Having plenty of time to write this blog so that anyone can know what is the Universal Gnosticism, who is the founder, who are his disciples, and who claims to be a true disciple or holder of the true understanding of the teaching. I intend to also know how you articulate the Gnostic doctrine deepening all segments of the same, arguing all the definitions on the universal knowledge, comparing, considering that anyone in full freedom of expression and conscience can draw their own conclusions. I
based on hearsay, or on rumors and hearsay, but on original documents, publications and public statements that produce some Gnostic groups.
Gnosis means knowledge, and knowledge must be provable, testable, and not transmissible to axioms Sibylline but verifiable and repeatable evidence.
Someone wants me to explain how it is possible that some will wake in the morning saying that God has given it immense power and messages to communicate around the world and incidentally, were already, or alter Cristus deities themselves?
This is the case of a certain Victor Manuel Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) curandero a Colombian who after studying books on Masonic, Rosicrucian, martinis, and Gnostics croweliani has "renewed" by changing content such doctrines, concepts and rituals together complaisant disciples revisited in a complex doctrine, at the same time extended to completely unverifiable and issues from the standpoint of practical and philosophical. Based on the concept
take such a slogan used by many Gnostic schools with various inflections which reads as follows: Samael Aun Weor, defines it as a natural function of conscience, latent and innate in every uomo e donna, una filosofia perennis et universalis, in grado di far rifiorire nelle persone l’Intelligenza.
il problema che approfondendo i suoi testi, tale conoscenza "perennis et universalis" te la dice lui e non esistono metodi oggettivi per arrivare a tale conoscenza, spiegando sovente che gli è stata conferita dal suo Logos (il dio interno), per questo non verificabile da nessun tipo di scienza o branca del sapere umano. Il problema sta nella fede di chi ascolta i vari divulgatori, che si impegnano non poco a far passare nozioni delicatissime come per esempio, civiltà solari residenti nel "pianeta sole" oppure popolazioni di uomini perfetti nel pianeta Marte o addirittura uomini divini nel pianeta Venere, sostenendo che tali civiltà progressed and at the same time fear the man as the bearer of a dangerous pathogen, the dreaded EGO. In fact the theme
more practiced in the various conferences of the various public dissemination and Ego:
plural entities (composed of innumerable psychic aggregates), energy and unconscious, that man created the seed dispersing sex, away from the Cosmic Consciousness.
Ego keeps bottled Human Consciousness-soul, keeping it captive in the matter and subject to the law of karma ..
Samael Aun Weor, defines the ego as a granulation Fohat negatively polarized, that every man and woman, must necessarily dissolve alchemically ...
In practice, the devil, the Satan of Jewish-Christian culture, which just happened in the Jewish-Christian culture is the same as Samael (will take up this subject in the future). Do not believe it, almost laugh about it, but on this "trick" is based around the gnostic paradigm making great soup doctrines Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Aztec Mayan, etc ... which according to Mr. Gomez always the ego would be destroyed through the practice of alchemy which is a particular sexual practice between men and women who will not admit it orgasm ejaculation of semen, which should not be for any reason evacuated, never, never for the rest of the life of the disciple. This is so naked and raw and never would practice no one except those people who are persuaded by rumors were told by those who can speak eloquently extolling the chemistry in the following terms: That innate and natural science, which by means of a 'fiery humidity, can transmute metals vulgar, in noble metals.
Alchemy (from the greek = chemeia mixing), is the foundation of every great archetypal knowledge, philosophical, scientific, artistic and religious. This deep sense
transmutative about the Cosmos, Nature and Man.
This "innate" vocation transmutative should be according to the office. Gomez and his followers the way to avoid diseases caused by karma and regenerate the subtle bodies, doing so may one day all the seven bodies and purified in order to embody its Logos, and multiply the face of the head of Biblical memory.
This definition is very ambiguous as you can see hidden and subtle will of the preacher, putting it as a fundamental condition of coming to know, knowledge of what seems to them, of course.
But why not just say what is the chemistry that means the diagnosis? should be accepted if it is innate to all those who hear the explanation of this practice, but this does not happen because, as a good adviser would say, is half the ego of that putting a hand like a good Satan wants to do to get there knowledge. The Gnostic has the answer ready on all applications that undermines the doctrine because they are accustomed to give it to themselves to continue to live with contradictions and deep intimate, sexual and philosophical.
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