The gnosis of Mr. Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) is a set of doctrines of human knowledge, which some mistakenly call "syncretic." by definition of syncretism is Zingarelli: Merger of mythological elements, cultural and doctrinal various religions. 2 Conciliation arbitrary philosophical doctrines irreconcilable.
Will at all costs to coincide with the Mayan culture or Tibetan Jewish is not only the result of a confused mind, but a symptom of deep ignorance on philosophy and mythology. What many members of the psycho Gnostic do not know is that these conjectures were created to oc to validate certain doctrines "psychological" in which they implement a real brainwashing its followers. For example, when we talk about the ego of man, the Gnostics samaeliani meant to signify the set of disorganized aggregates which determine the psychological subjective psychology of everyone, in short, the personality that is created from childhood, but they trace the ego at the dawn of humanity which would have created through fornication, meaning the ejaculation of semen. In practice, the sexual act is the cause of human evil, the act would serve to complete the procreation of man is according to Gomez and his followers the most horrible act that can be done to himself and his soul ... That said, the ego, is the main enemy of the Gnostic Samael and can be defeated, according to them, with the revolutionary psychology, attraverso la pratica alchemica della Magia Sessuale (spiegata gia nel post "la gnosis samaeliana"). La Psicologia è una branca molto importante del sapere umano che studia le profondità dell'animo, toccando quelle corde intime e complesse tanto importanti per condurre una vita dignitosa e serena. Molte sette gnostiche si cimentano in elaborate conferenze pubbliche spiegando questa faccenda, ma senza mai toccare esplicitamente il discorso sessuale, ma approfondendolo nel corso dei seminari settimanali tenuti solitamente a casa del conferenziere, avendo preventivamente valutato il livello di convinzione del neofita nei confronti della dottrina stessa. E così inizia il giro dell'avvoltoio sopra la possibile preda, passano settimane, mesi, intanto la mente the curious turns into a sponge thirsting for "knowledge" forgetting to hold any logic and common sense. In this psychological fact begins the deconstruction of the psyche of the neophyte who abandons himself to the perceptions of the lecturer, at which delegates as part of their decisions, because the speaker knows that at this juncture is the archetypal strong parental figure and as a psychologist have access to the dreams, he wishes deciphering the message they contained. When another human being has access to the dreams of his neighbor's delegation and such power of interpretation, is giving the supreme power of review and decision on their lives. But everything from a "good" because the lecturer is working to give "good advice", perhaps to modify the work, or direct the victim to a new or partner or, as may be advised to do the impossible, the neophyte running without commenting, will take place in 'soul of the neophyte as the one who judges and indicates what to do.
Gnostic psychology is used by representatives of the movement to gain control of his followers, sometimes touted as a psycho-analysis and Thaumaturgy, big words to impress the "lucky" followers. Those who have been brainwashed, do not realize they have been affected, in fact, begin to replicate the gestures and repeat the nonsense, the lecturer, who start earning acclaim among the adepts, or favors of any kind, and when the adept is cooked to perfection, then completely rincitrullito samaeliane fairy tales, sex, spirit, etc on the ... brings in the second stage of brainwashing, in fact the "second chamber" through which there is a second crackdown on the will of the disciple, being forced to suffer because of hours of ritual coercizzanti, (I'm preparing several posts with the ' analysis of each ritual). and when we come to the point of no return, the adept lands to the third room, where he reached the apotheosis of "psychiatry revolutionary" by the ritual of Pratimocha which I will devote an entire post. Well
che si pretende? Cosa poteva venire fuori da una mente che asseriva di essere un Cosmocreatore, messia della nostra era, antico sacerdote egiziano, Giulio Cesare, Tommaso da kempis, Mesmer ed infine il dio Marte in persona?
Samael il serpente tentatore dell'antico testamento questa volta l'ha sparata proprio grossa, talmente grossa che molte persone ci cascano e accettano di farsi plagiare con teorie psicologiche pericolose e ridicole...
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