take advantage of an article by Marco Travaglio, as was in the air trying to find, unsuccessfully, to Gianfranco Fini of the justifications for its LATE REPENTANCE, for share with the readers of this blog for my opinion about its activities and Fini 'politics of the last 16 years.
I believe that good to explain my point of view Just copy is below my comment FarePassato Article published today in the daily act.
Dear Mark, after a while 'total years of sharing your opinions, I must say clearly that this time you do not share this article.
It 'obvious that the "active repentance" Fini is better than the perpetuation of the crap that you and' guilty in 16 years 'servitude' to the worst political world history may include: Silvio Berlusconi. Pero 'I can not think of repentance so that this' is just a belated move instrument aimed at achieving an objective, after having stressed le malefatte, sostituirsi al capo nel momento in cui e’ piu’ debole.
No mi dispiace caro Marco. Non sono disposto a fare sconti a Fini. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che per anni ci ha massacrato i testicoli con le storie dei giudici che perseguitano il caimano. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che con il suo sostegno ha dato forza al governo piu’ nefando che l’Italia ricordi. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che ha contribuito a distruggere quello che rimaneva di una democrazia in fin di vita.
Fini per me e’ quasi peggiore di Berlusconi se cio’ fosse possibile. Il Caimano almeno e’ sempre stato coerente. Ha messo in atto tutte le strategie per evitare la galera e la bancarotta. Fini invece and 'was his servant for 16 years and then' realized it was wrong? And yet you say loyal to the government and did not vote of no confidence against Caliendo 'cause does not have the strength and independence to walk alone? Vaffxxxulo dear Fini. Sorry. For me, until personal risk for your choices declared so brave, you are almost worse than SuperSilvio!
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