Did you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of those two words put together:
1. impression, 2. label. Well, I apologize to those who know it already, I try to explain it briefly for those who do not know. I state that there are thousands of sites where you can find the definition and even how to calculate your carbon footprint! Well, this is it. Every human being as a result of its activities, "consume" resources, change the balance of the earth system , interacts with the planet in a more or less reversible. Unfortunately we all know, without necessarily being the scientists that most human activities consist of little or no reversible processes. We continue to deforest, pollute, destroy, consume resources, such an accelerating rate. The resources we are consuming, are not infinite, but limited. Well, the ecological footprint of each human being represents the portion of the planet to which he / she needs to continuously support its own style. From calculations made, it is clear that to maintain the current average lifestyle in a sustainable manner, ie without reaching a point of no return, we human beings should have at least 4 planets equal to the Earth! This keeping up with the pace of today and the difference today. Keep in mind that today a small part of the world population (USA, Europe, Asia) consumes the most resources. If all humans were to achieve a style of life equal to the average of the wealthy, then the number of Earths required would increase exponentially. I mean we're rich consuming the Earth (which we did not because there would serve others 4) for all, including those who die of hunger and who steal the raw materials!
This seems like a catastrophic vision, but it's exactly like that. I invite you to watch a video really enjoyable, well done and very informative available on YouTube. The video is of Annie Leonard. You can view it by clicking HERE .
Now you will ask, but why are you telling us these things? For anxiety? What can we do?? Well, it is obvious that I hope that we as individuals may be able to resolve the problem. The goal to reduce our carbon footprint would certainly be easier to achieve if governments around the world did more.
But this can not 'AND SHOULD NOT BE AN ALIBI FOR DO NOT NOTHING. WE HAVE THE OBLIGATION TO TAKE lifestyles that minimize our ecological footprint.
What can we do individually, then? There are a myriad of things you can do. Some things are more long-term can be implemented immediately.
The long-term actions, for example on the design of our homes. There seems absurd, for example, use drinking water to put away a bit of urine or other waste of the same gender? There seems absurd to throw away all the water drains rainwater? There seems crazy to irrigate lawns with drinking water?
Here, one need only design our homes with tanks that collect rainwater for reuse for water the lawn. Another tank would collect the water discharged from the dishwasher and washing machine. There seems to a bit of soapy water is sufficient to send off our pee?! To complete the list of examples of long-term actions, just think how much our heating systems and home insulation is inadequate. Say no more for this category.
Actions in short term there are some expensive. One of these concerns electricity. I have already published several posts about wind power and photovoltaics. I have already said how easy it is to install a PV system. But having already received many requests for further study, I predicted that I am preparing a post in cui elencherò tutte le azioni e i "trucchi" per riuscire ad installare un impianto senza spendere un centesimo. Saranno istruzioni per l'uso passo passo. VE LO PROMETTO!
Finiamo ora con alcuni consigli a corto termine e a costo zero, anzi a costo negativo... cioè ci si guadagna!
1. eliminare TUTTI i consumi legati ad elettrodomestici in stand by. Sembra una sciocchezza, ma è stato calcolato che in ogni casa, si sprecano circa 100KWh all'anno solo così. Ogni elettrodomestico (TV e vari accessori), Stereo, Computer, CaricaBatterie per cellulari, alimentatori vari DEVONO ESSERE TENUTI SPENTI QUANDO NON SERVONO. Basta installare una "ciabatta" con interruttore per spegnere davvero tutto quando non serve.
2. remove all incandescent and halogen lamps. Should be used only compact fluorescent lamps. These consume 3 to 6 times less for the same light output and last up to 5 times more.
3. STRICT make a separate collection of waste trying to maximize the use of packaging products with low impact. The only collection is not enough. It should also reduce unnecessary consumption of raw materials used for packaging. Stop using plastic bags and disposable, but you go shopping with reusable bags resistant.
4. consume as much food as possible to zero km! A very good example and easy to implement is the milk on tap. It is now very widespread and it seems really silly not to take advantage of all the benefits of this solution. Obviously the milk on tap should be used glass bottles. It 's a contradiction to pick up milk on tap and use the plastic bottles that can be recycled, but unfortunately not just throw them away! In addition, the milk is very good, costs less and is truly at zero km. Watch this video and how 'easy. I do it a couple of years now and each time is a great satisfaction!
These are just some examples. There are other things you can do to reduce our footprint label. Think about it, do Internet searches. Commit. Give me tips to reduce my! To the beat of today would take us 4 or 5 Terre, but unfortunately we only have one and not stand still for long!
1. impression, 2. label. Well, I apologize to those who know it already, I try to explain it briefly for those who do not know. I state that there are thousands of sites where you can find the definition and even how to calculate your carbon footprint! Well, this is it. Every human being as a result of its activities, "consume" resources, change the balance of the earth system , interacts with the planet in a more or less reversible. Unfortunately we all know, without necessarily being the scientists that most human activities consist of little or no reversible processes. We continue to deforest, pollute, destroy, consume resources, such an accelerating rate. The resources we are consuming, are not infinite, but limited. Well, the ecological footprint of each human being represents the portion of the planet to which he / she needs to continuously support its own style. From calculations made, it is clear that to maintain the current average lifestyle in a sustainable manner, ie without reaching a point of no return, we human beings should have at least 4 planets equal to the Earth! This keeping up with the pace of today and the difference today. Keep in mind that today a small part of the world population (USA, Europe, Asia) consumes the most resources. If all humans were to achieve a style of life equal to the average of the wealthy, then the number of Earths required would increase exponentially. I mean we're rich consuming the Earth (which we did not because there would serve others 4) for all, including those who die of hunger and who steal the raw materials!
This seems like a catastrophic vision, but it's exactly like that. I invite you to watch a video really enjoyable, well done and very informative available on YouTube. The video is of Annie Leonard. You can view it by clicking HERE .
Now you will ask, but why are you telling us these things? For anxiety? What can we do?? Well, it is obvious that I hope that we as individuals may be able to resolve the problem. The goal to reduce our carbon footprint would certainly be easier to achieve if governments around the world did more.
But this can not 'AND SHOULD NOT BE AN ALIBI FOR DO NOT NOTHING. WE HAVE THE OBLIGATION TO TAKE lifestyles that minimize our ecological footprint.
What can we do individually, then? There are a myriad of things you can do. Some things are more long-term can be implemented immediately.
The long-term actions, for example on the design of our homes. There seems absurd, for example, use drinking water to put away a bit of urine or other waste of the same gender? There seems absurd to throw away all the water drains rainwater? There seems crazy to irrigate lawns with drinking water?
Here, one need only design our homes with tanks that collect rainwater for reuse for water the lawn. Another tank would collect the water discharged from the dishwasher and washing machine. There seems to a bit of soapy water is sufficient to send off our pee?! To complete the list of examples of long-term actions, just think how much our heating systems and home insulation is inadequate. Say no more for this category.
Actions in short term there are some expensive. One of these concerns electricity. I have already published several posts about wind power and photovoltaics. I have already said how easy it is to install a PV system. But having already received many requests for further study, I predicted that I am preparing a post in cui elencherò tutte le azioni e i "trucchi" per riuscire ad installare un impianto senza spendere un centesimo. Saranno istruzioni per l'uso passo passo. VE LO PROMETTO!
Finiamo ora con alcuni consigli a corto termine e a costo zero, anzi a costo negativo... cioè ci si guadagna!
1. eliminare TUTTI i consumi legati ad elettrodomestici in stand by. Sembra una sciocchezza, ma è stato calcolato che in ogni casa, si sprecano circa 100KWh all'anno solo così. Ogni elettrodomestico (TV e vari accessori), Stereo, Computer, CaricaBatterie per cellulari, alimentatori vari DEVONO ESSERE TENUTI SPENTI QUANDO NON SERVONO. Basta installare una "ciabatta" con interruttore per spegnere davvero tutto quando non serve.
2. remove all incandescent and halogen lamps. Should be used only compact fluorescent lamps. These consume 3 to 6 times less for the same light output and last up to 5 times more.
3. STRICT make a separate collection of waste trying to maximize the use of packaging products with low impact. The only collection is not enough. It should also reduce unnecessary consumption of raw materials used for packaging. Stop using plastic bags and disposable, but you go shopping with reusable bags resistant.
4. consume as much food as possible to zero km! A very good example and easy to implement is the milk on tap. It is now very widespread and it seems really silly not to take advantage of all the benefits of this solution. Obviously the milk on tap should be used glass bottles. It 's a contradiction to pick up milk on tap and use the plastic bottles that can be recycled, but unfortunately not just throw them away! In addition, the milk is very good, costs less and is truly at zero km. Watch this video and how 'easy. I do it a couple of years now and each time is a great satisfaction!
These are just some examples. There are other things you can do to reduce our footprint label. Think about it, do Internet searches. Commit. Give me tips to reduce my! To the beat of today would take us 4 or 5 Terre, but unfortunately we only have one and not stand still for long!
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