Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can You Get A Football Helmet On Poptropica?


Io c'ero!

Basterebbero solo queste due parole per far capire cosa ho provato agli altri 4999 (fonte TG5: oltre 5000!) che erano lì con me.
Ma vorrei fare di più. Mi piacerebbe trasmettere una piccola parte della gioia che ho provato sabato e domenica.

La prima emozione e' stata vedere in autostrada ben 2 cartelli luminosi indicare l'uscita Cesena Ippodromo per il WOODSTOCK 5 STELLE! Spero che il dipendente della società Autostrade che ha scritto il messaggio non sia già fired!

Then a succession of meetings with people on FB or only seen in newspapers, other views of months ago in Bologna to Rai for a night, others never seen. But all were united by a sense of fulfillment, joy and liberation. If there were a number of "Geiger counter" to measure happiness, Saturday and Sunday, the needle would be broken ... out of scale.

I would say to all those who accuse the Stars 5 Movement and its supporters to be demagogues, enrolled in a cult, violent squads one thing:
perhaps we will be all that you say. But one thing is' certain, our hope a true change will not be tarnished in any way by your accusations that I think only betray surprise and fear. Do not be afraid to be happy. You begin to hope and help to increase the likelihood that these hopes come true.

Something is happening. Vedelago and 'already a great little example. The 500 thousand votes taken in 5 regions in the regional elections is another example.

I do not know if we can clean up the Parliament, to send home the dirty and corrupt caste, to return a bit 'of justice to the country of our children.

Tomorrow I prefer to be sad not to be able to regret for not having even tried!

A hug to all the 120 thousand physically present and that there were 5 million over the network.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Is Groin Pain A Sign Of A Tubal Pregnancy

Mission: Organization - Part 42


Capita che la vita vi chieda troppo, che continuiate a correre di qua e di là per far fronte a tanti impegni  e committees. It happens in these cases that people get out of control , overwhelmed by the duties one thousand.
This mission will help to limit these duties .

To make the most of the mission 30 minutes need to focus on the commitments that will steal your time - activities that do not you have consciously chosen to do.
Review your plans and commitments identified insidious killers of the time.
Here are the most popular:

  • the ninja " are popular "If you take appointments for a happy hour, coffee, shopping for an exit only to be part of a group , then ask yourself if this is time well spent. If you enjoy these activities and then continue after you feel recharged. Otherwise, avoid them.
  • the ninja " pleasure I want you" means, unless you tell us of the commitments that will be proposed only because not want to displease others then you are a victim of this ninja. If you want to make your life easier , you can not say no ! Say it politely, without irritating the people, explaining the reasons, but you should definitely say NO!
  • the ninja " Parent compensator "parents sometimes fall into the perform a task instead of their children - how to clean their rooms, wash their clothes, do their homework, etc.. - Even if the children are large enough to be able to do alone. Let these activities are undertaken by people who actually holds the responsibility!
  • the ninja " Perfectionism " ninja when you are a victim of this, every day you lose a lot of time cooking delicious lunches and dinners, the silverware polished to perfection, hand-cleaning clothes that could easily go in the washing machine, etc.. No wonder then that you too to do every day. This perfectionism in doing things takes time, your time. Ask yourself if it is really worth.
Now that you have identified your ninja is time to reverse the situation and make your life easier by removing these ninja.
Take a look at your programs and your ninja time.
Here are some ideas to kill them.

If you have to do an errand for others
  • declined 's invite existing and imagine to say no when there were more in the future.
  • to other commitments expire, immediately notify inability to complete the commission. Say you have other commitments but not with explanations dilungatevi
If it is not a commission but involves other people:
  • advised that due to other responsibilities are unable to perform the task
  • sit with your family and talk about the problem, explain that you want to focus on other things and other pseudo-activities can be carried out by other family members
  • be prepared to give advice, be proactive
If no else is involved:
  • a ritual habits that can help you stop your perfectionism makes it tough. For example, say goodbye to an activity, thank them for being part of your life, but now you no longer need.
  • not lose sight of the fact that the time is life. Think about how you use your time and what value you give
  • Focus on benefits - a life easier and happier relationships - which may result from the elimination of ninja
If you have more than 30 minutes you can:
  • complete this mission with your family. Share your experiences and ninja time-wasting to each component. Try with a strategy to eliminate
  • completed the mission with a trusted friend.
To help execute the mission within 30 minutes found here the timer.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Slight Pain In Neck Below Left Ear

What a nice surprise

Today I came home from work and found an envelope in the mailbox ... What is it? I said to myself. Do not expect books from BookMooch ...
Quando l'ho aperto ho trovato una bella sorpresa: ecco il libro di BookSneeze, vi ricordate?, ne avevo parlato  qui , scegliendo un libro e promettendo una recensione sul blog e sul sito avrei potuto avere il libro gratuitamente. A dire la verità non ci credevo molto ed invece è arrivato proprio oggi, nuovo di pacca, direttamente dall'America!
Che bello! Inizierò subito a leggerlo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fingerboard Completes


Eduard Munch - the sick child

In the history of comedy rarely touching the heights that has touched my a reader commenting on my post.
today's article is dedicated to his commentary on "gnosis samaeliana" carry over nicely and my answer, good reading:

Ciao; comprendo molti aspetti di quanto scrivi, e li ritengo in parte condivisibili. Tuttavia conosco approfonditamente i gruppi gnostici di seconda camera; a parte un certo rincoglionimento, non ho mai assistito a lavaggi del cervello (salvo rari casi).

Quindi ho l'impressione che in fondo tu abbia avuto qualche problema con qualcuno... (dentino avvelenato)

Sono d'accordo sul fatto che i rituali paramassonici creano uno stato di coscienza ricettivo (alfa), che rende facile una riprogrammazione neuro linguistica, come d'altronde anche il cinema, lo stadio e altre attività... questa "debolezza" dell'essere umano è stata scoperta, non inventata. Vuol dire che ogni persona è more or less stoned on something, even if not enrolled in a sect pseudognostica.
also to study a difficult text, change the state of consciousness. Even the boys who study with metal music on headphones, they do it mechanically to obtain a different state of mind.

On the ego: the problem of dual mechanism is common to Taoism, Buddhism, and the Psychosynthesis Assagioli even jung. It depends on how you want to call, but in the last thirty years many people in the world have found evidence of an ego EVIL, a contrast to the inspiration, intuition and soul (of whatever it is). So at most we can say that you love Gomez plagiarism, but there objective is to defend the ego.

about sex: I would say as above. The fact that many streets in the history of mystical or esoteric to have engaged in the retention and reabsorption of the semen is information available to everyone, and perfectly justifiable.
So even in this case, we can say that is not new, or is dealt with superficially, but not sure it's a crazy invention of Gomez.

I do it for a long time, and I have no problem (even a cold ...). So
issue closed.

Hello hello


My response: Thanks

gommendado you drink my bost ... While

leggevo il tuo commento, mi dicevo, ooooo ecco uno che scrive con un criterio, anche se di parte... ma poi sei scaduto nel raffreddore...
Sai perché ogni volta che uno gnostico parla dei benefici del trattenere il seme porta come esempio la "straordinaria" resistenza al raffreddore? Forse perché è l'unica cosa che non può essere verificata con rilevanza scientifica!
Capirei se mi dicessi che hai costruito i corpi solari, uscito in corpo astrale, parlato con Melchisedech etc... Ma non lo fai perché non esiste nulla di tutto ciò se non nella mente di qualche personaggio con disturbi bipolari.
Per quanto riguarda il mio dente avvelenato le risate sono l'antidoto che produco da quando scrivo questo blog, infatti mi arrivano certe lettere bellissime di fanatici privi di raffreddore che non ne hai un'idea...
Mi fa piacere che ammetti di aver assistito a casi di lavaggi del cervello, avvalorando il potenziale pericolo di alcuni divulgatori gnostici. Per quanto riguarda i lavaggi del cervello mediatici ti do completa ragione ma non sono per niente confrontabili ad un sacerdote gnostico che ha il potere di "consigliare" e gestire la vita intima dei suoi adepti.
Non difendo l'ego e non difendo il male, quello che faccio credo sia chiaro anche al più agguerrito dei fanatici gnostici.

La questione non è chiusa in quanto nessuno e tantomeno i sacerdoti gnostici o divulgatori possono portare a sosetegno delle tesi bislacche del Gomez nessun tipo di prova tantomeno cures or even mental clarity, taking into account that they claim that on Mars or on Ganymede there is a million times more advanced civilization than ours.
If you do not seem ridiculous to believe in something or someone who has not proven beyond intelligible what he says? And if someone has a cold for 2 years that's strange? Do not you think that even those who practice normal sexual activity can be healthy and not cool? A

bresdo Uncooled friend ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cheapest Smokeless Tobacco

Who is the devil?

Who is the devil?

realizing where you are wrong because you think it is very difficult to always be right, we becomes convinced of his own way and exclusive as the way out, not understanding what the most confusing is the right way up the road with the gravel ... This is where you start to get confused just where you thought to recognize the road, where you thought to be an expert in riconsocere signals and signs. Now just you, you and those who follow you, except that they are unaware of your full loss, and you try to convince you and others to be right.

In these months since I published this blog I get some letters from anonymous readers who are not so anonymous, which remind me of the Law of Karma, and any other nonsense about my work information about the gnostic doctrine, calling in case the gods, deities, spirits, etc ... Giving me the magician's black, gray, etc ... Intimoritore and everything else, I know for sure that the people who are the subject of empty talk is terribly frightened, frightened people from their leader (which is also afraid of himself and his own psyche ungovernable) people terrified of his own feelings and self-doubt .
Curious people will attempt to steal more information than what I already wrote, while others put their trust by giving support to my blog.
There is a desire to empower themselves, to take courage and get out of Gnostic groups and this is palpable coercizzanti reading some of your letters.
But what makes a man a man? The decision and self-determination, the understanding that the path along which you are invested everything, feelings, economies, and the spirit was wrong, phony "acrylic". Here lies the point, realize that you can do can get out of a Gnostic group and you can live without the guilt created by the Ad Hoc Gnostic doctrine to subjugate the minds of followers. You can leave the vortex of the cult if you understand that they were used and if you understand that the values \u200b\u200bhave changed slowly, to make those values \u200b\u200bpart of their daily lives and intimate.
You can say NO, this thing does not belong to me as a person does not belong to any balanced, healthy and free, we can say NO to the override of his own psyche to find the strength a mistake, not just a feeling, a feeling or not provided, we can say NO to the imposition of rules and precepts that lead to nothing if not self-harm or psychological abuse inflicted by the sectarian context.
The leader has no power, does not know anything more than what you yourself tell him in confidence, has no mental faculties than that of conditioning, and especially not your friend because at the first sign of awareness about yourself and the situation becomes an enemy that you are including a "devil" because it does not really know nothing about and frightened as you are to get relief. In the delirium of the hypothetical leader is the devil, would be seen as such because it ha potere, ha potere nelle menti di chi crede in lui, non nelle persone libere e sane ed equilibrate.
Quanto sarebbe spaventato il tuo leader se avessi le registrazioni delle seconde camere, dei colloqui privati con lui e con il resto del gruppo? Quanto sarebbe poco divino il tuo leader se venisse a sapere che tu hai la registrazione di un colloquio nel quale afferma di curare malattie dando ricette?
Quante ore di mp3 possono stare in un DVD? E quante seconde camere, luogo "luminoso" nel quale si parla solo di dio possono essere registrate quando l'interessato delle calunnie da parte del sacerdote è assente?
Ore e ore di sermoni, rituali, iniziazioni e tante preziose chicche da centellinare e trascrivere con il tempo e la pazienza.
Who is the devil?