Fear is a noble sentiment that a man feels when he perceives a danger to himself or for his fellow man. In front of the television between a beam of popcorn and another witness hypnotized in front of the unfolding horror of a scene and the first spurt of blood move jerked his head to avoid casting "film" here ... How can I be afraid of something that does not exist in reality?
this question, most likely should have made himself the most astute of the esoteric, Victor Manuel Gomez Rodriguez (aka Samael Aun Weor).
samaeliana The Gnostic doctrine in its complex framework is based on such an exalted feeling that this post has the title, everything in the doctrine of the "master" Colombia is bonded by fear, but this does not appear immediately, when we fell in love with it, it is easy . Plan plane formed doubts about the doctrine, but they are immediately silenced by the missionary of reference, because of doubt creeps in the inconsistency of the doctrine itself, but without doubt he is still the fear instilled in the skin, conference after conference, sermon after sermon. Mostly the fear is stronger than that of sexually fall, reaching orgasm, which is considered the bearer of karmic misfortune, illness or misfortune to be. Fear of a careful reading of the texts of Gomez is constantly stimulated, speaking of the serious consequences for those who betray the sacred mysteries, to those who betray the lodge "White" for those who fornicate etc ... a doctrine being built by many prohibitions, the life of the unaware adepto diventerà nel giro di pochi anni un campo minato, una sorta di incubo in cui si ha paura perfino di dormire, per non abbandonarsi agli "abominevoli" spasmi sessuali. Ma il film continua, la finzione vera continua a proiettarsi nell'inconscio del malcapitato, una sequenza infinita di avvertimenti e promesse di sofferenze ultraterrene, inferni, gironi danteschi, migliaia di anni per patire il contrappasso dantesco, angosce e neo sindromi persecutorie iniziano a palesarsi non appena si scoperchia l'inconscio, altro che film e pop corn, è tutto vero, l'inferno inizia a prospettarsi nella vita dell'adepto in buona fede, credendo disperatamente che tutto quello che dice il missionario sia oro colato. La paura alternata a certezze (quelle che impersonating the lecturer / priest / missionary) inner trigger reactions of great complexity, which flows into hysterical whining, monstrous guilt, frustration evident who become pathological, but ... dall'adepto felt incredibly good as a sign of psychological work, as they reveal the existence of the dreaded EGO. The definition of the dreaded giving the dodger Ego is at least picturesque and disturbing. The ego would be their second
: an immortal energy, composed of thousands (about 10,000) psychological aggregates, which in turn took possession of the human body by promoting actions or thoughts, featuring all the defects.
Basically anything we will face is the result of the dreaded ego... una genialata, un mirabilissimo esempio su come rovinare la vita alle persone, per farvi un esempio pratico di quanto penetra questa dottrina della paura nel cuore della gente, riporto un aneddoto personale.
ero uscito da pochissimo dalla gabbia di matti, e parlando con un mio carissimo amico, il quale sta ancora dentro, cercai di spiegarli il "film" della gnosi, cercando di metterlo in guardia da tutte questi giochi mentali (che piano piano riporterò tutti), ma lui alla fine della conversazione, condividendo pure certe cose, mi disse con occhi sgranati dalla paura: Ma a me chi me la salva l'anima?
A questa domanda, capii che era inutile continuare, avevo di fronte un automa manipolato, un uomo completamente terrorizzato da raffinati trucchi scenici, una colossale proiezione di un film dell'orrore, nelle sale più intime della sua anima.
Il Gomez pensando a tutto, anche a quelli che non si sarebbero bevuti tutta la "sbobba" quindi fatti intimorire dalle deliranti teorie della "psicologia rivoluzionaria", nel suo libro Il matrimonio perfetto, scritto negli anni 40 e riscritto più volte, parla appunto degli Intimoritori, i quali sarebbero a suo dire degli pseudo-occultisti i quali commettono genocidi inqualificabili... poiché secondo il "geniale" Gomez è realmente un vero genocidio mettere paura contro il Kundalini... rincarado la dose asserendo che, chi non risveglia il Kundalini resta senz'anima, perde la propria anima. La butta sul tragico, tirando Kundalini in the dance, not his person, his dark plans of plagiarism, but the Kundalini. The true follower of the unconscious mechanism that has stuck, he looks good before you go against the Kundalini ... unfortunate that the adept sincere and willing, has not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they are doing in the psyche.
If a man can scare you with something you've never seen, will take your life in your hands. This axiom
advisers Gnostics know perfectly well, implementing it without restraint and win adherents through fear and the promise of salvation.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Runners Knee Animated
Psychology revolutionary or brain washed? The second bedroom
The gnosis of Mr. Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) is a set of doctrines of human knowledge, which some mistakenly call "syncretic." by definition of syncretism is Zingarelli: Merger of mythological elements, cultural and doctrinal various religions. 2 Conciliation arbitrary philosophical doctrines irreconcilable.
Will at all costs to coincide with the Mayan culture or Tibetan Jewish is not only the result of a confused mind, but a symptom of deep ignorance on philosophy and mythology. What many members of the psycho Gnostic do not know is that these conjectures were created to oc to validate certain doctrines "psychological" in which they implement a real brainwashing its followers. For example, when we talk about the ego of man, the Gnostics samaeliani meant to signify the set of disorganized aggregates which determine the psychological subjective psychology of everyone, in short, the personality that is created from childhood, but they trace the ego at the dawn of humanity which would have created through fornication, meaning the ejaculation of semen. In practice, the sexual act is the cause of human evil, the act would serve to complete the procreation of man is according to Gomez and his followers the most horrible act that can be done to himself and his soul ... That said, the ego, is the main enemy of the Gnostic Samael and can be defeated, according to them, with the revolutionary psychology, attraverso la pratica alchemica della Magia Sessuale (spiegata gia nel post "la gnosis samaeliana"). La Psicologia è una branca molto importante del sapere umano che studia le profondità dell'animo, toccando quelle corde intime e complesse tanto importanti per condurre una vita dignitosa e serena. Molte sette gnostiche si cimentano in elaborate conferenze pubbliche spiegando questa faccenda, ma senza mai toccare esplicitamente il discorso sessuale, ma approfondendolo nel corso dei seminari settimanali tenuti solitamente a casa del conferenziere, avendo preventivamente valutato il livello di convinzione del neofita nei confronti della dottrina stessa. E così inizia il giro dell'avvoltoio sopra la possibile preda, passano settimane, mesi, intanto la mente the curious turns into a sponge thirsting for "knowledge" forgetting to hold any logic and common sense. In this psychological fact begins the deconstruction of the psyche of the neophyte who abandons himself to the perceptions of the lecturer, at which delegates as part of their decisions, because the speaker knows that at this juncture is the archetypal strong parental figure and as a psychologist have access to the dreams, he wishes deciphering the message they contained. When another human being has access to the dreams of his neighbor's delegation and such power of interpretation, is giving the supreme power of review and decision on their lives. But everything from a "good" because the lecturer is working to give "good advice", perhaps to modify the work, or direct the victim to a new or partner or, as may be advised to do the impossible, the neophyte running without commenting, will take place in 'soul of the neophyte as the one who judges and indicates what to do.
Gnostic psychology is used by representatives of the movement to gain control of his followers, sometimes touted as a psycho-analysis and Thaumaturgy, big words to impress the "lucky" followers. Those who have been brainwashed, do not realize they have been affected, in fact, begin to replicate the gestures and repeat the nonsense, the lecturer, who start earning acclaim among the adepts, or favors of any kind, and when the adept is cooked to perfection, then completely rincitrullito samaeliane fairy tales, sex, spirit, etc on the ... brings in the second stage of brainwashing, in fact the "second chamber" through which there is a second crackdown on the will of the disciple, being forced to suffer because of hours of ritual coercizzanti, (I'm preparing several posts with the ' analysis of each ritual). and when we come to the point of no return, the adept lands to the third room, where he reached the apotheosis of "psychiatry revolutionary" by the ritual of Pratimocha which I will devote an entire post. Well
che si pretende? Cosa poteva venire fuori da una mente che asseriva di essere un Cosmocreatore, messia della nostra era, antico sacerdote egiziano, Giulio Cesare, Tommaso da kempis, Mesmer ed infine il dio Marte in persona?
Samael il serpente tentatore dell'antico testamento questa volta l'ha sparata proprio grossa, talmente grossa che molte persone ci cascano e accettano di farsi plagiare con teorie psicologiche pericolose e ridicole...
The gnosis of Mr. Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) is a set of doctrines of human knowledge, which some mistakenly call "syncretic." by definition of syncretism is Zingarelli: Merger of mythological elements, cultural and doctrinal various religions. 2 Conciliation arbitrary philosophical doctrines irreconcilable.
Will at all costs to coincide with the Mayan culture or Tibetan Jewish is not only the result of a confused mind, but a symptom of deep ignorance on philosophy and mythology. What many members of the psycho Gnostic do not know is that these conjectures were created to oc to validate certain doctrines "psychological" in which they implement a real brainwashing its followers. For example, when we talk about the ego of man, the Gnostics samaeliani meant to signify the set of disorganized aggregates which determine the psychological subjective psychology of everyone, in short, the personality that is created from childhood, but they trace the ego at the dawn of humanity which would have created through fornication, meaning the ejaculation of semen. In practice, the sexual act is the cause of human evil, the act would serve to complete the procreation of man is according to Gomez and his followers the most horrible act that can be done to himself and his soul ... That said, the ego, is the main enemy of the Gnostic Samael and can be defeated, according to them, with the revolutionary psychology, attraverso la pratica alchemica della Magia Sessuale (spiegata gia nel post "la gnosis samaeliana"). La Psicologia è una branca molto importante del sapere umano che studia le profondità dell'animo, toccando quelle corde intime e complesse tanto importanti per condurre una vita dignitosa e serena. Molte sette gnostiche si cimentano in elaborate conferenze pubbliche spiegando questa faccenda, ma senza mai toccare esplicitamente il discorso sessuale, ma approfondendolo nel corso dei seminari settimanali tenuti solitamente a casa del conferenziere, avendo preventivamente valutato il livello di convinzione del neofita nei confronti della dottrina stessa. E così inizia il giro dell'avvoltoio sopra la possibile preda, passano settimane, mesi, intanto la mente the curious turns into a sponge thirsting for "knowledge" forgetting to hold any logic and common sense. In this psychological fact begins the deconstruction of the psyche of the neophyte who abandons himself to the perceptions of the lecturer, at which delegates as part of their decisions, because the speaker knows that at this juncture is the archetypal strong parental figure and as a psychologist have access to the dreams, he wishes deciphering the message they contained. When another human being has access to the dreams of his neighbor's delegation and such power of interpretation, is giving the supreme power of review and decision on their lives. But everything from a "good" because the lecturer is working to give "good advice", perhaps to modify the work, or direct the victim to a new or partner or, as may be advised to do the impossible, the neophyte running without commenting, will take place in 'soul of the neophyte as the one who judges and indicates what to do.
Gnostic psychology is used by representatives of the movement to gain control of his followers, sometimes touted as a psycho-analysis and Thaumaturgy, big words to impress the "lucky" followers. Those who have been brainwashed, do not realize they have been affected, in fact, begin to replicate the gestures and repeat the nonsense, the lecturer, who start earning acclaim among the adepts, or favors of any kind, and when the adept is cooked to perfection, then completely rincitrullito samaeliane fairy tales, sex, spirit, etc on the ... brings in the second stage of brainwashing, in fact the "second chamber" through which there is a second crackdown on the will of the disciple, being forced to suffer because of hours of ritual coercizzanti, (I'm preparing several posts with the ' analysis of each ritual). and when we come to the point of no return, the adept lands to the third room, where he reached the apotheosis of "psychiatry revolutionary" by the ritual of Pratimocha which I will devote an entire post. Well
che si pretende? Cosa poteva venire fuori da una mente che asseriva di essere un Cosmocreatore, messia della nostra era, antico sacerdote egiziano, Giulio Cesare, Tommaso da kempis, Mesmer ed infine il dio Marte in persona?
Samael il serpente tentatore dell'antico testamento questa volta l'ha sparata proprio grossa, talmente grossa che molte persone ci cascano e accettano di farsi plagiare con teorie psicologiche pericolose e ridicole...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Raw Chicken And Rash On Hand
la seconda camera degli studi gnostici.
intotolo questo post con il nome che tutti i discepoli di Samael conoscono come Lumisial o Tempio gnostico.
La seconda camera è la congregazione segreta costituita da tutti quei discepoli che si distinguono among others for generous aid to the congregation itself, and (according to the priest) to "deserve" intimate, in practice formed by those who accept the good and bad theories transmuted, and the status of divinity of the founder of the Gnostic doctrine, Samael, also called Christ-era red aquarium messiah of our age. the second bedroom has a secret room in the house of the missionary (priest) in this context, the disciples gather dressed in blue tunics and sandals blacks to attend the Gnostic rituals from first to seventh grade, marriage rituals, funerals, baptisms, weddings and commissioning Gnostic in favor of the founder, these rituals are an exact copy of croweliani those whose utility is to be found in affect the willingness of the disciples to the will of the leaders of the organization, a sort of brainwashing with neuro-linguistic reprogramming by which we learn the hidden aspects of the Gnostic doctrine, then all the assertions that the blame would be very normal people, such as the practice of sexuality "caste" called Alchemy which is the spasmodic retention of sperm, causing no never, in any case, the ejaculation of semen, orgasm and condemning as an act offensive to the soul. Obviously, the disciple enters into the second chamber for the first time through a long initiation ritual swears on his life not to ejaculate never seed and not to betray the secrets the second chamber. Easier said than done half the sea, the adage goes, and many of his disciples out on the assumption that absolute truth will inflict untold moral punishment, weeping and sobbing, confessing to the priest to be "dead" on that day or staying awake at night not to sleep and dream pornographic scenarios that stimulate the mind full of smoke out the hormonal side of the body suit with involuntary peristalsis night, this is true for both men and woman. The condition of the disciple
healthy is very troubled, because the prolonged retention of the seed as well as being harmful to the body is irrelevant for the purposes of spiritualization man. But I will deal with this topic delighted in detail in the future. The second bedroom
therefore appears to be the heart of the congregation, all the disciples stronger, more galvanized than the doctrine, in fact quite often they listen to speeches like, as I took the anointing by the priest I heard the logos that I talked I felt an infinite love that permeated my soul ... etc phrases from Santa Maria Goretti, hallucinatory productions from mystical exaltation, pitiful example of collective psychological degradation. In sum this is the long-awaited second chamber, the inner sanctum of the old Gnostic knowledge of the guests that week unaware hear the beautiful words of the speaker (priest), who were told just talk verifiable, but they give answers to those questions that humans have always done in secret, there is no doubt that the conferences of these so-called disciples of Samael Aun Weor produce mystical longing and desire for knowledge, but also beyond any doubt that these statements may be taken as absolute truth without a common and comparable basis, such as the creation of the subtle bodies through sexual alchemy, or even the internalization of its Logos, and as long as there is not only the practitioner's megalomania mania that in the Gnostic second bedroom has a way of "contact" through the intercession of the priest by "transubstanziazione" of bread and wine. The second (as it is called by the congregation) è il luogo dove il sacerdote fa leva sul senso di colpa di ognuno per aver perso il seme, forzando la volontà attraverso sermoni, mantra, e preghiere, forzando il libero arbitrio di ciascuno degli adepti rendendoli innocue pecorelle nei confronti del "buon pastore".
Su molti aspetti psicologici prodotti dalla frequentazione della seconda camera parlerò nei post successivi.
Gloria Guida Avere Vent Anni Streaming
Grande tema gnostico è la reincarnazione, il sig. Gomez alias Samael Aun Weor, parlando di se in svariati contesti ricorda niente di meno che la sue vite precendenti, per esempio Giulio Cesare, si proprio il grande condottiero Giulio Cesare il primo imperatore, il grande generale che vinse tutte le guerre Thomas a Kempis, or the Jesuit who wrote the "Imitation of Christ" these two are enough to frame the character. A shoemaker could not go well? and who would follow? In fact he thought some of his disciples to reveal her life in ancient Egypt where he was the priest of Pharaoh Kefren, which just happened reincarnated as his favorite disciple. Many "coincidences" about the past lives of this great "innovator of solar global culture", such as meeting with Mark Antony, Julius Caesar's general, who is still "flesh" in the mortal remains of the president of an association Gnostic, which also claims to be the true disciple of Samael campaigning diffusiva in gran parte dell'Europa e dell'America latina. Ma cosa di grande rilevanza comica è che non soltanto sostiene di essere stato l'amico di Giulio Cesare, quindi Marco Antonio e di aver sposato in questa vita la reincarnata Cleopatra, ma di essere stato anche l'Imperatore Traiano. Sembra una barzelletta ma non è così infatti quest'ultimo non si è limitato a dirlo ai suoi discepoli in gran segreto ma ci ha scritto pure un libro da titolo "Samael Aun Weor l'uomo assoluto", nel quale riporta diversi aneddoti sulla vita del Gomez, chiaramente inverificabili e a dir poco bislacchi, come per esempio la capacità del Gomez di cambiare sembianze in somaro per la felicità dei figlioletti o tramutarsi in nano per sfuggire alla polizia o even remove wrinkles to appear more attractive in photographs. But those who believe in these things? answer is easy on the Internet there are many organizations worldwide that refer to the doctrine of Samel Aun Weor, and in most cases many of the band members are part of the educated middle class, as you can so easily believe a guy who says he was this or that great man of the past? hours without inquiring into the deepest depths of the human soul, the answer is simple if you understand at this juncture the need for knowledge of any man, but as written the chronicles of man, for he does not care Esson objectivity del'affermazione ma gli importa della convenienza che essa suscita nel sentirla, quindi si fa esso stesso promotore di tale "verità", come può essere intuibile questo non riguarda solo la gnosi samaeliana.
NOn si discute sulla possibilità che l'anima abbia di reincarnarsi, ma sulla possibilità che alcune persone cadano nella trappola della convinzione a priori e della rassegnazione intellettuale nel comprendere la verità attraverso la propria esperienza di vita, sicuramente procedendo in quel senso ci sarebbero meno GIuli Cesari e più persone capaci di estrapolare dall'esperienza di vita il massimo insegnamento.
Ritornando alle varie incarnazioni del sig. Gomez chiamato pure Dott. Samael, essendo stato Giulio Cesare, in questa vita ha rincontrato his adopted son Brutus, who became his personal secretary, according to the Uzcatequi tried to stab him as he did two thousand years ago, this time without success, perhaps because it would give the world the drops of universal wisdom through his teaching.
Grande tema gnostico è la reincarnazione, il sig. Gomez alias Samael Aun Weor, parlando di se in svariati contesti ricorda niente di meno che la sue vite precendenti, per esempio Giulio Cesare, si proprio il grande condottiero Giulio Cesare il primo imperatore, il grande generale che vinse tutte le guerre Thomas a Kempis, or the Jesuit who wrote the "Imitation of Christ" these two are enough to frame the character. A shoemaker could not go well? and who would follow? In fact he thought some of his disciples to reveal her life in ancient Egypt where he was the priest of Pharaoh Kefren, which just happened reincarnated as his favorite disciple. Many "coincidences" about the past lives of this great "innovator of solar global culture", such as meeting with Mark Antony, Julius Caesar's general, who is still "flesh" in the mortal remains of the president of an association Gnostic, which also claims to be the true disciple of Samael campaigning diffusiva in gran parte dell'Europa e dell'America latina. Ma cosa di grande rilevanza comica è che non soltanto sostiene di essere stato l'amico di Giulio Cesare, quindi Marco Antonio e di aver sposato in questa vita la reincarnata Cleopatra, ma di essere stato anche l'Imperatore Traiano. Sembra una barzelletta ma non è così infatti quest'ultimo non si è limitato a dirlo ai suoi discepoli in gran segreto ma ci ha scritto pure un libro da titolo "Samael Aun Weor l'uomo assoluto", nel quale riporta diversi aneddoti sulla vita del Gomez, chiaramente inverificabili e a dir poco bislacchi, come per esempio la capacità del Gomez di cambiare sembianze in somaro per la felicità dei figlioletti o tramutarsi in nano per sfuggire alla polizia o even remove wrinkles to appear more attractive in photographs. But those who believe in these things? answer is easy on the Internet there are many organizations worldwide that refer to the doctrine of Samel Aun Weor, and in most cases many of the band members are part of the educated middle class, as you can so easily believe a guy who says he was this or that great man of the past? hours without inquiring into the deepest depths of the human soul, the answer is simple if you understand at this juncture the need for knowledge of any man, but as written the chronicles of man, for he does not care Esson objectivity del'affermazione ma gli importa della convenienza che essa suscita nel sentirla, quindi si fa esso stesso promotore di tale "verità", come può essere intuibile questo non riguarda solo la gnosi samaeliana.
NOn si discute sulla possibilità che l'anima abbia di reincarnarsi, ma sulla possibilità che alcune persone cadano nella trappola della convinzione a priori e della rassegnazione intellettuale nel comprendere la verità attraverso la propria esperienza di vita, sicuramente procedendo in quel senso ci sarebbero meno GIuli Cesari e più persone capaci di estrapolare dall'esperienza di vita il massimo insegnamento.
Ritornando alle varie incarnazioni del sig. Gomez chiamato pure Dott. Samael, essendo stato Giulio Cesare, in questa vita ha rincontrato his adopted son Brutus, who became his personal secretary, according to the Uzcatequi tried to stab him as he did two thousand years ago, this time without success, perhaps because it would give the world the drops of universal wisdom through his teaching.
Physical Therapy After Medial Reefing
Gnosis samaeliana
Having plenty of time to write this blog so that anyone can know what is the Universal Gnosticism, who is the founder, who are his disciples, and who claims to be a true disciple or holder of the true understanding of the teaching. I intend to also know how you articulate the Gnostic doctrine deepening all segments of the same, arguing all the definitions on the universal knowledge, comparing, considering that anyone in full freedom of expression and conscience can draw their own conclusions. I
based on hearsay, or on rumors and hearsay, but on original documents, publications and public statements that produce some Gnostic groups.
Gnosis means knowledge, and knowledge must be provable, testable, and not transmissible to axioms Sibylline but verifiable and repeatable evidence.
Someone wants me to explain how it is possible that some will wake in the morning saying that God has given it immense power and messages to communicate around the world and incidentally, were already, or alter Cristus deities themselves?
This is the case of a certain Victor Manuel Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) curandero a Colombian who after studying books on Masonic, Rosicrucian, martinis, and Gnostics croweliani has "renewed" by changing content such doctrines, concepts and rituals together complaisant disciples revisited in a complex doctrine, at the same time extended to completely unverifiable and issues from the standpoint of practical and philosophical. Based on the concept
take such a slogan used by many Gnostic schools with various inflections which reads as follows: Samael Aun Weor, defines it as a natural function of conscience, latent and innate in every uomo e donna, una filosofia perennis et universalis, in grado di far rifiorire nelle persone l’Intelligenza.
il problema che approfondendo i suoi testi, tale conoscenza "perennis et universalis" te la dice lui e non esistono metodi oggettivi per arrivare a tale conoscenza, spiegando sovente che gli è stata conferita dal suo Logos (il dio interno), per questo non verificabile da nessun tipo di scienza o branca del sapere umano. Il problema sta nella fede di chi ascolta i vari divulgatori, che si impegnano non poco a far passare nozioni delicatissime come per esempio, civiltà solari residenti nel "pianeta sole" oppure popolazioni di uomini perfetti nel pianeta Marte o addirittura uomini divini nel pianeta Venere, sostenendo che tali civiltà progressed and at the same time fear the man as the bearer of a dangerous pathogen, the dreaded EGO. In fact the theme
more practiced in the various conferences of the various public dissemination and Ego:
plural entities (composed of innumerable psychic aggregates), energy and unconscious, that man created the seed dispersing sex, away from the Cosmic Consciousness.
Ego keeps bottled Human Consciousness-soul, keeping it captive in the matter and subject to the law of karma ..
Samael Aun Weor, defines the ego as a granulation Fohat negatively polarized, that every man and woman, must necessarily dissolve alchemically ...
In practice, the devil, the Satan of Jewish-Christian culture, which just happened in the Jewish-Christian culture is the same as Samael (will take up this subject in the future). Do not believe it, almost laugh about it, but on this "trick" is based around the gnostic paradigm making great soup doctrines Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Aztec Mayan, etc ... which according to Mr. Gomez always the ego would be destroyed through the practice of alchemy which is a particular sexual practice between men and women who will not admit it orgasm ejaculation of semen, which should not be for any reason evacuated, never, never for the rest of the life of the disciple. This is so naked and raw and never would practice no one except those people who are persuaded by rumors were told by those who can speak eloquently extolling the chemistry in the following terms: That innate and natural science, which by means of a 'fiery humidity, can transmute metals vulgar, in noble metals.
Alchemy (from the greek = chemeia mixing), is the foundation of every great archetypal knowledge, philosophical, scientific, artistic and religious. This deep sense
transmutative about the Cosmos, Nature and Man.
This "innate" vocation transmutative should be according to the office. Gomez and his followers the way to avoid diseases caused by karma and regenerate the subtle bodies, doing so may one day all the seven bodies and purified in order to embody its Logos, and multiply the face of the head of Biblical memory.
This definition is very ambiguous as you can see hidden and subtle will of the preacher, putting it as a fundamental condition of coming to know, knowledge of what seems to them, of course.
But why not just say what is the chemistry that means the diagnosis? should be accepted if it is innate to all those who hear the explanation of this practice, but this does not happen because, as a good adviser would say, is half the ego of that putting a hand like a good Satan wants to do to get there knowledge. The Gnostic has the answer ready on all applications that undermines the doctrine because they are accustomed to give it to themselves to continue to live with contradictions and deep intimate, sexual and philosophical.
Having plenty of time to write this blog so that anyone can know what is the Universal Gnosticism, who is the founder, who are his disciples, and who claims to be a true disciple or holder of the true understanding of the teaching. I intend to also know how you articulate the Gnostic doctrine deepening all segments of the same, arguing all the definitions on the universal knowledge, comparing, considering that anyone in full freedom of expression and conscience can draw their own conclusions. I
based on hearsay, or on rumors and hearsay, but on original documents, publications and public statements that produce some Gnostic groups.
Gnosis means knowledge, and knowledge must be provable, testable, and not transmissible to axioms Sibylline but verifiable and repeatable evidence.
Someone wants me to explain how it is possible that some will wake in the morning saying that God has given it immense power and messages to communicate around the world and incidentally, were already, or alter Cristus deities themselves?
This is the case of a certain Victor Manuel Gomez (aka Samael Aun Weor) curandero a Colombian who after studying books on Masonic, Rosicrucian, martinis, and Gnostics croweliani has "renewed" by changing content such doctrines, concepts and rituals together complaisant disciples revisited in a complex doctrine, at the same time extended to completely unverifiable and issues from the standpoint of practical and philosophical. Based on the concept
take such a slogan used by many Gnostic schools with various inflections which reads as follows: Samael Aun Weor, defines it as a natural function of conscience, latent and innate in every uomo e donna, una filosofia perennis et universalis, in grado di far rifiorire nelle persone l’Intelligenza.
il problema che approfondendo i suoi testi, tale conoscenza "perennis et universalis" te la dice lui e non esistono metodi oggettivi per arrivare a tale conoscenza, spiegando sovente che gli è stata conferita dal suo Logos (il dio interno), per questo non verificabile da nessun tipo di scienza o branca del sapere umano. Il problema sta nella fede di chi ascolta i vari divulgatori, che si impegnano non poco a far passare nozioni delicatissime come per esempio, civiltà solari residenti nel "pianeta sole" oppure popolazioni di uomini perfetti nel pianeta Marte o addirittura uomini divini nel pianeta Venere, sostenendo che tali civiltà progressed and at the same time fear the man as the bearer of a dangerous pathogen, the dreaded EGO. In fact the theme
more practiced in the various conferences of the various public dissemination and Ego:
plural entities (composed of innumerable psychic aggregates), energy and unconscious, that man created the seed dispersing sex, away from the Cosmic Consciousness.
Ego keeps bottled Human Consciousness-soul, keeping it captive in the matter and subject to the law of karma ..
Samael Aun Weor, defines the ego as a granulation Fohat negatively polarized, that every man and woman, must necessarily dissolve alchemically ...
In practice, the devil, the Satan of Jewish-Christian culture, which just happened in the Jewish-Christian culture is the same as Samael (will take up this subject in the future). Do not believe it, almost laugh about it, but on this "trick" is based around the gnostic paradigm making great soup doctrines Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Aztec Mayan, etc ... which according to Mr. Gomez always the ego would be destroyed through the practice of alchemy which is a particular sexual practice between men and women who will not admit it orgasm ejaculation of semen, which should not be for any reason evacuated, never, never for the rest of the life of the disciple. This is so naked and raw and never would practice no one except those people who are persuaded by rumors were told by those who can speak eloquently extolling the chemistry in the following terms: That innate and natural science, which by means of a 'fiery humidity, can transmute metals vulgar, in noble metals.
Alchemy (from the greek = chemeia mixing), is the foundation of every great archetypal knowledge, philosophical, scientific, artistic and religious. This deep sense
transmutative about the Cosmos, Nature and Man.
This "innate" vocation transmutative should be according to the office. Gomez and his followers the way to avoid diseases caused by karma and regenerate the subtle bodies, doing so may one day all the seven bodies and purified in order to embody its Logos, and multiply the face of the head of Biblical memory.
This definition is very ambiguous as you can see hidden and subtle will of the preacher, putting it as a fundamental condition of coming to know, knowledge of what seems to them, of course.
But why not just say what is the chemistry that means the diagnosis? should be accepted if it is innate to all those who hear the explanation of this practice, but this does not happen because, as a good adviser would say, is half the ego of that putting a hand like a good Satan wants to do to get there knowledge. The Gnostic has the answer ready on all applications that undermines the doctrine because they are accustomed to give it to themselves to continue to live with contradictions and deep intimate, sexual and philosophical.
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