Friday, December 31, 2010

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La parola "mitomaniaco" è composta da due parole mito e mania, Il mito racconta di eroi e dei che attraverso le proprie capacità o virtù raggiungono un traguardo o inscenano un principio universale, si veda il mito di Ercole o il mito di Perseo. La mania invece è una patologia più o meno grave che ha a che vedere con i disturbi psichici che si alterna tra stati depressivi e maniacali. I sintomi del maniaco sono i seguenti (tratto da Wikipedia alla voce "mania")
Eccessivo ottimismo
Iperattività e sensazione di aumentata energia
Comportamenti sregolati e irresponsabili
Diminuzione della fame e del sonno
Idee grandiose
Eccessiva autostima
continuous flow of ideas and initiatives, so numerous that it is a set of initiatives chaotic and meaningless.
delusional intuition
No inhibitions (sexually inappropriate behaviors, risky investments)
Marked interpretatività
tendency to talk a lot more than usual

mythomania The aggravation of these symptoms is designed to be appreciated by the people or followers as a god or a hero, and as a Gnostic version Christified, or Christified, or a teacher, a logos, a cosmocrats, an avatar , a Buddha, a Christ ...
know a couple of advisers to the Gnostics, whose psychological profile fits perfectly with the painful pattern mitomaniaco, which makes breakthrough in depressed people, defeated, discontented, alienated, fearful ...
If any of my esteemed readers go to hear a lecture by a popularizer Gnostic could mark on a sheet the characteristics of manic and check every time someone recognizes the lesson Gnostic, for example, promises popular overseas, colonization Gnostic Alps, and so Gnostic saying to the evangelization of the Mediterranean and beyond. But just think all'ipercomunicazione of certain Gnostic groups which do not stop at the site, but go to the YouTube channel, Facebook, blogs etcetera writing the same rubbish trying to win as many as possible mythomaniac or losers in life. But
now I'm going to list and think about every symptom of the manic Gnostic, which is usually assumed that the charismatic leader or, you can imagine the ridiculous scenes of those who emulate these behaviors, see the various henchmen from leaders born or advisers, who arrabattano in providing a doctrine like crazy and rotten or rather samaeliana gomeziana.

Excessive optimism is the first and fundamental condition of manic Gnostic, though he felt a Gnostic priest in full frenzy of campaign promises they would feel diffusive planetary healings of incurable diseases and the like. 2

hyperactivity and a feeling of increased energy
The Gnostic leader maniac is hyperactive, always believing to be 100 x 100 strong tireless, inexhaustible and atomic, because that draws its power from the cosmos and the Logos, but especially alchemy ... 3

unruly behavior and irresponsible behavior
are the followers of which fall in love, to confuse recklessness and contempt of danger.

4 Decreased hunger and sleep
who begins to emulate the Gnostic leader mitomaniaco are the first things to look for others to see. Please sleep so much hunger for mystical reasons for fasting and frugality synonym for bitterness towards food or material things. 5 great ideas

Similar to the first point, but with reference to the goals that your groups can obtain ideas to have many followers, diffusive considerable funds for campaigns, receiving acclaim from the public etc ... Or fantastic New Year with smoke cigars and drink of schnapps to emulate his mentor and friend enemy guru, who disappointed him so much repudiating and rejecting. Excessive self-esteem

A Gnostic leader has too much self-esteem if not could not believe it has been selected or nominate to receive his body in the mysterious Logos, or could not believe his followers can read minds, enter the dreams of others, to know before things than the other etc ...
Or send messages of congratulations from "Sun King" to readers of his most painful blog o pagina Facebook etc..

7 Flusso continuo di idee e iniziative, così numerose che ne risulta un insieme di iniziative caotiche e senza senso.
Vedi per esempio qualsiasi iniziativa diffusiva, programmatica delle associazioni gnostiche, il leader manico gnostico ha sempre in testa qualche iniziativa delirante da proporre o imporre per ottenere qualcosa, le iniziative caotiche sono per esempio i seminari di musicoterapia o arteterapia che parlano di tutto forchè di musica o arte, sparando concetti inesistenti o inventati.

8 Intuizioni deliranti
È il pane quotidiano del leader gnostico mitomaniaco.

Assenza di freni inibitori (comportamenti sessualmente sconvenienti, investimenti azzardati)
inappropriate sexual behavior is more precisely the so-called AZF The mysterious alchemy or what ever is not to ejaculate for life.
such investments are risky to the bank to borrow money when you do not have the means to pay them, and ask the right and left money to pay off debts.

March 9 interpretatività
The life of the Gnostic is based on this principle of hyper-interpretatività of themselves (at best), leading to the slander and paradoxical when it is directed to the other, branded as intimoritori or the like. 10

tendency to talk a lot more than usual
Well how about three hours of public lecture or seven hours of second room with a sermon of two hours?

Aggression When the Gnostic leader mitomaniaco was discovered in his delirium, go to the dark side of his delusion by showing what he really in the heart, that is hatred for those who are normal, not manic depressive, trying to intimidate him by saying that is more evil of the devil, or raising his voice to do what you feel is inappropriate to conduct a civil conversation between people. The Gnostic mythomaniac Leader expresses aggression whenever he talks about his cunning dialectical exadepti trying to intimidate the other followers not to emulate them.

Wikipedia has listed only 11 but there could be other characteristics of the manic Gnostic. Imagine if the charismatic leader and Gnostic mitomaniaco noticed that it has been discovered, studied, cataloged, stored and which has been classified as a normal pathological liar suffered from a bipolar mitomaniaco?

On this occasion I wish all a good 2011, full of smiles, good luck and happiness!


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