Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bizzy Bone Hair Skulls

'MORE' / We're coming

and Respect for the environment ', in my opinion, one of the pillars on which rests the conscience of those who want to ensure a decent future for themselves and subsequent generations. Obviously the environment and ', in turn, closely tied to politics in a more' tight. In a place where you do not play by the rules, where personal enrichment, or worse, to avoid AT ALL COSTS going to be put on trial, perhaps because 'it is well known NOT to be innocent, and other behaviors unfair that they are bringing Italy to fail more 'faster and more' serious Greece and Spain, it is very difficult to make the general interests and the environment.

Here we are, here we come! Now it is almost to the regional elections of 28 March. Our movement, the Movement is coming to 5 stars, is growing. Floor, slowly but surely. The caste is concerned ... we are already and he's right! We are dangerous to the caste, to profess the politics and the underworld. Enough of the condemned (100 among those definitively and those in first and second degree) and the accused in the Parliament and the Government beginning with the President of the Council defines a hero as a mafioso Mangano and his friend as a statista esule un politico corrotto e latitante come Craxi. Basta con i Presidenti regionali ILLEGALI, che si candidano per la quarta volta (la terza consecutiva), fregandosene della legge 165 del 2004 che vieta l'elezione di un presidente regionale per piĆ¹ di due volte consecutive. Basta con gli Scodinzolini che dicono al telegiornale che l'avvocato Mills corrotto, indovina da chi?, e' stato assolto, quando invece e' stato riconosciuto colpevole ma perscritto!
Basta, basta, basta!

Concludo indicandovi dei blog che vi suggerisco di seguire: uno non molto noto, ma che contiene spunti e riflessioni molto interessanti: blog , l'altro but among the most visited blog in the world that you know of course: . A visit a day keeps the caste of the way!


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