Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shooting At Night With High Iso

Natural rights of children

Vorrei far "pubblicità" a questo  bellissimo sito che parla dei diritti naturali dei bambini scritti da Gianfranco Zavalloni.
Li elenco qui di seguito corredati dai disegni accattivanti of Vittorio Belli although reference to the site itself "The natural rights of children " the description of each.

1 - Right to leisure

2 - Right to dirty
3 - Right to odors
4 - Right to dialogue
5 - Rights to use hands
6 - Right to a good start
7 - Right to road
8 - Right to wild
9 - Right to silence
10 - Right to the nuances

Mount And Blade Item Limit


take advantage of an article by Marco Travaglio, as was in the air trying to find, unsuccessfully, to Gianfranco Fini of the justifications for its LATE REPENTANCE, for share with the readers of this blog for my opinion about its activities and Fini 'politics of the last 16 years.

I believe that good to explain my point of view Just copy is below my comment FarePassato Article published today in the daily act.

Dear Mark, after a while 'total years of sharing your opinions, I must say clearly that this time you do not share this article.
It 'obvious that the "active repentance" Fini is better than the perpetuation of the crap that you and' guilty in 16 years 'servitude' to the worst political world history may include: Silvio Berlusconi. Pero 'I can not think of repentance so that this' is just a belated move instrument aimed at achieving an objective, after having stressed le malefatte, sostituirsi al capo nel momento in cui e’ piu’ debole.
No mi dispiace caro Marco. Non sono disposto a fare sconti a Fini. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che per anni ci ha massacrato i testicoli con le storie dei giudici che perseguitano il caimano. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che con il suo sostegno ha dato forza al governo piu’ nefando che l’Italia ricordi. Non faccio sconti a quel Fini che ha contribuito a distruggere quello che rimaneva di una democrazia in fin di vita.
Fini per me e’ quasi peggiore di Berlusconi se cio’ fosse possibile. Il Caimano almeno e’ sempre stato coerente. Ha messo in atto tutte le strategie per evitare la galera e la bancarotta. Fini invece and 'was his servant for 16 years and then' realized it was wrong? And yet you say loyal to the government and did not vote of no confidence against Caliendo 'cause does not have the strength and independence to walk alone? Vaffxxxulo dear Fini. Sorry. For me, until personal risk for your choices declared so brave, you are almost worse than SuperSilvio!

How To Attend Car Auctions Calgary

Book Sneeze

In These days I enrolled in Book Sneeze, a site that offers books to bloggers who are willing to review them on their blogs, the site itself and on a website selling books online as, ,, or . It 'requires a comment of 200 words, not too short, to describe the review in sufficient detail, nor too long to avoid boring your readers.
My membership has been accepted and I have chosen to receive the book You Changed My Life, a collection of stories about everyday heroes, real people with a big heart (as the subtitle).

The book is in English (like all the others available), but I hope to do it and read it all,-P

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monster Energy Women Picures

Mission: Organization - Part 41 Other

www .
If you feel overwhelmed by the enormous amount of things in your life, then this mission can give you some relief. In fact, in this mission we will talk about possession.


If you feel overwhelmed is very likely that there are "Types" of disorder accumulation that will choke and stressed out. Take a look around and individuateli.
Here are some examples:

  • COLLECTIONS: If you collect something - stamps, owls, etc.. - And gives you joy then all OK. But if your collection does not give you any more satisfaction if you should ask yourself to get rid of. Freeing space and mental energy you can concentrate on something more interesting.
  • HOBBIES: just because you spent a fortune on material for scrapbooking, tools for the do-it-yourself does not mean you have to keep all these things even when your interest has waned. Instead donated the material to someone who could make better use .
  • CABINETS WITH DIFFERENT SIZES OF CLOTHING : if your weight has changed significantly, then it is likely to be reluctant to throw away old clothes - might still serving. While keeping everything in the closet is added stress and confusion to the daily routine. If you feel removed all the clothes with sizes different from today's. Otherwise, keep a few best animals for each size and donate the rest. Keep these items in a cardboard box in a box for 6 months - after this period if you have not had the need to draw these clothes, donateli.
  • THE PAST: keep still things that belonged to your parents or old toys or books when you were a child at school? Keep some souvenirs is a great way to honor your memories . But if kept too much of the past the this will be too crowded with objects. It 's time to say goodbye then to most things. If you need emotional support, ask a close friend to stay there.
  • THE FUTURE: keep the material for a project , trip, career change you have planned since the early 80 is not the best way to maximize your space. If you are the people who keep things because they "could be useful in future " began to wonder if this is the case of living today. You can always get back the things you need when you are truly ready. And the mere act of making space could be open to new ideas.

STEP 2: Take Action (15 minutes)

Now that you have identified the blocks to eliminate clutter, go immediately into action to remove them - until your resolve is strong!
Depending on the amount of things to delete and the time required , take the following actions:
  • Wrap everything in a box and put it in the trash in (if you want to delete) in garage (if it is from store for short periods) or machine (if you donate)
  • Make a call, and give everything to someone who might be interested (a friend, a buyer who is interested, etc.)
will not be surprised to find that the mission will free up space and reduce stress . But it is possible that you will cover unexpected burst of energy when che vi libererete delle vostre collezioni ed oggetti non utilizzati.

  • Non concentratevi sul costo al momento di decidere se si desidera mantenere qualcosa. Tenete le cose perché vi servono o perché le amate non in base al loro costo. Piuttosto che regalarle, vendete le cose che pensate abbiano valore, in questo modo vi sentirete meno in colpa.
  • Accettate il fatto che questi oggetti appartengono ad un vecchio senso di identità . Cercate l'aiuto di un amico per supportarvi se ne avete bisogno.

Se avete più tempo:
  • completate la missione con la vostra famiglia . Aiutatevi l'un l'altro nel scegliere e abbandonare cose che non fanno più parte della vostra vita di tutti i giorni.

Ora che avete tutte le istruzioni, potete iniziare. Ricordate che la missione deve durare 30 minuti: potete misurarli con questo timer .
Muovetevi velocemente, agite e non pensateci su troppo!

Buona missione.