Saturday, January 29, 2011

Has Any One Ever Won A Game Of Solitaire

Mission: Organization - Part 45

This time we dedicate ourselves to organize our garden .
Warning: when, during the post, I will speak of the garden will also aim balconies, terraces and indoor plants.
I understand that is the best season for this type of post, but we can keep it warm for when the time comes!

The garden can be a source of beauty and joy . Do not let disorganization problems like this - and then devote 30 minutes to make our garden a happy place .


To maximize the 30 minutes that the mission requires, we must focus on one or two things that will bring a decisive transformation of the garden area.

Out in the garden or on the balcony and watch the plants.
now decide which of the following projects to complete the mission:

  • Make cleaning : if the garden is full of weeds, wood, stones and other waste products (broken bricks, etc..) Is time to clean everything. Continue to see this "junk" is certainly not good for our mood.
  • Hire a gardener : If we do not have time to follow the garden, it is worth asking someone to do it for you. You can ask a neighbor gardeners who will be happy to round off his income with his hobby. Or you can search among the flyers that arrive in the mail, if anyone can lend some professional help.
  • Install an irrigation system to save water : especially if you have many plants, vases, one might think of an automatic irrigation system that would ease the work of watering especially during the summer.
  • Remove weeds : wear gloves, choose some nice song in the vostro iPod e iniziate. Sembra un lavoraccio ma ne vale la pena e alla fine, quando sarà tutto pulito ne sarete soddisfatte!
  • Eliminate le piante che non vi piacciono più : pensavate che quella pianta facesse più ombra? avete comprato quella piantina pensando che i fiori fossero rossi e invece sono gialli e non si intonano con gli altri? Qualsiasi motivo abbiate, eliminate le piante che non vi soddisfano e rimpiazzatele con qualcosa di più gradevole ai vostri occhi.
  • Potare gli alberi o le siepi : questa è un'altra attività che spaventa ma una volta iniziata porta soddisfazione. Eppoi pensate che se non lo fate ora, l'anno prossimo sarà worse!
  • Fertilize: If your garden requires, fertilizzatelo. You will enjoy the fruits of this simple gesture in the future!
  • Replace garden furniture : with time and weather garden furniture get ruined pretty quickly. If you are tired of seeing discolored by the sun chairs or tables ruined by the rain, take into account the possibility of change, perhaps even changing their layout.
  • Replace damaged gear : If your garden furniture is broken or it exists in modern commerce, do not hesitate to change it! In this way you save time and effort.
  • Planting new plants : filled the empty corners, pull different flowers to those already existing maybe playing with colors and creating special effects.
  • Add lights and benches : These steps can make the garden a more welcoming place.
  • Mow the lawn : design very original, I know, but ever present!
If you have any other ideas to make your garden a more cheerful and lively place, so be it!


Now that you've decided what to do, roll out a plan of action: what you need listed, add it if you miss the shopping list. List the tasks to be performed, in order to understand how to move. Call the people who can help or make an appointment with the gardener.
think that everything will bring a rejuvenated garden. And this can only improve the mood.

  • not pretend to perfection . This mission should be a pleasure, a joy. You have to concentrate to create an environment that makes you happy. If it is not perfect, never mind. Be guided by
  • heart and your eye . Choose plants and flowers that appeal to you and arrange them in the corners that seem best to you.

  • Being a mission that also involves heavy work, is designed to involve the whole family . Choose plants and flowers together, the provisions, the furniture and then work together!
  • You can group several of these mini-projects and run them all in one afternoon or a day . In this way you will a new garden in no time!
's all!

clicking here found the timer for 30 min.

Good job!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Used Lawn Tractors For Sale Miami


27 GENNAIO 2011

Questa mattina Luna mi ha chiesto di uscire, dalla mia parte c’era Ambra e alla sua presenza non ha proferito nessun tipo di ringhio, o segnale di ipotetico attacco.
Quindi ho mandato fuori Ambra, liberando il passaggio, e le due si sono incontrate come di abitudine.
Ambra sul primo momento accetta la posizione di Luna ma appena questa abbassa la guardia lei riprende a dominarla con la monta.
La pazienza di Luna è davvero tanta, e quindi sembrerebbe non farci caso passandoci sopra.
Certo devo stare attenta, alle risorse, ovvero questo atteggiamento di Ambra preferirei that does not happen in the vicinity of ports (inputs and outputs) or enclosed spaces.
Patience is a lot but she has the background.
The physiological functions are normal, faeces and urine have taken the usual appearance and quantity.
The only thing that is appearing now, and boredom characterized by hostility, like digging in a kennel, or on the sofa, or open the baskets and pull out the content, do confetti, or accidentally let the newspapers at his disposal.
This is due to the fact that one hand knows that he must stay with the children and the sense of protection is still high on both sides are nervous because they want to go out and do social life with others, but there is still secure environment and thus finds himself vent his annoyance about the objects that surround it.
I'm trying to help you, download the game on its voltage lasciateglieli periodically especially when we have not. (The game is never the same if not quickly lose interest), or bone to chew on (the ones that are on the market to clean teeth).

January 28, 2011

Quiet night.
normal physiological functions.
Buon Appetito.
remember that Moon is 3 meals.
250g ricotta with honey
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner 150 grams of wet dog food with added. (Or cooked meat or canned meat for puppies) Today

Moon has been visited by the veterinarian, along with puppies, found all well.
Despite the mistrust and alerts allowed me to bring to the vet to the little ones.
premise for the safety of all Luna was sent out immediately and return just made a visit to the children is finished.
not itself been particularly aggressive, if trusted me.
Meetings with Amber are going normal.
Amber seems to suffer from this situation has a great desire to see the children.
the morning is a struggle with her, that I regularly make them smell the dirty sheets of small, makes them his own, and defended by others in a way that only a mother would do for your small.
Among twenty days, when I'll start weaning the puppies will begin to present. Gradually give them to him
Moon in foster care for education as was the case for all litters. For
time must be limited to observing from afar.
Note: Amber takes a lot of care when the moon comes out, follows it, smell it from head to tail and clean if it is dirty.
Moon because it is moving more than before he started to lose blood substances.
These losses are dark red, very viscous are due to give birth. It 'good that the dog is moving to eliminate the remnants of better birth.

Text and Pictures of Katie Verza
All material is copyrighted.
Any type of reproduction without the consent of the author and the citation of the same.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Confirmation Letter Samples


January 25, 2011
5 days of life

Moon appears to be more rested.
Sometimes out of the box to look out the port gate, and when he heard barking outside in the yard asked to take part in social activities.
Even with cats is proving to be less aggressive, simply watch them, and to cover the puppies with the body, but no signs of aggression, although it is very attentive to their movements.
has taken to drink alone, so the physiological functions even if I keep pleading have taken in coming to be normal, both in appearance and quantity.
Yesterday we came to find our friend Emily, to see the awareness program. She remained in the doorway of the room. Luna has issued a warning growl and if practically lying on the pups.
to calm me I have put in front of Emily and she in turn gave the signal for peace with the body, giving his side and avoiding looking at her.
you after a while if you put in a quiet, how to say he took it well this small intrusion.
ate the evening alone without having to incite.
His dinner was based kibble with meat broth (boiled knuckle of pork) and vegetables, he liked licking his chops.
Even with me is beginning to be more sociable, has begun to wag his tail, and meet me to greet me with his usual smiling expression on his ears back.
Well now I have to concentrate on the work of meeting between her and Amber hope that the tension is swarming.
Now the two have begun to stay close through the gate without growling and barking back.
We'll see.

January 26, 2011

Tonight Luna if discharged, making its finding that the needs on the drape at the disposal, good thing you are pushing beyond the threshold of hyper protection. If
few days ago I had not spurred to leave, I am convinced that there would be a tummy ache as happened in the early days of the first birth of the pups.
Even this morning I got out and decided by the meeting room wagging his tail. It 'nice to see her smile again, in recent days was very tense and anxious not to mention that certainly was not well. Tomorrow will be seen by the veterinarian and children will make their first visit. In
compensation begins to manifest destructive attitudes. Chewing the baskets or pulling out their contents. This is due to inactivity, stay with the puppies, is a priority, but it begins to feel the need to go out and interact with the rest of the pack.
wait a couple of days and then see how it proceeds with Amber for them to resume as soon as his life forever without incident.

Eragon sniffing Mother Moon ... a bit older for milk ... but he tries .

Photos and text by author Katie Verza
copyrighted material the use
prohibited without permission from the author and the citation of the same.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sample Things To Do For Wedding


born on January 20, 2011

(from December 22 to January 20) =
A tough guy who loves sweets. If it's too pampered lose my patience, it's a dog very seriously, with great prudence, loyal and faithful.
Since puppy is manifested la tendenza alla serietà e all'impegno nel capire le vostre esigenze. Difficilmente delude le aspettative dell'amico che lo ha adottato, soprattutto per la sua grande capacità di obbedienza.
Non è servile, badate bene, ha una sua personalità molto forte, si sente orgoglioso e gratificato quando riesce a vivere con voi un rapporto dove ognuno sa quello che deve fare, senza tanti ordini e parole inutili.
Non è di solito molto espansivo, ama l'esclusiva, e non condivide il vostro affetto volentieri, tende ad avere un solo amico-padrone del cuore.

Per farlo felice: contraccambiate il suo affetto con profondità e unicità di sentimenti.
Va d'accordo con un padrone dello SCORPIONE, PESCI e CANCRO because he loves the perseverance, loyalty and quiet home. With the budget only if it can refrain from flattery and frivolity.

material from internet

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January 24, 2011

Quiet night. Maybe this is his first real night's sleep. Did not appear agitated.
this morning as usual I had to beg to go out and do his business.
He urinated and if freed the intestines. The stools have a normal color, compact, perhaps a little 'hard, this due to the food we eat (the food for puppies is rich in proteins and is therefore a bit more compact in the elimination, among other things, drink little, and so it is even drier)
Tonight will complement their diet with vegetables, to help in the intestine, and nell'idratazione. Luna
I get tired, I measured the temperature but is normal 38. Today
urinating yet issued a blood clot, but for now this is still normal, physiological.
Perhaps the fatigue of childbirth and easing the tension are giving way to the rest.
The appetite is not lacking, although one should keep up, and encourage them to finish what he has in the bowl.
Today I started the first day of tactile awareness program on the puppies.
It 's a strange feeling to hold in your hands those pats of butter so small, with those big breaths, and smell, with those big mouths to best accommodate the mother's nipples big moon.
I realize that Nature has left nothing to chance. Fully functional at different times.
And in that moment I wondered how many people can get rid of those tiny balls of fur left them somewhere. Certainly due to a lack of heart.

Author Text and Pictures Katie Verza
The material is copyrighted Prohibit the use without the consent of the author and the citation

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Doritos Cheese Powder


January 23, 2011 Last night I left the moon alone to sleep, I left the lamp on, everything went well.
This morning I asked her out, he urinated and defecated in both deletions, there was no presence of blood.
It is important to observe these two physiological activities, because through the amount of urine can see if your dog is well hydrated, and I, we can see if the intestinal tract works, since the dog spent so much time lying down. Low mobility reduces the activity of intestinal con la conseguenza di dolori addominali.
Per colazione ha mangiato i soliti 250 gr di ricotta con 1 cucchiaino di miele, allungata con un bicchiere d’acqua calda. Luna in questo periodo beve poco, quindi l’idrato attraverso il cibo.
La sua tensione sembra allentarsi, questa mattina è stata un ora fuori in cortile con Manny e Eragon, mentre io ero al campo con Ambra, naturalmente sorvegliata da mio marito.
Ha incominciato a riprendere la vita sociale questo è un buon segno.
Anche con me, è meno tesa, e ha ripreso a scodinzolarmi quando le faccio le coccole. Non è ancora la Luna di sempre ma ci stiamo avvicinando.
Al mio rientro abbiamo fatto incontrare Ambra con Luna, sempre tenute al guinzaglio per to intervene in the event of a fight, we have seen in her power for a hypothetical rival, but after fifteen minutes, the tension itself loose. Certainly if it were free, I am convinced that the resume for the neck and Amber did not you would shoot back.
regularly ate at noon, 50 grams of dry food for puppies, with 400 grams of moist at all times for puppies, and 3 scoops of milk powder, provided all stretched with a glass of water.
I offered to make drinking water with 2 scoops of milk powder, to my surprise he drank it, I have now solved the problem of hydration.
I weighed the puppies is their weight: 550 gr
Baloo 600 gr 650 gr 600
Elly gr
Tonight he ate on a regular basis.

Photos and Text Author Katia Verza
copyrighted material is forbidden to use without the consent of the author and the acknowledgment of same.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What When Having Celiac


urinating, presence of blood clots.
The night was quiet.
moderate appetite. Today he ate lunch 400 g of wet puppies, with 70 grams of ground beef cooked with added 3 scoops of milk powder. Since I do not drink much, I made her very soupy porridge, to help you integrate liquids. The choice for a momentary
the wet food is the fact that out of the cash delivery to eat, and then the intestine which is facilitated with the kibble, it would be a little harder.

Yesterday was marked by two clashes with Amber in the time of the house, even if we had Amber at a safe distance from the entrance, she has just sought to subdue, reason connected with protecting puppies.
The first clash in almost landed Amber.
Amber did not react and it's over now. In the second fight, after having landed took her by the neck, and began to shake. We were able to leave
Amber squeezing the ears of the Moon, and then we separated the two females.
To say so would seem a bloody scene, but the only damage reported by Ambra is a slight scratch on his neck.
In this case we have to hold them and when we separate them away from each other.
Amber feels strong in our presence and continue to fight, is smaller than her, but did not give the shot to really all the features of herding dog that is tenacious and combative.
the third exit we tried to put muzzles on both but if they are removed in a short. So we locked
Amber in the bathroom, and allowed Moon to carry out its needs in peace. While exit
evening we held the two hags on a leash so they are seen, smelled from a distance and were able to make their needs without fights.

NOTE: males are careful not to intervene and keep a safe distance from the Moon. Annusatine only fleeting, but do not insist too much, are content to smell its excrement.
I hope that this is due to nervous tension of childbirth, and has no consequences.

Riletto diary 2008 and 2009 and even then there were the same problems.
Even with me there are times when it is quiet and others where I growls showing his beautiful teeth, with eyes wide open, with dilated pupils, tense head covering small, stiff neck and all signs that may foreshadow a bit, but I honestly do not care, go ahead and do what I do ...
I think we know more than instinct to protect a slump combined with a hormonal illness physiological event.
I hope that in the coming days, the voltage drops. By early Monday
awareness program on the puppies.

I read as I said above the diaries of the 2008 - 2009
note that in 2008 Moon was particularly aggressive at times in the first 4 days of life of the puppies, even sempre nel 2008 aveva l’istinto di scavare enormi buche in giardino sempre sotto le vecchie assi del ponte, dove teniamo l’attrezzatura dei lavori di ristrutturazione casa, per quanto riguarda Ambra non ho annotato nessuna segnalazione a riguardo, e questo è stato un errore, ora mi sarebbe di aiuto.
Mentre nel 2009 al secondo giorno di vita Luna schiena Ambra come è successo la prima volta ieri.
Il secondo scontro serio, non per loro ma per me, che ci ho rimesso la mano dx è avvenuto quando i piccoli avevano superato i 25 giorni.
Io ho riportato un frazionamento del primo metacarpo, ovvero avevo il calco le dente di luna nell’osso, e ferite varie sul dorso della mano, mi ci è voluto 30 g di gesso, e 40 g to restore full functionality of the hand.
As has happened, well to be honest I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time, as I levavo from them, Luna has mistaken my hand to the nose of Amber, and while the second bite I do not remember where, Moon responded by tightening my hand ... the good thing that apart from the tremendous pain, not wish it on anyone, Moon has let go as soon as they realized I was chewing
... What can I tell when I look at the moon now and show me his teeth memory I have already given.
Scars of life.

Returning to the observations, the Moon in 2009 I immediately asked to leave, he did not pray, but now even if it is the gate to greet me when I away from home for short periods (I go by the others) I always pray and trick using the trick to get her out of the basin, or pretend to take out the puppies, then she follows me, forgives puppies in cash and send her out.
Let's just say that this year is now a middle way between 2008 and 2009.
What worries me is the relationship with Amber, but I think it's just a temporary thing, of course I must be very attentive to the exit routes and resources.
The only thing that puzzle me is that last year was much more relaxed and this year is much more tense.

I made a consideration.
between the first and second pregnancy had gone only nine months, while between the second and third are over 19 months. Perhaps the attenuated
remember him even if an experience so you never forget, increasing anxiety.
could also be that each party is not the same, different factors such as age of the dog, other than a malaise, fatigue, physiological function, might influence the situation, after all if we think about it, even in man birth is the same.
We shall see in the coming days ...

I leave you with the images of mother and children ...

In these moments we must not forget the others who feel the weight of the situation, and they, too, in one way or another, expect a bit of attention. One thing that always happens, and when I go out of the room, where he and Luna filiata, I smell them from head to foot, to understand and know what is the other side.
the morning when I delete the dirty things before throwing them away or wash, or leave them for the investigation of olfactory and a way another as to make them share. Noto Amber who sends away the male as if those were really rags puppies, and turn them round and round. Spiece Amber that I can no longer play, I am convinced that it would be a mother tube.

So yesterday after we went to all gaming us a ride in the fields close to home including Mario. All have benefited from the
Sgambati including us ...

January 22, 2011

FORBIDDEN copyrighted material use without the consent the author and the citation of the same.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ontario Ready Made Chicken Coops


Yesterday January 21, 2011 was born the third of the footsteps of the wolf puppy. The birth took
begins at 5:00, with the first born at 8:40 and the last at 11.40.
I leave the diary of yesterday with the phases of the evolution of the day.

January 20, 2011 05:00

Moon is free from feces and urine.
05:50 hours
Expulsion feces and urine.
Now I have a texture almost mucosa.
06:25 hours
temperature measured 37.3
temperature measured 37.7 hours
begin the push.
Ha eliminato ancora feci ma questa volta è muco.
Inoltre ha preso del liquido rosa scuso dalla vagina all'apparenza non sembra muco.
Lo stato del cane è agitato.
ore 07.00
Temperatura rilevata 37,7
ore 07.10
Si libera la viscica e vomita.
ore 07.30
Dopo 20' di tranquillità, è ricominicato lo stato agitato, ricominicano le spinte, lo si capisce perchè si posiziona sopra i telini e sembra che cerchi di defecare.. ma si vede benissimo che la vagina si gonfia perdendo liquido mucoso incolore e inodore.
ore 07.40
Ancora emissione di urine.
Dopo una pausa di 15' ricominica ad avere le spinte.
Start losses as crystal clear water.
suspect, or the pressures have impacted on the bladder or if it broke and that is liquid saccetto Amiot.

08:50 hours the first boy born Manny
dry patches (born feet), the bag Amiot, and the placenta out after the exit of the baby.
It 's small, after having freed him from a part of the bag Amiot, which covered her head and placed upside down is the first breath and the chest expands.
E 'alive ... Moon begins to clean and cut the umbilical cord. Moon at this stage I see a confused moment, I think it has hurt, and then I notice a bit dizzy, too if he gets well. Premuorosa as always.
09:35 hours the second boy was born
full share (born feet), comes with its pouch Amiot intact, the placenta follows it just slipped out. While I
free from the bag and inhale the water found in the mouth and nose, Luna takes care of releasing the bag Amiot and placenta eating everything.
After the first breath, because now my mom is dealing with Luna now cleaning it. Note the second has already stimulating research on the nipple, the first thing that has not yet ...

born at 10.07 am on the third boy Baloo
He also has a delivery similar to that of the second, (head is born. Tutto bene.
Il primo cucciolo fa ancora fatica ad attaccarsi, la ricerca del capezzolo non manca solo che non è ancora come dire sofferente. Ho notato una cosa, dalla mie osservazioni fatte, i cuccioli che nascono con un parto asciutto (rompono il sacchetto amiotico all'interno dell'utero) sono quelli che soffrono di più, e fanno più fatica a recuperare, mentre quelli che nascono ancora all'interno del loro sacchetto, sembrano essere più in forze... e quindi con un attaccamento alla vita più sviluppato.
ore 10.35
Nasce il quarto è la prima femminuccia Elly
Anche lei nasce con tutta la sua sacchetta, nasce di piedi.
Tutto a posto come le precedenti due nascite.
Nel frattempo I managed to stick to Manny, he is breastfeed, even though it has almost 2 hours late. In both Mother Moon is dealing with the continuous cleaning of the villages, it is already likely to stimulate nell'evaquazione.

11.40 am the second born female.
born dead in his full Scacchetti Amiot, known to be very small, does not seem to be back in training, this may also depend on the fact that when you play the female several times even the conception of time might be different, or that there 'was enough room in the belly in order to develop like any other. But these are just guesses ..
The placenta remained inside for about 40 minutes. Moon begins to appear tired, and does not seem to have lost the will to push, only then I can grab a piece of placenta that was visible at the entrance of the vagina and gave it extension.
13:12 hours
There is still no movement apart from the loss of dark red blood and mucus, this makes me think that the sixth puppy is dead.
Luna is apparently quiet, for my part, I begin to doubt, the number of small glimpses into the plate.
review the report and I count five heads, but I see a asesta column.
At this point, I have left to do is consult my veterinarian, I recommend 2ml intramuscular administration of oxytocin, to help push out the last puppy, and if we had the wrong view of the plate, I would have helped to esplellere all debris inside the uterus.
at 15:45
I'm waiting for my husband returns with the hormone, but still nothing, you are quiet there with her children. He began to show me his teeth .. the stupid every year is the same story, natural attitude of protection, and even pain, is making me understand that he does not want to be touched, but in this case you should resign.
at 16.05
administer 2ml intramuscular injection of oxytocin at 16.20

Incominicano le contrazioni. Esplelle l'ultimo cucciolo non conosco il sesso, era completo di placenta, e lei cercava a tutti i costi di prenderlo, glielo ho tolto immediatamente. Da quello che ho potuto vedere era proprio piccolo.
ore 17.15
Luna ora riposa, i piccoli mangiano tutti compreso Manny facendo un gran rumore.
ore 18.30
Mando fuori Luna con la forza.
Ansiosa di rientrare, preoccupata per i piccoli, ma non mi interessa lei deve muoversi. Il movimento l'aiuta ad elimiare i residui che potrebbero essere rimasti dentro. Infatti quando urina esplelle dei grumi di sangue.
Nervosa con gli altri membri, che le stanno addosso per annusarla, hanno capito che è successo qualcosa di nuovo, hanno passato una parte della mattina ad ululare.. Mostra più intolleranza nei confronti di Ambra che subito l'assilla con le sue annusate.
Ha mangiato un 100 gr di crocchette per cuccioli, con 3 misurini di latte in polvere. Non le do più di questo perchè non voglio caricarla. Inoltre ha bevuto quasi un litro di acqua sempre con 3 misurini di latte in polvere sciolto dentro.
ore 21.00
Sembra destino che le cose debbano essere più complicate del previsto, e sembra che neanche questa notte io possa riuscire a riposare.
Trovato in tempo il piccolo Manny a pancia per aria con le gambette tese, rigido non respirava.
Praticata subito la respirazione bocca a muso, e appena dopo il piccolo a ripreso a rilassarsi e a breathe. Gently massaged her back, before being given to the moon to clean and licking, the tongue of the mother is the best of my strong but gentle fingers. The small
resumes regular breathing, moves when stimulated, after fighting with him for about 15 minutes I can reattach it to the nipple, sucks for 20 '.
Alternate sucking with moments of rest.
at 22.00
The breath of the little continues to be smooth. Known only from the nipple that has changed. Most likely had an apnea, or if gorged with milk.
And surely to be monitored.

January 21, 2011
fairly quiet night.
moon has changed its position several times. It never came out of it to drink it to urinate or defecate. Small
have rested and eaten .. alternating moments. They are lively, they move well, and just cry in distress. Even the small
Manny seems to have a good wax, eats alone, he moves well ... and carry out their needs when stimulated by Mother Moon.

08:20 hours
Moon sent out again by force and deceit of the basin.
He had a fleeting encounter with Amber, though to be honest would say the opposite. Amber did not reply .. Both father Manny
that Eragon and Amber are very intrigued by the smells that goes behind the Moon, they are experiencing through her kids. Their meeting A will be around 20 to 25 days of life.
Luna had breakfast with ricotta and honey, noon to eat his daily ration.
Now we just have to wait for the next 48 hours to say that maybe you'll be fine.
The first 10 days of life are important in small, delicate and are days where anything can happen.
NOTE: The importance of radiography is essential for the welfare of the bitch, how many children, are housed inside its belly, it can be of help to prevent hardships to both of you have kids. A fetus is not born into the world if not expelled, it can try it serious and dangerous consequences.
is why it is important the cooperation with its Vet.