Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can You Get A Football Helmet On Poptropica?


Io c'ero!

Basterebbero solo queste due parole per far capire cosa ho provato agli altri 4999 (fonte TG5: oltre 5000!) che erano lì con me.
Ma vorrei fare di più. Mi piacerebbe trasmettere una piccola parte della gioia che ho provato sabato e domenica.

La prima emozione e' stata vedere in autostrada ben 2 cartelli luminosi indicare l'uscita Cesena Ippodromo per il WOODSTOCK 5 STELLE! Spero che il dipendente della società Autostrade che ha scritto il messaggio non sia già fired!

Then a succession of meetings with people on FB or only seen in newspapers, other views of months ago in Bologna to Rai for a night, others never seen. But all were united by a sense of fulfillment, joy and liberation. If there were a number of "Geiger counter" to measure happiness, Saturday and Sunday, the needle would be broken ... out of scale.

I would say to all those who accuse the Stars 5 Movement and its supporters to be demagogues, enrolled in a cult, violent squads one thing:
perhaps we will be all that you say. But one thing is' certain, our hope a true change will not be tarnished in any way by your accusations that I think only betray surprise and fear. Do not be afraid to be happy. You begin to hope and help to increase the likelihood that these hopes come true.

Something is happening. Vedelago and 'already a great little example. The 500 thousand votes taken in 5 regions in the regional elections is another example.

I do not know if we can clean up the Parliament, to send home the dirty and corrupt caste, to return a bit 'of justice to the country of our children.

Tomorrow I prefer to be sad not to be able to regret for not having even tried!

A hug to all the 120 thousand physically present and that there were 5 million over the network.


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