Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blues Cross Blues Shield In Vitro Texas


Silvio Berlusconi, the best prime minister for 150 years and Claudio Scajola, the former owner of the minister with a view of the Colosseum more 'economic equity (3300 Euro / sq m), has initiated the new media war pro-nuclear. All news regime, the radio more 'or less close to the government, newspapers and other media available to them have already' started the hostilities'. Objective: to convince the Italians that Italy can not 'go without nuclear power. Nuclear power is' clean, economical, safe. The nearby French cousins \u200b\u200bare racing and are ready to take to the streets to grab a new power plant near their home. This we are told these gentlemen that I would trust even my dog \u200b\u200bfor a walk!

Yesterday morning, May 3, 2010, I heard a radio broadcast (Radio24, Nine o'clock, conducted by journalist Oscar Giannino) that, probably because of belief in the good faith of the conductor, tried to show that the incentives in favor of renewable energy sources are a mistake and a waste is not sustainable. Another argument brought forward in the transmission is that an investment in renewable energy brings a number of jobs equal to 1 / 7 of what could be achieved with the same investment in the industry. These tall tales were based on the fact that Terna said that requests for incentives from southern Italy amounted to 100 thousand well-MW power to be installed. Ne 'Confederation of the journalist, it' his host against the pro-nuclear and renewable (and other guest 'was allowed to talk much meno) hanno pero' dato indicazioni su quale fosse il settore dell'industria su cui bisognerebbe investire per creare posti di lavoro. Nessuno ha osservato che in Europa in generale e in Italia in particolare, l'industria tradizionale fa fatica a restare aperta, altro che nuovi investimenti e nuovi posti di lavoro. Nessuno e' stato sfiorato dal dubbio che se i tedeschi e gli altri nord europei stanno investendo come matti nel campo delle energie rinnovabili forse e' perche' questo e' uno dei pochi settori che puo' dare slancio alla crescita sostenibile e quindi creare centinaia di migliaia di nuovi posti di lavoro.
According to the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia 100 thousand MW of these are suspected to be required for entity ', and the fact that the requests come from the South to anyone (the President of Confindustria, the Confederation of journalist, his guest to support the thesis) and 'came to mind that perhaps the reason for the suspected origin of the requests due to the fact that the south has a coefficient of sunshine and windy conditions much higher than the Po valley. Per kWp of installed PV capacity, they produce about 1100 kWh a year in the North against the South over 1500KWh. Among other things, the system of incentives and 'made sure that the producer is paid on the effective production and not the rated power. So just do not understand all this mistrust prior! With regard to the entities' requests for incentive in the South, the 100 thousand MW of power can produce about 40% of the total Italian demand of electricity. In fact, with 100 thousand MW of peak power (photovoltaic or wind) you can 'get around 150milaGWh of energy that should be compared with 340 thousand GWh needed. Assuming then that 100% of requests gives rise to a facility regularly in production, adding 16% of hydropower already 'present, this could lead to a share of between 50% and 60% of energy from renewable sources. Somewhere on the Internet someone says, without explaining well il calcolo, che le richieste di incentivi sospette (sempre i famosi 100mila MW) rappresentano il 140% del totale italiano. Ma non si capisce di quale totale italiano si parli, ne' chi e come ha fatto il calcolo!
Torniamo un attimo al Nucleare tanto amato dai francesi che farebbero carte false per avere una centrale nel giardino di casa. Vi siete chiesti perche' il presidente del consiglio piu' amato dagli italiani e l'ex ministro con l'appartamento piu' a buon mercato di Roma (che governo da Record) hanno lanciato quest'offensiva mediatica? In politica bisogna sempre farsi la stessa domanda: cui prodest? A chi conviene il Nucleare? Abbiamo detto (vedi post su questo blog sull'argomento) che il Nucleare NON e' statement. In the UK years ago, 'have launched a competition open to private entrepreneurs to launch nuclear power. The race 'declared unsuccessful. No sensible businessman would spend his money for the civil nuclear.
only good to extract nuclear fuel from uranium necessary for the reaction that is NOT 'available in Italy and whose price and' increased tenfold in recent years. Then we need to spend energy to make it usable. So ideally, this means that every nuclear power plant should have a small coal-fired or oil or any other kind to get the energy required to produce the fuel. And then used a quantity 'of water to cool the huge plant. E then are the problems of disposing of radioactive waste and last but not least the enormous costs of decommissioning the plant at the end of life.
Said, whose prodest? 'Cause then the two gentlemen mentioned above want to invest 30 billion to 50 billion euros to make these blessed nuclear power plants in Italy ignoring the outcome of a referendum that enshrined the ban of this type of installation? Please note the estimated cost is NOT 'been corrected so-called "factor Italy! If to make a Km of railroad for the train in modern Italy spends four times more than the rest of the world, do not think that even for the Nuclear, perhaps, will be worth 'the same law? 'Cause these guys want to do all these great works? TAV Bridge across the Straits, Nuclear and spending way? Well, perhaps now it 's clear that prodest? As we said above, and no sane businessman would invest his money for nuclear energy, but these business owners / leaders who use our money , obviously!
Imagine what you could do with this sea of \u200b\u200bmoney if you do spent on useful things to the community ': clean energy production (preferably with many medium and small plants with only a few mega-plants), the creation of millions of jobs in the energy sector, waste collection, connectivity 'broadband, etc in the search. etc.
not want that you take at face value the contents of envi post. But I invite you 'to investigate, to inform, to read and investigate before you give credit to the media campaign that wants to convince us that nuclear and' nice!