Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Tell If You Have Mucus In Stool

Avventura di un dentista

1965, Elem Klimov.

Farò una specie di fotoracconto di questo film, commedia divertente, carica di messaggi certamente "sovietici" ma anche di tanti altri molto critici verso il regime stesso, prudentemente e intelligentemente velati.

Prima però alcuni brevi cenni storici. In 1965, China was much more active in terms of cruel and oppressive communism, where he was starting up the famous Cultural Revolution, which is implemented in 1966. In the Soviet Union was in a transitional period, say, with Brezhnev at the summit for a year (after the conspiracy that overthrew Khrushchev ), initially more concerned to establish spheres of influence in the countries of the USSR Pact Warsaw that of domestic issues, long seen and saw what happened then in 1968 and following years.

E 'in this historical context that makes Elem Klimov out the story of a dentist may extract the bad teeth without anesthesia and without so much as put hands into the mouths of patients. Become famous, everyone wants to be treated by a medical miracle, but this gift will also bring several unique problems, with colleagues who no longer work with the authorities who see him with suspicion, and more, I will not reveal everything. Do not miss a happy ending, always reveals a "healthy social life." Let's see ... But in frame

E 'immediately clear to whom we owe our good fortune to have seen it. It 'always the same: Enrico Ghezzi and its transmission overtime. I never tire of praise. Here there is the discovery of magical talent of the dentist, fresh from his studies at the first assignment. I did not understand why, but patients had the obsession of anesthesia, did not want to do. Maybe it cost too much novocaine to the regime and they wanted to propose a way to extract the tooth to be heroic? It 's just a joke for something inexplicable to me.

She is a singer, good, to which the dentist unknowingly combine trouble. He is the father of the girl, who is also the narrator on a fixed camera at times. That phrase is Epicurean and materialist, I liked it secure.

The former colleague who had accepted We have already resigned. The current partner is just going to do it, and there is impatience. She, however, that will make a strong accusation, there arises the problem of studying mica talent with him, to emulate, to understand the secret. Nothing will make up and read while he worked as a mule.

A commission in full force to evaluate the work. Our protagonist will not have the courage to face it, give up taking care of the girl-singer to accommodate, but then also stop to work as a dentist, because ... And 'the regime that oppresses the talent, he is a champion uncomfortable to bear on the tracks. It 'funny but also very heavy situation as well as heavy criticism for a bureaucracy that is ill-digested someone who can do more than due, because it neither sees as a factor in the benefit and progress but as a potential cause of disorder and ungovernable. It 's a key moment.

What do you want, the party that I love more than any other ... I could not omit this frame!

Here I widened his eyes. A celebration of young people dancing modern dances that define, with caution, Western. Sure did not dance the dance of the desert with the balalaika!

The Soviet Union, even in the days of Lenin, was the first nation in the world to recognize equal rights to women than men, as well as having read, performed, for divorce, aborto, istruzione e sanità pubblica e per tutti. Parole di Joseph Roth, le cito a memoria da "Viaggio in Russia", libro che però ora non sono in grado di consultare. Nonostante ciò quell'amaro destino che accomuna le donne di tutto il pianeta non è stato del tutto debellato nemmeno lì (d'altronde lo spirito della Rivoluzione d'Ottobre era ben lontano), vista l'affermazione della ragazza, che proseguirà nel concetto. Una stoccata di Klimov al regime, da fiorettista, netta e precisa senza inutili affondi al bersaglio.

Curiosità filmica. I 2 giovani passeggiano ed invece di esserci una voce fuori campo a narrarci i loro pensieri e sentimenti ci sono captions that run in the background. I had never seen a similar device.

fact, there is science and talent, nothing else.

Even those who do not have the courage to speak for what it is capable, as opposed to a state apparatus to do so obtuse and ignorant before they worried about the power of well-being, Klimov is tender. Powerful and precise message, another jab, this time addressed to each individual man. Woe to hide behind the excuse "it is their fault! If you can do something that is good for the community it is our duty to do so, and that's it. This and the next frame speak for themselves.

Curious. Only recently I saw a movie by Antonioni, "The vanquished " which talks about a teen who were children during the last great war. Here is the dentist's family speculates that as the cause of his current depression.

E becchiamoci pistolotto that too! But how true this thing, I challenge anyone to disprove it. We are always in the long rampognone fact that the dentist has given, has failed to respond after the visit of the committee. Continues in the next frame, a speech was a corollary.

Finale divertente e solutivo. E' una foto. Tutto quello che c'è dietro lo lascio scoprire con la visione.

Che posso dire di Klimov se non che l'adoro? Altro Olimpo, non c'è niente da fare, è un genio e se lo merita tutto.

p.s.: un caloroso grazie all'amico Frank che mi ha aiutato a trovare la locandina!


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