link, the World Health Organization 'provides a catastrophic rise in the incidence of cancer in the coming years.

Unfortunately in this release regarding the smear is mentioned only two points more 'important topic: the environment, prevention. Also no mention at all of innovative therapies in contrast to those officers for diseases are only one type of cancer: chemotherapy.

But in this article I will examine these three points:

1. Environment:
Although Mr Veronesi, Bersani and even ecological Vendola (do not quote even the lords of the political right), say they are convinced of the non-harmful 'incinerators, there are studies done by many physicians, oncologists , hematologists and scientists who demonstrate clearly and unequivocally that as incinerators, often called energy plants, are the latest generation, the results from the combustion of waste produces a huge range of diseases very serious. There is talk of respiratory disorders, cancer, leukemia and so on. I will not even touch the topic because, fortunately, Nuclear and Italy 'so devastated by the economic point of view, that Berlusconi and his fail, even with the help of Chicco Testa and his spot illegal to do any central Italy. Italians must understand that the hard nights of our Prime Minister now in decline are the least serious of all the iniquities of this political class. Without the immediate implementation of policies less myopic (ie 'waste reduction, recycling door to door, and Zero Waste, reducing the use of private vehicles for the benefit of public transport, etc.. etc.), we will never prevent the health catastrophe that we are leaving a legacy 'to our children.

2. Prevention:
well above the very important, serious study and not biased by economic interests of multinational drug companies, could provide extraordinary results in the field of prevention. There are more and more 'doctors and scholars " heretics" who are interested in studying CAUSES of cancer and all degenerative diseases and proliferative (also Syndrome Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, etc.. etc...) Some of them are convinced they have discovered the main biochemical cause of these diseases, oxidative stress. And one of these in particular says it can "predict", with blood tests, months or years in advance whether a particular person will go 'meet a degenerative disease.

3. Therapy:
For conventional medicine, there are well-defined protocols for this type of disease: with or without immunosuppressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancers, leukemias and lymphomas, cortisone and interferon for multiple sclerosis etc. etc. It 'just that the public will follow the protocols of course! Each treatment before being used on the population to be studied. The problem 'that very often, if not almost always, conventional medicine and' only interested in the care of symptoms without in any way deal with the causes that determined it. The treatment of symptoms often improve only part of the quality 'of the patient's life, sometimes the worse. But of course, always improves the income of multinational drug companies that with each cycle of chemotherapy cashing tens of thousands of dollars.
Why 'all therapies "unofficial" or "heretical" are fought so' hard? In many cases only in good faith ignorance of doctors, but unfortunately, as often happens in politics (see incinerators, nuclear etc.), this lack of good faith is carefully controlled by some international lobbies that have everything to gain if prevention is not done and if the "care" is responsible only symptoms and not causes . In this way, you ensure the "loyalty" to life (ie, 'until his death) of the client / patient! At this point I do not want to add sugar to this drink already 'very refreshing .... but there are even conspiracy theories (chemtrails, Morgellons disease, etc.). that suggest that these lobbies are not limited to curb la prevenzione, ma addirittura si adoperino attivamente per la creazione di nuovi malati da poter "curare".

Concludo dicendo che in questa sede ho volutamente evitato di fare i nomi di medici e studiosi eretici che si stanno battendo per una vera cura e prevenzione di queste malattie. Essendo purtroppo affetto da Leucemia Linfatica Cronica(ringrazio per questo la generosita' degli amministratori di Vigevano e zone limitrofe per il bellissimo inceneritore di Parona), sto sperimentando personalmente una terapia alternativa. Non appena avro' dei dati concreti da mostrare e ricevero' autorizzazione dagli interessati, tornero' su questo tema con maggiori dettagli. Nel frattempo vi invito ad andare a leggere la storia Matteo Dall, ex ill with multiple sclerosis and founder of the 'Italian Association We Win!


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