Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Oscar Giannino SPONSOR OF MOTION 5 STARS ..... Unbeknownst to her

Oscar Giannino, autore e conduttore della trasmissione "Nove in punto" su Radio24, per la puntata di oggi ha scelto uno degli argomenti che sono alla base delle idee fondanti del Movimento 5 Stelle: i rimborsi elettorali!
Fra gli ospiti Rita Bernardini, esponente radicale, giustamente invitata visto che il Referendum con cui il 91% degli italiani ha detto NO ai finanziamenti pubblici ai partiti era stato promosso dai radicali.
Apart from the small detail that Giannino has decided not to hold any member of the Movement 5 Stars (who, during the transmission and 'hastily been cited 2 times), the most' sensational and 'was, in my opinion, the way in which the conductor said the use, indeed, the abuse that the parties (ALL) make reimbursements. We are talking about over 500 million euros a year for the duration of the legislature even if it ceases during construction. Indeed Giannino has more 'often repeated that the interruption of the term is probably used just' cause that way you can 'make a new election with new reimbursement!
The moderate Giannino (he wishes to define itself moderate, as unfortunately many members of some parties such as PDL, which moderators are not), he used words like ROBBERY, THEFT OF STATE , etc.., referring precisely what they mean reimbursements election bestowed among other for expenses never incurred. All parties (except the Radical Party and Movement 5 Stars) in fact receive from 4 to 30 times more 'of what appear to be the actual election expenses (Source: ECA).
has' also discussed, using the same tone, of annuities to which they are entitled by law all parliamentarians. E 'was stressed that great injustice suffered by ordinary citizens: we must work for 40 years to get to retirement, but for them it takes 5 years! E 'was mentioned that IDV has submitted a bill to eliminate the annuities and the fact that only 22 of 500 MPs present voted in favor. It 's not however been told that the 4 councilors of the Movement as well as having 5 Stars autoridotti salary of 2500 euros have also denied the pension to which they are entitled by law.
It 's not even been stated that the entities' electoral reimbursements to which the Movement would have received five stars for the past regional elections in March 2010 and' 1.7 million Euros. The Movement 5 Stars REFUSED these reimbursements because 'for the campaign were spent around 50 000 Euro and were donated by activists, supporters and ordinary citizens.

So it does not seem an exaggeration to say then that Oscar Giannino today has proven to be a great sponsor of the ideas of the Movement 5 Stars ..... who knows' if he did so knowingly or not. I sent a message to ask them. If you will authorize me, 'publish' your answer here.
I would like the dictionaries of Italian linqua review the meaning of the word "moderate." Otherwise I do not understand why 'the representatives of many parties that disparage judges, lying every day, several decades and have close links with the Mafia see Dell'Utri (Mangano and his hero), Schifani, Cosentino, Cuffaro to name just a few examples, describing themselves as moderates and point the activists of the Movement 5 Stars, who say the same things for years that moderate Giannino said today, as extremists, squads, screamers, protestors without proposals!
Just to clarify ..... not 'my intention to instill doubt in the reader that among moderate politicians from above and the moderate Oscar Giannino although there is the' minimum bond! Even if you do not agree with many of the things he says, Giannino esteem as a person upright and away from the filth of the political crowd that unfortunately the Parliament and the institutions rather than 'the nation's prisons!

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Very often, when it comes to the environment, waste, ecology, in other words one word when it comes to our carbon footprint, people say: yes, ok, we are destroying the world. But I, as an individual citizen, what can I do?

There 's never happened to say or hear these words? They are often also used when talking about politics in a more 'extended: legality', tax evasion and tax compliance, constitution etc.

Well, I broke the boxes of everything '. Every citizen has a moral duty to do all that is' in its power to change things. I am convinced that if a multitude of individuals, does 'something, eventually you will succeed' to change the culture of this country and we can perhaps come to find ourselves in a place slightly less disgusting!

Since yesterday I've added to my personal list of dutiful actions common that all could make, one that has one of the greatest impacts on the environment:

I activated the Home Composting .

Find below a video where I explain how it works and the impact that a proper treatment of domestic waste has on waste!

If you like, keep reading this post below. You will find a list of many other simple things you can do for the environment and beyond.

If someone has already 'read my post you'll find Ecological Footprint' repetitive and this post will believe 'I have the same things in the head .

You're exactly right!

Who is already 'doing all the things you list (or others that may ask you to report) and' on track ......

separate the list into three sections: environment / waste, environment / energy policy

a. environment / waste

1. maximize the use of products with zero miles and minimize the use of products with unnecessary packaging and packaging. For example, use the milk on tap with washable and reusable glass bottles while offering the highest quality product ', save money, reduce fuel consumption (km 0), the removal of brick or other containers which to discard.
2. for shopping, use cloth bags (or hard plastic) to be reused for years and years and ban the use of disposable plastic bags.
3. make a careful distinction of the "so-called waste: paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, iron, steel, aluminum, wet (see below).
4. where do you (all those who have a garden, but you can 'do well on the veranda or balcony, there are kits made especially) home composting. The damp represents about 40% by weight of all waste generated by a family. Think of the saving of resources if this 40% is at our house! Among other things, many municipalities grant a reduction of the fee for waste disposal (40% in fact) for those who do the composting. Go in the compost all organic waste including oil from raw and fried that too many still throw in sewer!

b. environment / energy

1. ban the use of incandescent and halogen lamps. Replace all bulbs with CFL (compact fluorescent lamps). Now begin to be available LED lamps. If the CFL slashing energy consumption by about 80% compared to the old incandescent lamps, LED lamps allow a further saving of energy by about 30% compared to the CFL. A house with 20 light bulbs or halogen lamps can 'consume even 500 or 600 KWh per year. The same house with the same style of life consume in a year 'CFL uses about 100 kWh, about whether 50Kwh using LEDs.
2. turn off all appliances. The Stand by (multiplied by 2, 3 or more 'TV, stereo, DVD players, etc..) And' very energy-consuming. A house can consume several hundred KWh only because of pre-ignition!
3. Do not use washing cycles with washing machine at 90 degrees. Limit cycles at 60 degrees to the cases of real need '. And 'Just use 40 or 50 degrees to get a good result, saving as much energy.
4. not use the dishwasher's drying.
5. maximizing energy efficiency (thermal) of housing and maintaining a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.
6. limit the temperature of the shower. It 'no use to heat water to 60 degrees and then mix it with cold water! Just heated to 40 degrees and use warm water only.
7. avoid the showers with hot water an hour is always open. Turn off water when you lather your hair and body.
8. install domestic systems of energy production. Photovoltaics, microeolico, solar thermal, geothermal, and where possible / useful, a combination of everything.

c. policy

1. always ask for the receipt or receipt to the merchant or professional that sometimes distracted if they forget. Get a receipt and 'our right and duty, release their duty! Not doing so means accepting that he / she thrives thanks to our taxes!
2. informed about what 'is happening! In addition to calcium and barbaric killing of family time (Cogne, Avetrana) in Italy (and the world) so many things happen that have an impact on people's lives. And also knowing these things helps us decide how to use the powerful tool of the Democratic vote! It should be allowed to avoid information through newspapers and television news is where many traditional paper excluded or domesticated! The real information is on the net!
3. Enough with the delegation! We stop to look for leaders who trust and stop voting professional politicians whose sole purpose 'to increase their privileges to the detriment of citizens. Let us always remember that politicians are our employees. Licenziamoli everyone and we do politics.

You are still of the opinion that there is nothing we can do?

applied as listed above (and more ').



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This morning, after having had my son's backpack and risking a stroke Witch, I weighed the huge sack on Monday morning (luckily only on Mondays) Joseph goes to school: well 10.5 kg !
whereas the boy weighs forty pounds on his shoulders rests the equivalent of 25% of his body.
It seems to me a mistake!
I'm not talking about high school boys who have so many materials and are large and heavy.
I'm talking about a child's 5 th grade that among the Italian-book history, and math-science, the book of exercises (which fortunately takes home only on Fridays for the tasks of the week), 5 EXERCISE, portalistino the book and the catechism (Monday there too!), and case diary (not particularly heavy as some found in stores) carries on his shoulders a burden not just.
The past few years most of the books were left at school, now I see that many are taking home more often. I do not know why, tomorrow to talk with the teachers try to raise the issue.
Some will say: there are the wheelchair carrier backpacks! I bought him is not easy especially since the class of Joseph is on the first floor and you have to drag up the stairs in the wheelchair also.

Luckily my husband is supporting the backpack on the bike and Joseph is safe at least until school!

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Mission: Organization - Part 43

A to-do list, a list of things to do, not realistic undermines its effectiveness in two ways:
  • contains too many elements, it is distracted, confused, you lose sight of the tasks that are important instead
  • the inability to complete certain tasks, creates motivation and reduces self-esteem.
In this mission we will give a boost to productivity and motivation, cleaning up our to-do list.

Remember: For this mission you have 30 minutes time. Click here for the timer .

now tell you something that does not meet your favor:
There's never enough time to do each task included in the to-do list!
time and energy are limited but tasks such as reading, shopping, family commitments, email, adjustments in the house, etc.. are endless!

And now the good news.
There is enough time to do the important things!
But until you think that everything can be done simply having the right tool programming (diary, server, task manager software, etc.) do not you focus on what really is important.

And the important things are the only ones that should enter your to-do list.
In these 5 minutes you mind what I have said to local and focused on your important points.

Now that we have made peace with reality, are all tasks that cause us the feeling of oppression, lack of motivation and distract us the important things.
Always a comparison of your limited time and the multitude of tasks that appear on the list and eliminate those that do not allow you to use your time so well.

  • tasks long dragged from one list to another: If you are not able to complete the task so far to say that it was not important, then delete it from the list and wait for better times, when you feel more motivated and freer to indulge. In the meantime you will have gained by reducing the daily frustration of vederveli list.
  • commitments that make you feel virtuous, but not substantially contribute to meeting your priorities. Examples:
    - attend meetings uninteresting, where your contribution is small or no
    - read and respond to email that are useless or of little importance
    - prepare report on information that can be used as such user without the need for a report
    - work on projects of little value
    - do something so perfect when enough is enough just to
    embellish documents with sophisticated formatting, information, research, etc..
    None of these tasks is useless in itself, just steals time and energy on important things.
  • priority of other people: it is rare that you do not have this type of activity in to-do list, rather you do not notice that there are! Fall into this category:
    - how to bring up your children
    - the type of work you should do
    - the way your house must be furnished
    - activities that a man or a woman should do
    - the type of books you should read
    not you ever for examples of signs which you should read that book or that article only because they have all read in the office? This is a task that you have entered in to-do list because it was a priority for someone else!

Now that you have cleaned up the list, look at what remains: the list should be shorter, more focused on the priorities and motivation (if it were not so repeat steps 1 and 2).

should feel more confident and with a better idea.

  • Do not be distracted by ' apparent importance of tasks that not contribute positively to your priorities. Keep in mind that you are trying to buy time for the important things.
  • Be ruthless! Each point on the list will cost in terms efficiency, productivity and motivation.

If you have more time
  • completed the mission as family is a great way to understand what is important for each family member and delete what is not nobody cares.
  • completed the mission with your head : make clear in the things that your boss expects from you and will be easier to eliminate what is not needed.
  • completed the mission with your business partners or your team: remove items with low added value and your department will gain in productivity and motivation.

Now you are ready to begin this important mission?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are There Any Valuable Precious Moments

A tea for clarity

Today in the mood declutter, I decided to throw some old newspapers I had at home. But before I gave him a sheet to see if there was something interesting and actually I found AAM Terra Nuova of December 2008 (I recommend everyone read this beautiful newspaper) the recipe for an herbal tea for mental clarity. Fri
hoping to transcribe the AAM Terra Nuova forgive me from doing a little 'advertising to the magazine!

While it is important to relax during this period, the other is equally important to improve the focus and clarity. I propose here a herbal tea made from plants and energizing tonic easily found in herbal medicine.

  • cinnamon bark 20 g
  • ginseng root 20 g
  • juniper berries 20 g
  • mint leaves 30 g
  • rosemary leaves 10 g
Mix well every time you take the tea to bring to the surface even the heaviest parts. Put a cup of water on the fire and plenty of just begins to boil add a tablespoon of tea, turn off after a minute and let stand for 5 minutes, then filtered: It can take 2 cups per day. Remember that herbs should be stored in cans or glass timber away from light.

I miss the ginseng, but tonight I try to do it anyway: I have my plan of mint and rosemary ... and cinnamon and juniper are not lacking in my speziario!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stream Live Free South Park

Want to laugh a little '? The cake

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1) andate su google maps  
2) inserite il percorso da USA a China  
3) leggete l'indicazione numero 27
