Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can Benzyol Peroxide Be Used On Sunny Holiday

SLC Punk! - Fuori di cresta

1998, James Merendino. Without the advice of

Nicola - Dr.Nick I approached this difficult film. As a writing I greatly appreciate the fun that I have proposed a review on a film is not very common, at least "looked" like the music that is on his blog, and chose this one. To him the word:

" Another thing that I can not stand is the dispute over who founded the punk-rock music. They were the Sex Pistols in England? Or were the Ramones and the Velvet Underground in New York? The Ramones, the Sex Pistols, who cares friezes WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN! ... is music! "[Steve]

Exactly. Who cares what. Why listen carefully, that we do not give room for misunderstandings, this is not a film about punk. Or rather, talk about punk, but not in its history. If you are interested in finding out what type of movement was, why and wherefore is born, if you wanted to know life, death and miracles, well, go look elsewhere. To us these things do not interest us so much so that our story takes place in Salt Lake City. That is, not London, not Los Angeles, not a major city for the growth of the punk movement. Macchi. A funeral. A city where the beer is three degrees and to buy some decent stuff to be done an hour and a half drive up to Wyoming, which is perhaps the only state across America shitty most of Utah.

Our history, we said, speaking of the first two punk all that damned city: Stevo and "Heroin" Bob. That heroin is ironic then, he's terrorizing the needles. Yet doctors and medicine, to be honest, never even taken an aspirin in his life. Those stuff you fuck your brain and you do not give up more, he says. Stevo, on the contrary, there is not too much trouble, indeed. Guist if anything is to self-destruction, pain, chaos ... anarchy.

Just, anarchy. A great tough nuts to crack, if you want to know. The fact is, as I said before, this is not a film about punk, this is a film about the mind of Steve, and how young his mind is a mess full of questions. What is right? How is the system that wins, as it can destroy? Structure or chaos? Harvard or the Stooges? It must be said that he is a jerk, the son of middle-class lawyer father and mother new age, very good grades in school, etc., in short, understand the things and it's nice to follow in the path that led him to find the final answer, then is evident from the first minutes of the film. But in the end you know ... is always easier to find the answers to the problems of others than their own.

personal opinion: I must say that I enjoyed, and was by no means a trivial film. He has not made the history of cinema eh, ma non può essere sempre così per un film.

Grazie ancora al Dr.Nick! Bel pezzo essenziale e senza spoiler, con una chiusa da recensore consumato. Di mio aggiungo solo questo: che in quello che ha detto Dr.Nick con parole sue c'è proprio il "non banale" che dicevo in presentazione. Una specie di messaggio subliminale però scritto. Quindi in realtà non aggiungo nulla, tranne qualche frame.


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