1. Check if the roof of the property (or you can use to at least 20 years) is exposed properly: it must look to the south, but it's OK to Southeast or Southwest.
2. Check the real sqm available without shadows caused by nearby buildings, antennae, chimneys or other.
3. Calculated by studying the bills, your annual consumption in kWh. Knowing that in Italy we have an index of insolation of about 1100 (up to 1500 rooms in Sicily), size the system so as to have the peak power such that multiplied by 1100 gives the total annual energy consumption. If, for example, have an annual consumption of 2000Kwh, then will be sufficient to plant a 2Kwp (kW peak).
4. To relate the peak power required by the space available, remembering that with the current panel, you get about every 1kWp 8mq. If you have an available surface area much larger than what comes out of this calculation, you can evaluate using amorphous silicon panels that have worsened (serving an area about twice a Kwp) but cost less. For desperate cases (very small roof) panels are much more efficient (for 1kWp 5 sq.m.), but obviously more expensive.
5. Find a reliable supplier and competitive terms of product quality, service and price. Currently, prices (down) are around 4000-5000 Euro / kWp, keys in hand. Ask at least three quotes and choose based on best value for money, and trust that the supplier will be able to give you.
6. Locate, once you get a cost estimate, a bank that makes you a soft loan. On the site of GSE there is a huge list of banks with these characteristics.
7. Ask the bank between the conditions of the loan to start paying the installments after one year. This point is not essential, but useful if you really do not want to anticipate anything. In fact, considering the time since death one in which delivery of the first transfers are perceived by the GSE (not less than 6 months) so you can have the system running without paying anything until you have received from the first GSE money to pay the monthly installments . Find more details on this point, in a post published previously .
8. Ask the supplier news about the formalities to get the necessary permits and possibly private office building of the municipality. The rules change a lot from municipality to municipality. For some it is enough to present a simple form or Login Declaration (DIA). In others, unfortunately Vigevano, but requires a lot more documents such as landscape authorization etc. This process can be quite time consuming and even the desire to install the system ... but if you're reading this post you are stubborn, so come on!
9. After you have understood all the details of the above and the procedures referred to in paragraph 8, you can launch itself into.
10. After 2 months of installation, when the system will be put online and then begin to produce, you will feel a great satisfaction. Know that the best months of the year, for obvious reasons, are those that go from April to September. So should act in advance and start the whole process so you get to have the system connected to April. To experience so start no later than February, March. If it later, never mind .... Only a few months of wasting good sun ... but never mind, think of all the beautiful month of all the years you've lived so far without YOUR SYSTEM!!
Good luck ... and good sun!