Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Oscar Giannino SPONSOR OF MOTION 5 STARS ..... Unbeknownst to her

Oscar Giannino, autore e conduttore della trasmissione "Nove in punto" su Radio24, per la puntata di oggi ha scelto uno degli argomenti che sono alla base delle idee fondanti del Movimento 5 Stelle: i rimborsi elettorali!
Fra gli ospiti Rita Bernardini, esponente radicale, giustamente invitata visto che il Referendum con cui il 91% degli italiani ha detto NO ai finanziamenti pubblici ai partiti era stato promosso dai radicali.
Apart from the small detail that Giannino has decided not to hold any member of the Movement 5 Stars (who, during the transmission and 'hastily been cited 2 times), the most' sensational and 'was, in my opinion, the way in which the conductor said the use, indeed, the abuse that the parties (ALL) make reimbursements. We are talking about over 500 million euros a year for the duration of the legislature even if it ceases during construction. Indeed Giannino has more 'often repeated that the interruption of the term is probably used just' cause that way you can 'make a new election with new reimbursement!
The moderate Giannino (he wishes to define itself moderate, as unfortunately many members of some parties such as PDL, which moderators are not), he used words like ROBBERY, THEFT OF STATE , etc.., referring precisely what they mean reimbursements election bestowed among other for expenses never incurred. All parties (except the Radical Party and Movement 5 Stars) in fact receive from 4 to 30 times more 'of what appear to be the actual election expenses (Source: ECA).
has' also discussed, using the same tone, of annuities to which they are entitled by law all parliamentarians. E 'was stressed that great injustice suffered by ordinary citizens: we must work for 40 years to get to retirement, but for them it takes 5 years! E 'was mentioned that IDV has submitted a bill to eliminate the annuities and the fact that only 22 of 500 MPs present voted in favor. It 's not however been told that the 4 councilors of the Movement as well as having 5 Stars autoridotti salary of 2500 euros have also denied the pension to which they are entitled by law.
It 's not even been stated that the entities' electoral reimbursements to which the Movement would have received five stars for the past regional elections in March 2010 and' 1.7 million Euros. The Movement 5 Stars REFUSED these reimbursements because 'for the campaign were spent around 50 000 Euro and were donated by activists, supporters and ordinary citizens.

So it does not seem an exaggeration to say then that Oscar Giannino today has proven to be a great sponsor of the ideas of the Movement 5 Stars ..... who knows' if he did so knowingly or not. I sent a message to ask them. If you will authorize me, 'publish' your answer here.
I would like the dictionaries of Italian linqua review the meaning of the word "moderate." Otherwise I do not understand why 'the representatives of many parties that disparage judges, lying every day, several decades and have close links with the Mafia see Dell'Utri (Mangano and his hero), Schifani, Cosentino, Cuffaro to name just a few examples, describing themselves as moderates and point the activists of the Movement 5 Stars, who say the same things for years that moderate Giannino said today, as extremists, squads, screamers, protestors without proposals!
Just to clarify ..... not 'my intention to instill doubt in the reader that among moderate politicians from above and the moderate Oscar Giannino although there is the' minimum bond! Even if you do not agree with many of the things he says, Giannino esteem as a person upright and away from the filth of the political crowd that unfortunately the Parliament and the institutions rather than 'the nation's prisons!


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