la seconda camera degli studi gnostici.
intotolo questo post con il nome che tutti i discepoli di Samael conoscono come Lumisial o Tempio gnostico.
La seconda camera è la congregazione segreta costituita da tutti quei discepoli che si distinguono among others for generous aid to the congregation itself, and (according to the priest) to "deserve" intimate, in practice formed by those who accept the good and bad theories transmuted, and the status of divinity of the founder of the Gnostic doctrine, Samael, also called Christ-era red aquarium messiah of our age. the second bedroom has a secret room in the house of the missionary (priest) in this context, the disciples gather dressed in blue tunics and sandals blacks to attend the Gnostic rituals from first to seventh grade, marriage rituals, funerals, baptisms, weddings and commissioning Gnostic in favor of the founder, these rituals are an exact copy of croweliani those whose utility is to be found in affect the willingness of the disciples to the will of the leaders of the organization, a sort of brainwashing with neuro-linguistic reprogramming by which we learn the hidden aspects of the Gnostic doctrine, then all the assertions that the blame would be very normal people, such as the practice of sexuality "caste" called Alchemy which is the spasmodic retention of sperm, causing no never, in any case, the ejaculation of semen, orgasm and condemning as an act offensive to the soul. Obviously, the disciple enters into the second chamber for the first time through a long initiation ritual swears on his life not to ejaculate never seed and not to betray the secrets the second chamber. Easier said than done half the sea, the adage goes, and many of his disciples out on the assumption that absolute truth will inflict untold moral punishment, weeping and sobbing, confessing to the priest to be "dead" on that day or staying awake at night not to sleep and dream pornographic scenarios that stimulate the mind full of smoke out the hormonal side of the body suit with involuntary peristalsis night, this is true for both men and woman. The condition of the disciple
healthy is very troubled, because the prolonged retention of the seed as well as being harmful to the body is irrelevant for the purposes of spiritualization man. But I will deal with this topic delighted in detail in the future. The second bedroom
therefore appears to be the heart of the congregation, all the disciples stronger, more galvanized than the doctrine, in fact quite often they listen to speeches like, as I took the anointing by the priest I heard the logos that I talked I felt an infinite love that permeated my soul ... etc phrases from Santa Maria Goretti, hallucinatory productions from mystical exaltation, pitiful example of collective psychological degradation. In sum this is the long-awaited second chamber, the inner sanctum of the old Gnostic knowledge of the guests that week unaware hear the beautiful words of the speaker (priest), who were told just talk verifiable, but they give answers to those questions that humans have always done in secret, there is no doubt that the conferences of these so-called disciples of Samael Aun Weor produce mystical longing and desire for knowledge, but also beyond any doubt that these statements may be taken as absolute truth without a common and comparable basis, such as the creation of the subtle bodies through sexual alchemy, or even the internalization of its Logos, and as long as there is not only the practitioner's megalomania mania that in the Gnostic second bedroom has a way of "contact" through the intercession of the priest by "transubstanziazione" of bread and wine. The second (as it is called by the congregation) è il luogo dove il sacerdote fa leva sul senso di colpa di ognuno per aver perso il seme, forzando la volontà attraverso sermoni, mantra, e preghiere, forzando il libero arbitrio di ciascuno degli adepti rendendoli innocue pecorelle nei confronti del "buon pastore".
Su molti aspetti psicologici prodotti dalla frequentazione della seconda camera parlerò nei post successivi.
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