Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are There Any Valuable Precious Moments

A tea for clarity
Today in the mood declutter, I decided to throw some old newspapers I had at home. But before I gave him a sheet to see if there was something interesting and actually I found AAM Terra Nuova of December 2008 (I recommend everyone read this beautiful newspaper) the recipe for an herbal tea for mental clarity. Fri
hoping to transcribe the AAM Terra Nuova forgive me from doing a little 'advertising to the magazine!

While it is important to relax during this period, the other is equally important to improve the focus and clarity. I propose here a herbal tea made from plants and energizing tonic easily found in herbal medicine.

  • cinnamon bark 20 g
  • ginseng root 20 g
  • juniper berries 20 g
  • mint leaves 30 g
  • rosemary leaves 10 g
Mix well every time you take the tea to bring to the surface even the heaviest parts. Put a cup of water on the fire and plenty of just begins to boil add a tablespoon of tea, turn off after a minute and let stand for 5 minutes, then filtered: It can take 2 cups per day. Remember that herbs should be stored in cans or glass timber away from light.

I miss the ginseng, but tonight I try to do it anyway: I have my plan of mint and rosemary ... and cinnamon and juniper are not lacking in my speziario!


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